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Thread: The Post-Byrne positivity thread

  1. #1

    Default The Post-Byrne positivity thread

    Some points raised on another thread got me thinking about what I consider essential AF after Byrne, so I put it to all of you:

    What are YOUR top 5 non-Byrne Alpha Flight elements?

    It can be story-arcs, single panels, character development/detail/changes or even new characters themselves, be it in the pages of an AF title or elsewhere.

    All I want is positive opinions, so if someone likes something that you don't, lets just leave it at that; let's assume that everything written is prefaced with IMO and see what comes out of it.

  2. #2


    One item for me was the change in appearance for Box. I never really liked the Byrne aesthetic which always reminded me of a robot gorilla. Instead when armor changed I thought to myself "he looks awesome!"

  3. #3
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Judd defending baby Zusha Yu. I could see justifiable self-defense, in that case, given the hint of a lethal backstory.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  4. #4


    Here are things I thought were fun:
    1) Box's new look - Agreed with PWalk, if I had the ability to build myself into a robot, I'd make it transformers-like and sort of sexy rather than boxy.
    2) Manikin - I know I'm a minority here, but sort of liked him, especially after he could only select one of his kin at a time instead of all four at the same time
    3) Evolution of Laura Dean to Pathway - liked how she appear to have grown, got a costume, a code name, etc
    4) I also liked how the team went to 3 members, and then grew back enough to split the team to alpha and beta divisions

  5. #5
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    All I want is positive opinions, so if someone likes something that you don't, lets just leave it at that...
    SECONDED! (Please, people, make a note of that before posting... nothing personal here, it's just the kind of thing people tend to skim over online.)
    Phil, you didn't give us your choices.

    Quote Originally Posted by PWalk View Post
    One item for me was the change in appearance for Box.
    Agreed. I was gonna volunteer this example.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sypes View Post
    2) Manikin - I know I'm a minority here, but sort of liked him, especially after he could only select one of his kin at a time instead of all four at the same time
    3) Evolution of Laura Dean to Pathway - liked how she appear to have grown, got a costume, a code name, etc
    I was considering putting in Manikin, and was definitely going to put in Laura Dean and Pathway.

    Also, Dreamqueen.

    ~ Le Messor
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  6. #6


    OK, things I liked, post-Byrne, in the AF world, off the top of my noggin:

    - Volume II. Sorry, I LIKED it! No, it wasn't a classic superhero tale, but it sure had me riveted when i read it. I do think it was brilliant writing. I especially like when the kids commandeer the jeep and go off to the restaurant and meet up with Mesmero, that was AWESOME!
    - Yukon Jack - As i have stated many times before, I think he was a great character, and am really sorry nobody is using him. He reminds me of classic Thor, classic Sub-Mariner ("Imperious Rex!"), this dude who thinks he is a god and so is all cocky and stuff. Great, great character.
    - Chaos War one-shot, where McCann writes our heroes being reunited with the dead. Those few short scenes were worth all the pain Bendis caused (hate to admit that). And even the artwork for those panels, simplistic though it was, captured the mood perfectly. The genuine joy they shared on being reunited, and the concern for where Puck was; very touching.
    - Kara kidnapping Northstar. Best teen crush story ever told in comics.
    - Norma Osborne being outwitted by Aurora's multiple personalities.
    - The Wolverine issues where he goes after Wild Child, when Heather gets hurt by him. For some reason, i cannot recall which issues these are...
    Last edited by Flightpath07; 09-17-2012 at 07:53 PM.
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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    - The Wolverine issues where he goes after Wild Child, when Heather gets hurt by him. For some reason, i cannot recall which issues these are...
    Marvel Comics Presents 51 Jun 1990
    Marvel Comics Presents 52 Jun 1990
    Marvel Comics Presents 53 Jul 1990
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    Marvel Comics Presents 51 Jun 1990
    Marvel Comics Presents 52 Jun 1990
    Marvel Comics Presents 53 Jul 1990
    Thanks Rob!
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  9. #9
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    - Volume II. Sorry, I LIKED it!
    Don't apologise; it's your tastes. I'm pretty sure others here liked it, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    - Yukon Jack - As i have stated many times before, I think he was a great character, and am really sorry nobody is using him. He reminds me of classic Thor, classic Sub-Mariner ("Imperious Rex!"), this dude who thinks he is a god and so is all cocky and stuff. Great, great character.
    Now that you put it that way, I'm beginning to see why you like him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    - Kara kidnapping Northstar. Best teen crush story ever told in comics.
    Love it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    - Norma Osborne being outwitted by Aurora's multiple personalities.
    I suspect you mean Norman here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    - The Wolverine issues where he goes after Wild Child, when Heather gets hurt by him. For some reason, i cannot recall which issues these are...
    MC--- mutts. Rob beat me to it.

