So I just saw the 7am showing tonight.
I would like to say it was a perfect movie.
However, the English language does not possess a word that explains when something goes beyond perfection.
This movie will make your cry, it will make you laugh, it will make you stand up and cheer!
EVERY character was so well written. EVERY actor delivered their best. Every bit of dialogue, every bit of action, so woven with something beyond perfection.
Avengers was my favorite movie, until Captain America 2 (which took over, because I thought EVERY character shined there). Sadly, Captain America 2 has been dethroned by a movie superior to it in every regard. And that is saying something.
Go see it. This weekend. Sit with the crowd. Be a part of something amazing. Don't wait until it dies down. Be immerse with the joy of those around you. Experience it. Live it. Seriously. Do it. This coming from someone who has a strong dislike of crowds!