Aurora - great and original character, but often mishandled.
Beta Ray Bill - I liked him back in the day but not as a member of AF.
Centennial - Eh.
Diamond Lil - so much untapped potential but I read that she was killed off.
Earth Mover - not familiar but sounds lame from what I've read.
Feedback - only a vague memory.
Flex - don't know anything about this character.
Ghost Girl - don't know anything about this character.
Goblyn - truthfully, I only like her as a foil to further develop Laura Dean.
Groundhog - eh.
Guardian (Heather) - BEST Alphan ever.
Madison Jeffries (AKA Box 2) - really liked him.
Major Mapleleaf - character had potential.
Manbot - don't know anything about this character.
Marrina - good character that sadly gets mishandled more often than Aurora.
Michael Pointer - don't know anything about this character.
Murmur - don't know anything about this character.
Nemesis - I only liked the original.
Northstar - like Aurora, a classic.
Pathway - so much untapped potential for development.
Persuasion - always loved this character. Kara was atrociously handled in that last AF series.
Puck 1s - the original, especially as written by Byrne was great.
Puck (Zuzha Yu) - eh.
Radius - don't know anything about this character.
Roger Bochs (aka Box 1) - good character and good story arch.
Sasquatch - classic, even if some artists are clueless in rendering his physicality.
Shaman - classic but I hated his stint as "Talisman".
Smart Alec - eh.
Snowbird - classic and amazing if often mishandled.
Spider Woman (Julia Carpenter) - I only know her from the old days and see no logic in her being in a Canadian team.
St. Elmo - eh.
Stitch - eh.
Talisman - great character with untapped potential.
U.S.Agent - no, not for a Canadian team.
Vindicator (Mac) - I actually 100% agreed with Byrne's decision to kill him off. He should have stayed dead.
Wild Child - only like him as a villain but annoyed by the Wolverine knockoff qualities.
Windshear - he had potential.
Yukon Jack - no, just no.