    ~ Le Messor
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  10. #10


    5 Things from the post-Byrne era:

    1) Persuasion - Absolutely loved this character, since her first appearance. Early on, she reminded me of Kitty Pride when she first joined X-Men. She was one of the few characters that I really thought was given the chance to grow and develop. Really hope she returns somewhere... whether as a hero or a rebel, I don't care.
    2) Earthmover - Great potential for this character... would be a great addition to any book.
    3) Mansion Alpha - One of the first things I truly liked after Byrne left the series. Away from the Government, huge mansion, secret sub-levels... where else have I seen that ?
    4) Windshear - Really enjoyed this character, had a unique power in the Marvel Universe, lots of potential for back story arcs.
    5) Bedlam - Absolutely one of the creepiest villains I've seen. Very powerful, very psychotic... thought he could be a real bada$$ that could appear from time to time and cause real havoc.
    The Flight Forever !

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Phil, you didn't give us your choices.
    I'm currently a few weeks into re-reading everything and I've just got past Mantlo's last issue, so I'll chime in soon enough when I'm done.

  12. #12


    Now that you put it that way, I'm beginning to see why you like him.
    As I've also said before, I'd love to see the comedic element of him chasing Snowbird around, calling her his "wife" and telling her to come make little godlings with him, and her telling him to "stop calling me your wife!" and being just disgusted by him. Again, i know there are host of those who'd rather let everything Volume III die, but the comedy aspect of this would be a real tension-reliever in an ongoing AF book.

    I suspect you mean Norman here.
    Well, unless Norman Osborne follows Langkowski's lead and becomes a "Wanda", yes.

    Bedlam - Absolutely one of the creepiest villains I've seen. Very powerful, very psychotic... thought he could be a real bada$$ that could appear from time to time and cause real havoc.
    Thank you, Alphan East! I had forgotten about Bedlam, and I was racking my poor little brain, trying to remember what it was around that time-frame that i liked...

    Totally agree with you on the "creepy" part.

    As for Windshear, i always enjoyed him as (A) a seemingly (in my eyes, anyways)reluctant hero, and (B) a great mentor and teacher for the younger heroes.

    Earthmover? Yes, good potential as well. In my mind, i have always expanded his power-set of earth-based powers to include teleportation (as long as he and others are touching terra firma) and calling upon the dead buried near him to aid him or speak with him. Adds a bit of creepiness to him, as well?
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  13. #13
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I'm currently a few weeks into re-reading everything and I've just got past Mantlo's last issue, so I'll chime in soon enough when I'm done.
    Cool! Enjoy!

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Earthmover? Yes, good potential as well. In my mind, i have always expanded his power-set of earth-based powers to include teleportation (as long as he and others are touching terra firma) and calling upon the dead buried near him to aid him or speak with him. Adds a bit of creepiness to him, as well?
    It's been a looooooong time since I've read his issues, but... he's an earth bender? I didn't think much of his name as anything other than something vaguely mystical.
    I've always thought of him as a sort of Shaman's apprentice.

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  14. #14


    Alpha lived after Byrne? I'm still waiting for issue 29 to come out.

    Seriously, though, I have read next to no AF since he left the title. I did enjoy the last series, with a couple reservations. I thought it was a ginormous step in the right direction of getting a regular series off the ground. The Jimenez covers were awful purty.

  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Maxwell View Post
    Alpha lived after Byrne? I'm still waiting for issue 29 to come out.

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