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Thread: Favorite guest appearances?

  1. #1

    Default Favorite guest appearances?

    Just to get some activity what are your favorite guest appearances in alpha flights long history?

    broke it down in three criterias but feel free to add more:

    1) favourite guest appearance of the entire team in another book

    2) favourite guest appearance of a single memeber of the team in a book

    3) favorite guest appearance of another character in an alpha flight book.


    Why not your least favorite too

    1) Least favourite guest appearance of the entire team in another book

    2) Least favourite guest appearance of a single memeber of the team in a book

    3) Least favorite guest appearance of another character in an alpha flight book.
    Last edited by -K-M-; 12-29-2014 at 08:53 PM.

  2. #2


    I can't answer these questions because I love every single Alpha Flight appearance so much. It's like choosing among my children. How can I love one more than another? But I'll try.

    But I'm really digging the Snowbird appearance in the Incredible Hercules "Sacred Invasion" arc. I think she was just great.

    For a team appearance, I've got to go with the X-Men Alpha Flight Asgardian Wars miniseries.

    And for fave guest appearance in Alpha Flight, it's Big Hero 6. Come on! I loved that movie!

    I do have one least favorite but it involves a lot of curse words aimed at a particular writer. You all already know the issue and who I hate so much.

    I'll probably think of more faves but that's off the top of my head right now.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  3. #3


    1) Favourite guest appearance of the entire team in another book

    X-Men #120-121. The first appearance of the team, the best appearance of the team. I still get goose bumps every time I go back and read it.

    2) Favourite guest appearance of a single member of the team in a book.

    Sasquatch in Incredible Hulk #272. Walter and Hulk team up and take on the Wendigo. Awesome battle with three of Marvel’s strongest beings, Sasquatch really held his own throughout the issue. Plus, I always liked the cover of that issue.

    3) Favourite guest appearance of another character in an Alpha Flight book.

    Namor and Sue Richards in Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #4. Having two of Marvel’s most known characters appearing this early into a new series, with John Byrne’s artwork and storytelling in full form. Great issue… I always thought this issue helped bring some attention to the series from readers who may not have known about the Flight beforehand.

    1) Least favourite guest appearance of the entire team in another book.

    Hulk – The Mayan Rule Saga. With all the hype heading into this, as well as having Eaglesham drawing it, I was anticipating big things for the team. Unfortunately, the result was an overblown tirade by Red Hulk (who I do not particularly like to begin with) and Alpha Flight basically turned into background stock, collateral damage, and comic relief. This was a huge disappointment for me.

    2) Least favourite guest appearance of a single member of the team in a book.

    Marrina in the Avengers #291-293 “Death of Marrina” storyline. I remember reading the preceding issues with Namor and Marrina looking like a great relationship that could potentially bring more Marvel characters into the Alpha Flight series. Then, without much warning, she becomes a monstrous Leviathan and is killed off. Absolutely hated that ending.

    3) Least favourite guest appearance of another character in an Alpha Flight book.

    Spider Man in Alpha Flight #74. OK, I realise that this is not the true Spider Man and that it is an alternate reality. And while I think Hudnall may have been on to something with the concept, the portrayal of Spider Man in this issue is just wrong. And the artwork… possibly the worst drawn issue in Alphan history.
    The Flight Forever !

  4. #4


    1)Does Chaos War: Alpha Flight count as a Guest Appearance?
    If so that's my #1. If not then UXM 120-121

    2)Puck either in UXF #1 where he meets Psylocke, or in Web Of Spider-Man where Captain America basically says how great he is.

    3)When Diamond Lil snaps "Spider-Man's" neck, simply because of the gravitas of the situation.

  5. #5
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    1)Does Chaos War: Alpha Flight count as a Guest Appearance?
    Frankly, I'd be worried if they were counted as guests in their own one-shot.
    Then again, I've read a few things like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    2)Puck either in UXF #1 where he meets Psylocke, or in Web Of Spider-Man where Captain America basically says how great he is.
    What? Do I know this one? Which issue?
    Tell me more!

    ~ Le Messor
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  6. #6
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Favorite guest-appearances

    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Just to get some activity what are your favorite guest appearances in alpha flights long history?



