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Thread: Snowbird in Incredible Hercules #117???

  1. #136


    Well, I have to say that I really enjoyed the Snowbird appearance, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the arc.

    However, the Michael Pointer stuff made no sense. None. Whatsoever. I mean, Snowbird's reactions were dead on, and perfect... but there's no way in h-e-double hockey sticks that anyone at H would send POINTER to recruit a former Alphan. It makes no sense, from a logic perspective.

    From a storytelling perspective, it works beautifully in showcasing Birdie as a formidable character worthy of great respect. But it still had me shaking my head going "They'd never send Pointer on an assignment like that."

    Off-topc: Does anyone know if the Wikipedia article on Alpha Flight has an accurate list of the casualties from The Collective incident?

  2. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by DMK
    Well, I have to say that I really enjoyed the Snowbird appearance, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the arc.

    However, the Michael Pointer stuff made no sense. None. Whatsoever. I mean, Snowbird's reactions were dead on, and perfect... but there's no way in h-e-double hockey sticks that anyone at H would send POINTER to recruit a former Alphan. It makes no sense, from a logic perspective.

    From a storytelling perspective, it works beautifully in showcasing Birdie as a formidable character worthy of great respect. But it still had me shaking my head going "They'd never send Pointer on an assignment like that."

    Off-topc: Does anyone know if the Wikipedia article on Alpha Flight has an accurate list of the casualties from The Collective incident?
    Wiki is as accurate as the people who edit it (meaning anyone on the planet)...It can be subjective. We don't even know who in Alpha is really dead from the Collective incident. Sasquatch stated he was the only survivor, but he and/or Alpha may have been Skrulls, they may have been temporal copies...or maybe a few survived and are comatose (please let Heather and Puck be alive and in comas...Please, please, please!)


  3. #138
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fred Van Lente
    Also, in iHerc #117, I accidentally said Amatsu-Mikaboshi was the "August Star of Morning" instead of the "August Star of Heaven"...
    I had noticed that a Japanese god of evil was the morning star, while the Christian devil used to be the angel of the morning star. That would've been interesting...

    Fred, I love what you've done with the place! You're showing Birdy as a character worthy of respect, even to the point where Hercules (it's a very cold morning; I typed Ferculese) is deferring to her, and kinda flirting with her.

    As to your 'she would've aged really fast'; that ties in so well with the original character! She was six years old the first time Heather met her (and presumably about UXM #120). I'm not used to such subtle knowledge from writers.

    Thank you, and keep it up!

    - Le Messor
    "Just call me angel of the morning, angel."
    - Juice Newton

  4. #139
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Logic? Sense? Reason? Have you got the wrong characters

    Quote Originally Posted by DMK
    ...However, the Michael Pointer stuff made no sense. None. Whatsoever. I mean, Snowbird's reactions were dead on, and perfect... but there's no way in h-e-double hockey sticks that anyone at H would send POINTER to recruit a former Alphan. It makes no sense, from a logic perspective.

    From a storytelling perspective, it works beautifully in showcasing Birdie as a formidable character worthy of great respect. But it still had me shaking my head going "They'd never send Pointer on an assignment like that."
    (1) Putting Michael Pointer---the man who supposedly wiped out Alpha Flight---in a "Guardian" suit, thereby insinuating Pointer is Canada's signature superhero, is ludicrous. Anybody with half a brain would know not to do that.

    (2) Not notifying "next-of-kin" that something happened to Alpha Flight is just beyond belief: (a) Heather's parents and siblings should have been told; (b) Aurora and Northstar should have been told; (c) Chuck Moss, as Shaman's protege, should have been told, and; (d) any relative(s) of Major Mapleleaf should have been told. Brown kept track of Yukon Jack---Yukon Jack !---but not the other Alphans? "You gotta be kiddin' me."

    (3) Pointer hasn't caught any bad guys in the 8 months of MCP (I know # 9 is out, saw it yesterday, haven't gotten it, yet), and Pointer doesn't look like he's going to be a prime protector of Canada because Brown isn't in control of his clandestine operation anyway. Turning Department H into a warehouse for Pointer's power-siphoning helps Canada how, exactly?

    The nonsense factor runs deep. I think this Department H would have the audacity to send Pointer to recruit Snowbird. It sent Sasquatch alone to fight four Asgardian-powered bad-guys (the Wrecking Crew); it used Arachne and Sasquatch to round up illegal metahumans to be fodder for Pointer; it doesn't seem to care that Tentakill is still on the loose; it doesn't seem to be doing anything that anyone with half a brain could reasonably say is helping Canada.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  5. #140


    Well said.


  6. #141


    it doesn't seem to be doing anything that anyone with half a brain could reasonably say is helping Canada.
    Sounds like Marvel - half a brain.
    [ ooo, did i say that aloud? ]
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  7. #142
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Default Re: Logic? Sense? Reason? Have you got the wrong characters

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan
    I think this Department H would have the audacity to send Pointer to recruit Snowbird. It sent Sasquatch alone to fight four Asgardian-powered bad-guys (the Wrecking Crew);
    I just bought the Omega trade yesterday, and have hence just re-read that bit (although the whole thing feels different to my first reads). I'm going to do a little bit of devilish advocacy:
    They didn't send him, he went on his own, which annoyed / scared Agent Brown.

    - Le Messor
    "Finagle’s Law: The perversity of the universe tends toward a maximum."

  8. #143


    Previews for the Incredible Hercules 118 (with Snowbird) and Ultimate X-Men 95 (with Ultimate Alpha Flight):

  9. #144

  10. #145


    Love the starting line-up cards!

  11. #146


    I'm really looking forward to Herc# 118...

    ...And I'm glad I'm not reading "Ultimate" X-Men.


    Edited to add issue #

  12. #147


    Just bought Incredible Herc # 118.


    I can't wait to discuss this with the rest of you. Stay tuned.

  13. #148

  14. #149


    Great issue, it's always a good comic with Nightmare in it.

    We see Snowbird turn into Sasquatch, a page of Alpha Flight being killed by the Collective, Coyote is a Skrull and Snowbird and Hercules get it on.

    Dun dun duuuunn...

    Also Sasquatch, Aurora/Northstar and many others are still alive so all her loved ones arn't dead.

  15. #150


    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    Snowbird and Hercules get it on.
    Whoa... now THERE is a pairing I haven't thought of!

    As for her "loved ones", She wasn't ever really close to Sasquatch or the Twins, (unless you count her holding onto Sasquatch's still-beating heart). It was her lifeless body that Walt occupied, so that really doesn't apply. Her REAL family would be Mac and Shaman (and by direct relation, Talisman, who is alive).
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

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