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Thread: A Reason For Alpha Flight

  1. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    Technically, Liz also lost a sister in Heather, since Heather and her parents raised Liz after her mother died and Michael left to grieve (and eventually became Shaman). John Byrne killed Mac because his death would have the most impact on the team (and Byrne found him the most boring to write)...Unfortunately, that didn't stop writers from bringing Mac back again and again and again.
    Good point Re: Liz and Heather... I always liked that dynamic.
    As for resurrections, I'm almost always against them. The only situation in which I don't bristle is when the death is presumed. Like Marrina, for example. We're pretty sure she died but no confirmation was ever made. In fact, that used to be a comic book staple. The bad guy would go "Aaaarrrgh!", vanish under a pile of rumble, but alas, pop up 20 issues later having escaped death.

    I just like the impact a beloved character's death has in the fictional universe. Once that gets watered down... cliche even, we fans ultimately get deprived of something.

    Mac's death in issue 12 was BRILLIANT. WHAT THE HELL WAS JOHN BYRNE THINKING?!? It was so shocking, so genius that it lapped itself, landing on the "insane" peg on the board. To this day I love it and hate it equally.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    I despise Pointer, as some other Flight fans do...I do not want to see him return to Canada and/or don the maple leaf uniform ever again.
    Fair enough

  2. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Powersurge View Post
    The Weapon Alpha battlesuit. I like Mac, he was easily my favourite Alphan, but he's dead and should remainng so ... PLEEEEEAAASSE!!!! Let his spirit rest! lol
    But the battle-suit stays. As Heather well-demonstrated, anyone can climb into make it work. And both it and it's skin, together, are iconic. It is the Canadian equivalent of Captain America's shield ... or maybe even Thor's Hammer. Ye swear oaths upon this! Mac's death and Heather's history of service add value to the suit ... like an ancient sword with a proud legacy.

    Department H. Like Mac and Sasq. this has been one element of Marvel's Canadian mythos that has been in place since the beginning, ie. preAF vol.1. I'm not so sure if having AF as their lackeys would work, because, as mentioned in the negative, this would limit them in ways no other superteam is and force them to often in work in purely domestic situations ... or there'd be HUGE ramifications for Canada, politically speaking. But whatever the specifics of the AF/Department H relationship, I think Department H should exist.
    I'm alittle gun shy when it comes to Department H, but you're right. The minute it starts to rankle the team, though, I glaze over. In Omega Flight I dug Agent Brown. I'd like to see the Canadian Government operate a superhuman program, training them, developing strategies, even running a team itself. In fact, I'd think calling that team Alpha Flight, while Walt, Liz and co. call themselves "the North Guard" (nice suggestion, btw) or something to that effect, would be the way to go.

    Just PLEASE keep politics/political "intrigue" out of the equation. Very little ejects me from a story faster.

  3. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    How's about an Alpha Flight Forever mini by Byrne picking up from his last issue?
    I would buy that so fast, and so often!

  4. #49


    I am probably in the minority but I do want to see Mac back as Guardian.

    I'd really like to see a writer flesh out his character. We had him for pretty much only first 12 issues and his subsequent resurrections had him as half-cyborg or brainwashed so I'd like to see him developed a bit more.
    "How do you know that my dimwitted inexperience isnt merely a subtle form of manipulation used to lower peoples expectations, enhancing my ability to effectively maneuver within any given situation."

  5. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    I think resurrecting the originals would be the perfect "emotional journey" for each of the surviving AF members. Talisman and Earthmover seek to bring back Shaman; Jefferies wants to bring back Diamond Lil; Sasquatch and Snowbird (as the last remaining founding members) want to bring the whole team back. The story is about reviving Alpha Flight, both the dead members and the concept of the team, as well as watching the surviving members deal with the deaths of and the chance to resurrect their friends and family.
    Guilt, loyalty, love, desperation, all these emotional motivators would drive the story, build the characters and would be the real draw for readers. Treat the characters as important rather than as tertiary, throw away ones, in a well written story and it won't matter what baggage came before.
    I see your point. The resurrections of the past have left me a little leery. I'm in "wait and see" mode.

  6. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by mreeez View Post
    I am probably in the minority but I do want to see Mac back as Guardian.