    (1) Whole team in another book: Marvel Team-Up Annual # 7, for the sheer spot-on goofiness of it---and Spidey's one to judge.
    (2) Single member: Sasquatch in Incredible Hulk Annual # 8 (1979); honorable mention and I agree with rplass: Snowbird in Incredible Hercules
    (3) Guest appearance of another character in an Alpha Flight book: (the spirit form of) Dr. Strange in AF # 36 [the story itself isn't one of my favourites but having the spirit form of Dr. Strange "assist" in finding the ill-fated Place of Power was a good twist]
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    What? Do I know this one? Which issue?
    Tell me more!
    #106 off the top of my head.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    2)Puck ... in Web Of Spider-Man where Captain America basically says how great he is.
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    What? Do I know this one? Which issue?
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    #106 off the top of my head.
    Yay! I have that one! It's an Infinity crossover.
    Cool, thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    (1) Whole team in another book: Marvel Team-Up Annual # 7, for the sheer spot-on goofiness of it---and Spidey's one to judge.
    (2) Single member: Sasquatch in Incredible Hulk Annual # 8 (1979)
    Your (1) is also one of my favourites. Also, the only time Paul Neary (a favourite artist) has drawn the team; and the way it ties with Marrina's Power Pack appearance (one of my favourites) and Alpha #15-16.

    Your (2), while not one of my favourites, is really good!

    ~ Le Messor
    "A man, Sir, must keep his friendships in constant repair. If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone."
    ~ Samuel Johnson

  9. #9


    Favorite guest appearance of the entire team in another book
    Lots of choices, some good ones already listed. One of my personal favorites isMarvel Two-In-One #84 (Vol.1). This was the original fight with Ranark theRavenger many years ago. Say what you will about his classic look (his recentlook was pretty awesome), but he was a serious threat and had majorimplications if the heroes lost. Not only did the Team fight against such apowerful foe, each member of the team was shown A LOT of respect. They were allhandled well and showed a wide range of their abilities, and which evenimpressed Thing. Lots of respect for the team here

    Other notable choices: Avengers #320-324 (Vol.1), Wolverine: First Class#5, Wolverine: Origin of an X-Man, Uncanny X-Men #120-121, Amazing X-Men #8-12(Vol.2), Wolverine #172 (Vol.2), Wolverine #179-180 (Vol.2), Machine Man #18,Marvel Team-up Annual #7

    Favorite guest appearance of a singlemember of the team in a book
    Snowbird in Incredible Hercules #116-120. I really enjoyed this story, andhaving Snowbird in it and shown with such respect and power? Awesome. I lovedher first scene when she puts Weapon Omega (Michael Pointer) in his place. Asthe story went on, we saw more character development for her and her guilt shefeels that she let her team and friends down. She would go on to have the mostBOSS scene in the entire book taking on thousands of slave gods herself (Sheeven did better than Demogorge). Then when we all thought she perished, shecomes back and was crucial in defeating the Skrull God. Awesome

    Other notable choices: Sasquatch in Hulk Annual #8, Marrina in PowerPack #9-10, Shaman in Wolverine #110 (Vol.2) , Puck in Wolverine #35-37(Vol.2), Snowbird in Marvel Heart Breakers

    Favorite guest appearance of anothercharacter in an alpha flight book.
    Super Skrull in Alpha Flight #11 (Vol.1). Great art and awesome fight. It was agreat character development story for Walter too.

    Other notable choices: Diablo -Alpha Flight #21 (Vol.1), Namor – Alpha Flight #36 (Vol.1),Avengers – Alpha Flight #39 (Vol.1), Lady Deathstrike in Alpha Flight #34(Vol.1), Avengers – Alpha Flight #97-100 (Vol.1)

    Least favorite guest appearance ofthe entire team in another book
    Lots and lots of choices for this category. Hard to peg down just one. Big onefor me was Uncanny X-Men #422 (Vol.1) as the team was treated as such jokes. Theyalmost were acting like villains, and when the fight occurred most of the team weretaken out from behind and defeated in ridiculously ways. Only Sasquatch wasgiven some form of respect. Terrible, terrible issue. However, Austen’s run isuniversally panned so it shouldn’t be a surprise this issue was the same.

    Infinity Crusade was close to being my choice. If we didn’t get the AlphaFlight tie-in issue (Alpha Flight #127) it would have been. In the main book,Windshear easily gets beat by Vision, Sasquatch says he is “no where near asstrong as Thing” (What????), Puck getting beat by Firestar, Wolverine ko’ingShaman with a single punch, Sasquatch has a naked Hulk fall on him from spaceknocking out... and when he awakes Black Knight shaved the back of his fur off,etc, etc. In the tie-in they tried to explain most of it, such as Windshearcould have beat Vision but chose not to, Shaman wanted to be ko’ed so he couldgain intel in his astral form, Sasquatch ends up brutally beating She Hulk whoat the time was equal to Thing in strength, etc. Crusade still brutally butchered thecharacters though, but the tie-in saved it a little.

    Other notable choices: Uncanny X-Men #355

    2) Least favorite guest appearance of a single member of the team in a book
    Sasquatch in Generation X #19. So insulting to the team. Literally lots and lotsof insults to the team.

