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Thread: Snowbird in Incredible Hercules #117???

  1. #106


    Ah...Thank you, Loki. How about when she went into space with Alpha in Vol 3?


  2. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Ah...Thank you, Loki. How about when she went into space with Alpha in Vol 3?

    Or when she went to the states to battle the X-Men

  3. #108


    I always took it as that she could leave Canada but her power diminishes quickly outside is her home and native land. Oh Canada

  4. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by mos_def
    I always took it as that she could leave Canada but her power diminishes quickly outside is her home and native land. Oh Canada
    In Alpha Flight#12 she nearly died merely being minutes in America

  5. #110
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    I've read this and would like to comment...

    Can anyone say 'wish fulfillment'? Oh, waow!
    That three days ago sequence... The writer has Birdie doing to Pointer what we all want to do to Pointer. She's saying what we're all thinking. Oh, wow! I'm so cooled by it!

    I took marriage literally, and thought of Doug. But I was blocking memory of YJ.
    I thought Hodiak 'lifting the ban' was one of two major plot / research mess-ups (three, if you count her eyes).
    The other was sending Pointer after her; neither smart, nor in character for Pointer. But I didn't care, it let her kick his butt!

    - Le Messor
    "Fight organised crime, stamp out the IRS!"

  6. #111


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Ah...Thank you, Loki. How about when she went into space with Alpha in Vol 3?

    The two examples of her leaving Canada without problems made us originally speculate in her last handbook entry that her death and rebirth had lifted the restriction (and let's face it, strictly speaking poor Walter should be suffering that restriction, since he's in Narya's original body). The explicit lifting of the restriction here in my opinion suggests a number of possibilities.
    1) Hodiak or A.N.Other temporarily lifted the restriction those other two times as well.
    2) Snowbird did lose the restriction, but Hodiak (or A.N.Other) put it back in place after she twice went walkabout - after all, given her remit of fighting the Great Beasts, she should have been around in the last Omega Flight mini. Her absence might have been down to her not being in Canada, and I doubt Hodiak would have approved.
    3) Snowbird lost the restriction after her rebirth, but after a while it just naturally reinstated itself - i.e. she somehow got some sort of "energy boost" when she got reborn, which sustained her for a bit when she previously left Canada, but said reserve has finally run out. Probably the least likely option.

  7. #112


    Thanks for the answers, Loki...I appreciate the time and effort.


  8. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Thanks for the answers, Loki...I appreciate the time and effort.

    No problem. And three more options just occured to me.

    (4) She lost the restriction when she got reborn. However Hodiak isn't aware of that, so he thinks she needs him to lift it to let her leave. She didn't see the need to waste time in front explaining this in front of all the other Godheads.
    (5) As above, except Hodiak knows full well she doesn't need his assist. But for whatever reason (to make him look more powerful in front of his peers, or to make her appear weaker so as to make them underestimate her in any future conflict that might arise between pantheons) they acted out the "lifting the restriction" as a ruse.
    (6) Hodiak is a Skrull, and his research is out of date. :P

  9. #114
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I've always thought it was significant that when she first was affected on leaving Canada (I refer to #12), it didn't affect her 'til she tried to change shape. (Use her powers.)

    - Le Messor
    "Fire at will!"
    "... Poor Will!"
    - John K. Shirey (from WWII/CBI)

  10. #115


    Shaman casted a spell that he didnt intend to bind Narya to Canada when she was birthed (if I remember was the issue with Pestilence 1st appearance)
    So when she died and AIM was working on her tissue, there was no spell to bind her the 2nd time.

  11. #116


    Hi, all.

    I've really enjoyed "trolling" your various posts, but I felt the urge to get more actively involved.

    As many of you suspect, I've been a mega-Alpha fan since the 1980's, when John's AF series was my all-time favorite Marvel U comic (it would have to compete with DP7 as my all-time-favorite-published-by-Marvel-comic-in-the-eighties).

    A lot of that is fueling my current interest in the Flight, which spreads across, largely coincidentally, a variety of books I write or co-write (Herc, MAIM, and Wolverine: First Class, which, ironically enough, is the first I wrote, though the last to get published, and I'm yet proudest of, in no small part to the insanely talented Mr. Clayton Henry on art).

    I was inspired to post here because of the debate over the marriage reference in iHerc #117.

    Just to be clear: I was, to the best of my recollection, referring to an off-handed comment in OMEGA FLIGHT #1 that Snowbird's marriage to Yukon Jack had collapsed.

    If I am erroneous in my memory, I'd be happy to hear corrections...

    Nevertheless, I thought you all might be interested in the original concept of using Snowbird in INCREDIBLE HERCULES.

    My original concept was that Hodiak would (in his godlike way) eliminate all the cloned/time-travel displaced versions of Snowbird in favor of a completely reincarnated Narya that would grow very rapidly from infancy (a few years every few pages) throughout the iHerc "Sacred Invasion" arc.

    Ultimately, the Powers That Be decided that idea was a tad too complicated for this arc, and I think, now having done almost all of it, they were right.

    However, it would have resolved a lot of the issues you raise on this thread, that I myself share.

    One of the challenges of this job is balancing the needs of the long-term fan with the short-term fan; that is to say, is it really important to resolve all the various prior versions of a character or is better just to provide the "purest" version of a given character to hook first-time readers on the initial go-around?

    My collaborators were able to convnce me of the latter in this instance, and I think they were probably right.

    That said, I am very heartened with the kind words on this thread about what we're doing in iHerc with Narya and I hope you continue to enjoy it.


  12. #117


    It’s always nice when a writer/artist/etc. from Marvel comes and converses with us lowly mortals. It’s always much appreciated. Firstly I just want to say your run on Hercules has been excellent and just reading it I can tell your putting a lot of work into it. I haven’t gotten this interested in Hercules in a long while, his recent mini was good but this blows it out of the water. It’s also nice you used Snowbird in her new arc, but if she is a Skrull…MUTINY

    Just another quick question, was the Snowbird calling Hodiak uncle a mistake? As Hodiak is her grandfather

    Also yeah the temporal copy married Yukon Jack, but that comment can work with her old marriage so all is well.

    Thanks for the post and your insight

  13. #118


    Dear Mr van Lente,

    Thank you for your wonderful reply. It's so good to have a writer who really cares, writing for Alpha.

    Thank you, also, for clearing up the Snowbird marriage mystery. As you probably read in my post, I was never quite sure which marriage she meant was over. It was mentioned in Omega Flight #1 that Yukon Jack had sustained "severe neurological damage" from time-traveling. (Sorry I don't have the issue in front of me. Perhaps he died? It was never explicitly stated.) Anyway, many fans feel Alpha Flight volume 3 was a mistake, so it's just as well Snowbird's marriage from that volume is over.

    Keep up the good work in iHerc! I'm very much looking forward to the next issue.


  14. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    Just another quick question, was the Snowbird calling Hodiak uncle a mistake? As Hodiak is her grandfather

    Thanks for the kind words!

    Yes, I'm not sure where I got the uncle thing from... Looking back over my old AF, it's clear Hodiak is Nelvanna's father.

    Also, in iHerc #117, I accidentally said Amatsu-Mikaboshi was the "August Star of Morning" instead of the "August Star of Heaven"...

    One of the unfortunate things about doing a series like this is you can fact-check 999 things but it's the 1,000 and 1,001st things that bite you on the ass...

  15. #120


    Mr Van Lent, I'm enjoying Snowbird's appearance in Inc. Hercules...I especially enoyed seeing her interaction with Michael Pointer. Thanks.


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