    I'd really like to see a writer flesh out his character. We had him for pretty much only first 12 issues and his subsequent resurrections had him as half-cyborg or brainwashed so I'd like to see him developed a bit more.
    I'd favor a Classic Alpha Flight for that, telling stories that happened before the events of issue 12. But... if he was brought back to the present, I'd still be onboard. Not my preference, is all.

  7. 05-06-2010

  8. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    How's about an Alpha Flight Forever mini by Byrne picking up from his last issue?
    I'd be a little wary to be honest. Firstly, I'd be wondering who was holding the gun to his head to get him working with Marvel again. Byrne's run on Alpha Flight is still my favorite of his work, right up there with his Uncanny X-Men run, but he's never had much good to say about it. Paying work is paying work, of course, but I prefer creators to have some enthusiasm about the project they're tackling.

  9. #53


    Hello. The North Guard name was used by a canadian publisher in the late 80s, i believe, for a Canadian super team.I dont think theres anything wrong with the Alpha name or basic concept....except....just one flops every time.
    I would enjoy a new Alpha series with a Doom Patrol quirkiness to every story. This is a team existing in the ginormous shadow of american super heroes. Their stories need to be distinct from what we usually find at the shops. With the teams entrenched mystical background I can see he mysteries of remote mysticism wreaking havoc that only Alpha Flight can deal with.
    In a way, the weirdness of Bill Mantlos ideas could have been hugely successful in a better writers hands, and, perhaps, with a touch of decompression. I would mine his chunks of bizzare ideas, revisit them and say,,"ohhhh...the twins really ARE asgardian elves?" that kind of grant morrisson weirdness would work today I think.
    The best coloring for an AF series today, that would reflect the airy cleanness of john byrnes work would be digital coloring like we currently see for that awesome geoff darrows conan cover. And the art should be clean, providing detail, but with better use of panel space, ala byrne, and not crowded splash pagey nonsense with gritty coloring.
    Maybe someone like jim cheung would work great.

  10. #54
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostfly70 View Post
    Hello. The North Guard name was used by a canadian publisher in the late 80s, i believe, for a Canadian super team.I dont think theres anything wrong with the Alpha name or basic concept....except....just one flops every time.
    I would enjoy a new Alpha series with a Doom Patrol quirkiness to every story. This is a team existing in the ginormous shadow of american super heroes. Their stories need to be distinct from what we usually find at the shops. With the teams entrenched mystical background I can see he mysteries of remote mysticism wreaking havoc that only Alpha Flight can deal with.
    In a way, the weirdness of Bill Mantlos ideas could have been hugely successful in a better writers hands, and, perhaps, with a touch of decompression. I would mine his chunks of bizzare ideas, revisit them and say,,"ohhhh...the twins really ARE asgardian elves?" that kind of grant morrisson weirdness would work today I think.
    The best coloring for an AF series today, that would reflect the airy cleanness of john byrnes work would be digital coloring like we currently see for that awesome geoff darrows conan cover. And the art should be clean, providing detail, but with better use of panel space, ala byrne, and not crowded splash pagey nonsense with gritty coloring.
    Maybe someone like jim cheung would work great.
    I know about Northguard (it was just a lone hero who went by the name) which is why I suggested it (with the name split in two to try to avoid legal BS). While most of us don't think there is anything wrong with the name or concept of Alpha Flight, there are many more out there who do. Which is probably one of the reasons why the book flops.
    My own opinion is AF should avoid quirkiness (not that it's a bad idea) simply because the last thing the team needs is to appear odd or weird. If anything, they need to be taken as a serious team of heroes, not hard luck losers or weirdos or outcasts. That's how they got screwed over in the first place. I liked how they could handle any threat, be it high tech, mystical or plain old bad guys with guns. Unfortunately, Marvel seems to think they've run out of "concepts" for the team. Thing is they haven't had an AF book with AF since the first series, but try telling them that.
    I like your ideas about the art, and think you're right. AF lends itself to a more clean style than a dirtier, grittier one. Jim Cheung's artwork would be great, but (correct me if I'm wrong) doesn't he like doing those big, busy splash pages?
    Last edited by Legerd; 05-10-2010 at 09:20 PM. Reason: spelling mistake

  11. #55


    The original Alpha were great characters. Byrne told great stories. Very few of Byrne's stories actually had a setting that COULD ONLY HAVE BEEN Canada.
    The location is almost incidental to many stories. Tell great stories with great characters, and people will read.

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
    Forthcoming stories in Breath and Shadow, Star Dreck anthology and The Aether Age: Helios.