    Other notable choices: Sasquatch in Wolverine #53-54 (Vol.3) - Loeb wasmaking him out to be a lupine mutant (and was overall pointless being there),Wild Child in X-Factor #112-142 – hated that rendition of Kyle. Marrina in DarkReign: The List – X-Men #1 – Oh awesome Marrina is back...oh and now she isdead. I could make a huge list so I will stop it here haha

    Least favorite guest appearance ofanother character in an alpha flight book.
    Hulk in Alpha Flight #29 (Vol.1), first issue without Byrne and hated how Hulkwalked through the team. Sure some were not exactly active, but for a writergetting on board you would think he would give the team a little more respect

    Other notable choices: Wrecking Crew – Alpha Flight #118-119(Vol.1)


    Favorite guest appearance of an AlphaFlight villain(s) in another book
    Surprising not many options. Seems Alpha Flight villains don’t venture in toomany books outside of Alpha Flight. However, sure this won’t come as a surprisebut I pick the Master of the World’s appearance in Avengers #46-48 (Vol.3) asthe best. Here he is shown to be a true threat and rival to the always powerfuland dangerous Kang. Without the Master’s technology the Avengers would havelost. Sure they ignored the fact Master has shields which allowed Ms.Marvel todo what she did, but still a very respectable depiction of him.

    Othernotable choices:Master of the World in Heroes for Hire #1-12 (Vol.1), Tanaraq in Amazing X-Men#8-12, Great Beasts in Wolverine #172 (Vol.2), Wendigo in various Hulk issues,Wild Child in Marvel Comics Presents #51-53 (Vol.1), Witchfire in X-Infernus

    Least favorite guest appearance of anAlpha Flight villian(s) in another book

    Even less options to go with. Wendigo has had a lot of terrible showings overthe years, but that’s far too easy to go with one of those. I guess I wouldhave to go with the Great Beasts in X-Man #39-40 (Vol.1). For being suchpowerful beings they were defeated way to easily. It could be could beexplained they were avatars, but I digress. The issue at the start gave them alot of praise and hype, but X-Man shouldn’t have defeated them how he did. Also X-Man defeating Tundra by feeding himenergy? When Mac tried to blast him it caused serious damage to the surroundingenvironment so that’s a fairly large contradiction there. Overall not aterrible issue, but not many choices to go through.
    Other notable choices: Wild Child in Weapon X (hated mute Batversion, though wasn’t really a guest appearance)
    Last edited by -K-M-; 01-15-2015 at 09:56 AM.

  10. #10
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Favorite guest appearance of an AlphaFlight villain(s) in another book
    Surprising not many options. Seems Alpha Flight villains don’t venture in toomany books outside of Alpha Flight.

    I think it was during Acts of Vengeance that I figured out why not.
    Most of the Byrne villains were character-driven; they were personal to the team. Not the type to go out and fight just anybody. Even the ones that were, were so intricately tied to members of Alpha Flight, it made it hard to export them.
    The non-Byrne villains were often unmemorable. (DreamQueen being a HUGE exception for me.)

    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Least favorite guest appearance of anAlpha Flight villian(s) in another book
    Even less options to go with. Wendigo has had a lot of terrible showings overthe years,
    It's kind of weird listing him as an AF villain. Sure, he's fought them many, many times - but never in their own book.
    At least, not until v5? Did the Master send some Wendigo after them there?

    ~ Le Messor
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  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    I think it was during Acts of Vengeance that I figured out why not.
    Most of the Byrne villains were character-driven; they were personal to the team. Not the type to go out and fight just anybody. Even the ones that were, were so intricately tied to members of Alpha Flight, it made it hard to export them.
    The non-Byrne villains were often unmemorable. (DreamQueen being a HUGE exception for me.)

    It's kind of weird listing him as an AF villain. Sure, he's fought them many, many times - but never in their own book.
    At least, not until v5? Did the Master send some Wendigo after them there?

    ~ Le Messor
    "A man grows most tired while standing still."
    ~ Chinese Proverb
    Totally agree. im actually surprised dream queen hasn't appeared elsewhere. However, I forgot witchfire made a few guest appearances in the x-book and I really enjoyed them. Completly forgot about that

    yeah other the the chaos war one-shot and v4 they have never encountered wendigo in their main books.

  12. #12
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    However, I forgot witchfire made a few guest appearances in the x-book and I really enjoyed them. Completly forgot about that
    True... but how do you count her? She was a villain there, but a hero in AF.

    ~ Le Messor
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  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    True... but how do you count her? She was a villain there, but a hero in AF.

    ~ Le Messor
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    well she fought against alpha flight a few times (gamma flight) and even started to go evil at the end of volume 1. It's like wild child. He was technically a hero for a brief time but was also a villian majority of his appearances.

  14. #14
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    That answers that.

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