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Thread: Crackity Jones' Discovery Of Alpha Flight

  1. #676


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    How can people not miss you?

    As to what I've been up to, nothing unusual, planning on building a shed when I have time.
    Best. <3

    My childhood best friend's dad built a shed in their backyard when we were little. He used half for his yard tools, and the other half he made into a playhouse for us. They put an old school desk in there where the lid opens and you can store stuff in it, and we had lawn furniture in there to sit on. It was awesome.

  2. #677
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Yep. I was just thinking about you the other day!
    Hopefully good thoughts and none of the bad ones!
    Mostly just 'Man, we haven't heard from her in ages!'. And wishing you were back.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    Just, wow. When you're a woman, in comic fandom (or...any kind of entertainment fandom, really), and you happen to have an opinion that is not the same of some fanboys?
    Yes, fanboys are notorious for not accepting dissenting opinions. And they tend to turn real childish real quick if anybody disagrees with them. Binary thinking is a hell of a thing.

    You need to vent; I do understand that. And I'm really sorry that you have a reason to vent. That sucks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    Not you. lol! I promise.
    You said men are awful. I am a man.
    Ergo, you meant me.

    This is not the welcome back I wanted to give you; I wanted nothing but enthusiastic YAYYY Crackity's BACK!
    So I'm trying to find a balance here:
    On the one hand, I don't want to be mean, especially to you. I like you.
    On the other hand, I spent the first half of my life listening to people telling me men are awful, men suck, men are the worst. The mental scars that caused will never go away. I don't want to deal with sexism on my Alpha Flight forum.
    I don't like sexism. I don't like it when it's done to women, and I like it even less when it's done to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    I have been occupying my time with things outside of comics, for the most part, for now. I still have lots to read, but have taken a small break to catch up on other things.
    There's always more stuff to read!

    YAYYY Crackity's BACK!

    ~ Le Messor
    "Reversing prejudice is not the same as ending it."
    ~ Me, age 7 or so.
    Last edited by Le Messor; 07-19-2016 at 08:56 AM.

  3. #678


    You do not need to lecture me on sexism.
    I wasn't talking about you, sorry I didn't use a disclaimer of "I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ALL MEN, BUT", it didn't occur to me that you would think I was talking about you.
    If you cannot accept that I was not talking about you, then I'm not sure what else I can do to convince you (but I'm pretty sure you'll let me know).

  4. #679


    Are you a tribal member or was just a random book you picked up?

    Also, welcome back, don't think we talked much before hand but hope all is well.
    “God made only one of each of us. It's up to us to make the most of our individuality.” Kevin Max

  5. #680


    Quote Originally Posted by Mekko Hotvle View Post
    Are you a tribal member or was just a random book you picked up?

    Also, welcome back, don't think we talked much before hand but hope all is well.

    No, I am not Indigenous American at all.
    But my friend is, and she shared her Amazon booklist with me, and some of the books looked fascinating, so she suggested I get some and we could read them together.
    So, while browsing her books, that book up there popped up as a recommendation.
    The topic goes quite well with some local volunteer work I will be doing this Fall.
    This book was not on her list, but she got a copy and is reading it with me.

    It is a research book, complete with footnotes.
    When I was in school, the only time we got any solid Native history was in 3rd grade. lol.
    So, a lot of this information is new to me.
    And it's a harsh and heavy book. It is dense with information, with additional research to back up her research.
    It does not read smoothly, and it can be very overwhelming, but I keep on with it.

  6. #681


    well if you need any more information on DV on indian women/ tribal lands, I can ask our DV advocates tribal office. There is a couple shorts films on the subject as well. Sorry to jack the thread. lol Glad you are back tho.
    “God made only one of each of us. It's up to us to make the most of our individuality.” Kevin Max

  7. #682


    Quote Originally Posted by Mekko Hotvle View Post
    well if you need any more information on DV on indian women/ tribal lands, I can ask our DV advocates tribal office. There is a couple shorts films on the subject as well. Sorry to jack the thread. lol Glad you are back tho.
    I am totally okay with talking about this! You did not hijack my thread! I am the one who went off topic.

    It's not so much DV amongst natives themselves.
    I'll just list here the different topics she researched and discusses (per chapter):

    Chpt. 1: Sexual Violence As a Tool of Genocide

    Chpt. 2: Boarding School Abuses and the Case for Reparations

    Chpt. 3: Rape of the Land

    Chpt. 4: The Colonization of Native Womens' Reproductive Health

    Chpt. 5: Medical Experimentation in Native Communities

    Chpt 6: Spiritual Appropriation as Sexual Violence

    Chpt 7: Anticolonial Responses to Gender Violence

    Chpt 8: U.S. Empire and the War Against Native Sovereignty

    But I would love nothing more than to get any info you are willing to share, if you do not mind me messaging you?

  8. #683
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    I wasn't talking about you, sorry I didn't use a disclaimer of "I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ALL MEN, BUT", it didn't occur to me that you would think I was talking about you.
    The post we're discussing came at a bad time, so a lot of what I'm saying isn't really directed at you personally.

    I've always known you thought you weren't talking about me.

    I replied in a way that took it personally because I want you to understand that if you're generalising about an entire gender, it includes the people around you; including people who really like you.
    As mentioned, I tolerated and internalised that kind of talk for the first half of my life, and I'm not willing to do that anymore. It's not good for anybody.
    I just want to nip that kind of generalisation in the bud.
    Last edited by Le Messor; 07-19-2016 at 04:41 PM.

  9. #684


    So, howsabout them fictional Canucks, eh?

  10. #685


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    So, howsabout them fictional Canucks, eh?
    I *ALMOST* finished volume 1.
    But the art was really hard to keep up with. I am going to finish it, I swear, but not right now.
    I did love the inclusion of AF in X-Men.
    Are they doing anything with them now?

  11. #686


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    The post we're discussing came at a bad time, so a lot of what I'm saying isn't really directed at you personally.

    I've always known you thought you weren't talking about me.

    I replied in a way that took it personally because I want you to understand that if you're generalising about an entire gender, it includes the people around you; including people who really like you.
    As mentioned, I tolerated and internalised that kind of talk for the first half of my life, and I'm not willing to do that anymore. It's not good for anybody.
    I just want to nip that kind of generalisation in the bud.
    1. What you said wasn't really directed at me personally, but yet what I said, in general, you decided to take personally?? And that's okay? I mean, please let me know since you are calling the shots on the behaviors here.

    2. This is kind of my thread. If you don't like my statements, you can go read some AF and ignore my thread.

    Sorry it has to be that way. I'm a nice person, and you know that, but you kind of crossed a line here with me.

  12. #687


    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post

    You're back!

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