    ~I woke up one morning finally seeing the world through a rose colored lense. It turned out to be a blood hemorrhage in my good eye.

  12. #56


    I wrote this on comicboards today, funny how things work, but Alpha Flights two big memorable moments were when Mac "died" in issue 12 (was there ever a leader of a book that died before that?) and Northstar admitting he was the 1st open gay hero. Why cant we be the 1st team that actually leaves their people dead. the shock. unless Walter wants to be bold and let the body of Heather touch Nemesis' sword, all the others i say leave dead and go from that (though X-Men keep screwing it up...ala Diamond Lil)

    Mac created the team and Department H but the organization became so wicked that why even be associated with it. People always say they want the original team back and that the Byrne run was the best, and it was, but Alpha Flight wasnt the Canada superteam for most of Byrnes run. If I remember right, they actually didnt get back to being a government team till Byrne left. They were a bunch of heroes that happened to live in Canada. Gasp. The fight that "killed" Guardian was in New York. I think vol 1 after issue 80 or so until its completion lacked cuz they were just Canadas team. I didnt have a problem with vol 2 cuz it tried to go deeper where vol 1 left off. Vol 3 was a joke and OF was just face painting till the series ended.

    You want to read a series with Jeffries, Sasquatch, Talisman and Snowbird? I would cuz they are from the Byrne era but as long as they aint answering to the Prime Minister or Cody or Clarke. Northstar is stuck in XMen cuz his sister is safe. If his sister wants back in on AF, I bet you JeanPaul follows. He always has. Invite Flashback into the group. Why not. We know squat of the guy since he went to jail for the Mac incident. Want to loan out the Guardian suit to a new guy, Im fine with that as long as he wasnt the bastard that killed AF. Its like inviting the guy who killed your mom to dinner afterwards. Of course Snowbird didnt want to rejoin the team but if its a fresh new guy then I will be more open to it. (I also like the Heather as Nemesis idea)

    Department H can still exist. Maybe Gentry can still clean it up. MI13 and Excalibur co-exist seperately. Why not Dept H and AF.

  13. #57
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by mos_def View Post
    Why can't we be the 1st team that actually leaves their people dead? The shock!
    Good idea, but wouldn't work... Thing is, when somebody dies in comics (like, say, Flashback has), readers go 'They'll be back'.
    Even if they never do come back, we (readers) don't have any way of knowing that. Well, the ones who can't travel through time don't.

    And no matter how great the writers' intentions are, no matter how much the whole idea of the series is that people don't come back, some other writer would come along with a great idea and bring them back anyway.

    - Le Messor
    "Happiness is not a destination. It’s the trip."
    ~ Anonymous

  14. #58


    this new Heroic Age wold be a perfect time to kick a new Alpha series. With the SHRA terminated, Arachne would probably move back to the US but it would be a good launching point

  15. #59
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    If the new Heroic Age does what it sounds like it's meant to do, yes. It'll solve one of the problems I've had with a lot (but not all, not really even most) of comics lately - that the heroes aren't.
    Comics, ideally, for me, should be a battle of good vs. evil; these days, a lot are evil vs. slightly less evil. I'm tired of being expected to sympathise with heroes I can't tell apart from villains. I'm tired of having to hold my 'heroes' to lower standards than I do real people - I should be able to hold them much, much higher.
    The Heroic Age should, let's hope, solve that.

    Will it solve the 'they never get the chance to be people problem'? Maybe, maybe not. There's nothing in the premise to say it should, but wouldn't it be cool if it did?
    That might be a good time for a new Alpha Flight series.

    - Le Messor
    Hartley's Second Law: Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.

  16. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by mos_def View Post
    this new Heroic Age wold be a perfect time to kick a new Alpha series. With the SHRA terminated, Arachne would probably move back to the US but it would be a good launching point
    I think Marvel already has plans for Arachne...And it doesn't look good...

    I've seen an alternate cover of a team book (coming out sometime this year) called "The Young Allies", featuring Arana (the latest Spider-Lady) in Arachne/Julia's Omega Flight costume (or a very close of copy of it)...It has also been rumored that Arachne may put-out-of-action, crippled or even killed in Spider-Man's up-coming storyline, "The Grim Hunt". I've seen the cover costume pic and the speculations on other boards. I guess we'll have to wait and see what Julia's fate is.

    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 05-17-2010 at 03:28 AM.

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