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Thread: What If...?

  1. #61
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    What if Marrina became mother to a new Plodex invasion?

    What if it had been Sabertooth that Mac and Heather had found in Wood Buffalo National Park rather than Wolverine?

    What if Mac, Heather, Walter and Eugene had been the ones to be bombarded by cosmic rays rather than Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben?

  2. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    What if Marrina became mother to a new Plodex invasion?
    I could see it happening. Sadly, so that someone could kill her off.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    What if it had been Sabertooth that Mac and Heather had found in Wood Buffalo National Park rather than Wolverine?
    Yes, please.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    What if Mac, Heather, Walter and Eugene had been the ones to be bombarded by cosmic rays rather than Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben?
    That is actually a really cool WHAT IF idea...
    I'd see ..
    Mac = Mister Fantastic
    Heather = Invisible Woman
    Walter = Human Torch
    Eugene = Mini Thing.

  3. #63


    I love the cosmic rays concept!...but I would want them to have totally different powers from their own and from the original FF. Has it ever been explained why the FF got their own specific it simply based on something in their DNA or personality that reacted to the cosmic rays? (Johnny Storms a hothead so he became the human-torch). If so you could have lots of fun coming up with original powers based on the Flight's DNA...personality and history.

    I remember Walter was in college with Bruce Banner so it seems that he would still be condemned by fate to be the strong guy...but maybe not. Off topic a bit but I always like the idea of a supergroup all having the same powers but as time goes on they discover didn't ways to use them.

  4. #64


    Here another what if ....what if Hudson along with Roger Bochs and Jeffries stays with Department H and is contacted to build a guardian suit for every province and territory. Wrapped in their flags and the leader of the group would be wearing the Guardian suit?...remember that knockoff transformer that Bryne created? It came in sections & "kinda looked like box"? it was a military what ever happened to that thing? Kinda like that...but better.

  5. #65
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Human Fly View Post
    I love the cosmic rays concept!...but I would want them to have totally different powers from their own and from the original FF.
    That was my thinking, that they would end up with different powers than the original FF. Just wanted to leave it blank for other posters to fill in.
    Quote Originally Posted by Human Fly View Post
    Off topic a bit but I always like the idea of a supergroup all having the same powers but as time goes on they discover didn't ways to use them.
    I like that idea. It would be a great way to develop the individuality of each character through how they use their powers and not by what their powers are.
    Quote Originally Posted by Human Fly View Post
    Here another what if ....what if Hudson along with Roger Bochs and Jeffries stays with Department H and is contacted to build a guardian suit for every province and territory. Wrapped in their flags and the leader of the group would be wearing the Guardian suit?...remember that knockoff transformer that Bryne created? It came in sections & "kinda looked like box"? it was a military what ever happened to that thing? Kinda like that...but better.
    Actually, I'm surprised Marvel hasn't done something along these lines yet with the MU Canadian military. Being that it really isn't a large force, and that they have everything to build Box bots, it would make sense for this kind of scenario.

  6. #66


    I've always wanted to see what if Madison Jeffries had taken on the Guardian suit instead of Heather. I think he was asked once but turned it down. He was already really powerful, humble and likeable. Unshaven and a little rough to look at, but a really skilled Mechanic. Not book-smart like Mac but street-smart. Imagine that personality and power put into that suit. I think that character could have really taken off, with no need to bring back Mac from his epic death scene. They should have just stuck with the plan and let the man rest in peace.

    Don't get me wrong, I loved Heather's evolution as a leader, but you just knew they'd bring back Mac at some point to challenge her, which they did multiple times. Heather could have eventually risen from Government Liaison to Director of Dept H. Or if you'd prefer her in the field, Jeffries and Bochs could have built Heather a non-maple leaf flag suit or she could have been exposed to Terigen and turned out to be Inhuman or whatever! In any case, had Jeffries been given the suit, imo the Guardian character would have become a more richer, memorable leader then Mac. I'd love to see where writers could have taken him (instead of eventually hoping the border and falling into obscurity on an X-Men D-Team).

    I would have loved to see what he could do in that suit.
    Last edited by Canucklehead; 06-07-2016 at 01:02 AM.

  7. #67


    I always thought Feedback would be good in the Guardian suit, as he could power it himself.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  8. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Canucklehead View Post
    I've always wanted to see what if Madison Jeffries had taken on the Guardian suit instead of Heather. Unshaven and a little rough to look at, but a really skilled Mechanic. Not book-smart like Mac but street-smart. Imagine that personality and power put into that suit. I think that character could have really taken off, with no need to bring back Mac from his epic death scene. They should have just stuck with the plan and let the man rest in peace.
    Honestly, when they introduced him and we got to see his power; I honestly believed this is exactly where Alpha Flight was headed (with him in the costume, to replace Mac).

    And, had they gone that route - it would have been interesting, if they developed that relationship between Heather and him; and her wondering if she was just falling in love with the idea of Mac (since Madison would be wearing the costume), rather than Madison himself.

    Opportunities wasted, I say.

  9. #69
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    That is actually a really cool WHAT IF idea...
    I'd see ..
    Mac = Mister Fantastic
    Heather = Invisible Woman
    Walter = Human Torch
    Eugene = Mini Thing.
    I was thinking of making them similar, but different like the U-foes. Mac gains the ability to manipulate quantum properties; Heather can turn into, create/project and manipulate sound; Walter is transformed into diamond; and Eugene can turn into living plasma.

  10. #70
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    I always thought Feedback would be good in the Guardian suit, as he could power it himself.
    I always wanted to see the Master of the World clone Feedback to create an endless supply of living batteries to power his weapons, vehicles, computers, etc.

  11. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    I was thinking of making them similar, but different like the U-foes. Mac gains the ability to manipulate quantum properties; Heather can turn into, create/project and manipulate sound; Walter is transformed into diamond; and Eugene can turn into living plasma.
    I just want to see Puck as a Mini-Thing.

    Maybe call him Pebble?

  12. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    I always wanted to see the Master of the World clone Feedback to create an endless supply of living batteries to power his weapons, vehicles, computers, etc.
    See, that would have been a cool idea, and a cool thing to do with Feedback, who didn't do much...
    And then, make it so the only way to break the "battery" is to kill Feedback; and so Alpha Flight is in that moral predicament ...

  13. #73
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    I always wanted to see the Master of the World clone Feedback to create an endless supply of living batteries to power his weapons, vehicles, computers, etc.
    Maybe hook his mind into a virtual reality, so he believes he's living a normal life, all gathered together in some sort of matrix...

  14. #74
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Maybe hook his mind into a virtual reality, so he believes he's living a normal life, all gathered together in some sort of matrix...
    Oh, yeah, that would be the kind of thing the Master might do to keep his "power source" compliant. In fact it would be a cool way to reintroduce a few characters we thought depowered during M Day.

  15. #75


    What if John Byrne had created AF for DC? Or for another company? Or independently?
    What if Heather Hudson and Elizabeth Twoyoungmen were never neighbors?
    What if each real Canadian PM was a member of AF? What powers would they have? My guess would be that Alexander Mackenzie would have brick/stone based powers. Your thoughts fellow Alphans?

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