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Thread: Alpha Flight Reading Order

  1. #1

    Default Alpha Flight Reading Order

    Does anyone know of a tried and true reading order for the Alpha Flight Titles? I have a good start with Hulk #180 - 181 which is Wolverine's first appearance which is in Canada. Then, Giant Sized X-Men #1, this is the second appearance of Wolverine and he quits his post in Canada to join Professor X and the X-Men. I do it that way because in Uncanny X-Men #109, Weapon Alpha makes his first appearance. We later know him as Vindicator and then Guardian. After, of course, we see Alpha Flight's first appearance in Uncanny X-Men #120 - 121. Our heroes are trying to capture Wolverine which strengthens the link between Alpha Flight and Wolverine. After that I throw in Machine Man #18 (I know it's not necessary but North Star, Aurora and Sasquatch make an appearance). After, Marvel Two-in-One #83 - 84 (Again, North Star, Aurora and Sasquatch, these issues are mentioned in Alpha Flight #12). Moving on to Uncanny X-Men #139 - 140 where the Wendigo is battled. Then the famous solo series, Wolverine #1 - 4 (1982). I then follow that up with Uncanny X-Men #172 - 173 (this is a "wrap up of Wolverine's relationship with Kimiko?? can't remember her name but it's tied to the Wolverine Miniseries). After Wolverine ties up his love life, I then move on to Alpha Flight Volume one. Where do the Annuals come in? I haven't gotten that far yet. I have the whole series but I've been busy with a move and now bagging and boarding all the Alpha Flight Comics I've bought recently. So what's next? I have Volume 2, 3 and 4 and I have some mini series (X-Men/Alpha Flight, Omega Flight, ect) Where's it all fall in? Any ideas? Once I get a reading order, I'm going to either fire up the grill outside, slow cook some ribs and read or, if it's fall or winter when we can get something hammered out, I'll fire up the fireplace and read. Looking forward to hearing from anyone. I LOVE Alpha Flight and I have my DREAM collection now. Help me out!!

  2. #2


    We've often tried to put one together but it's a very fluid thing!
    join in at if you fancy it!

  3. #3

    Default Reply

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    We've often tried to put one together but it's a very fluid thing!
    join in at if you fancy it!

    o.k. so, does this site pay attention to both the "flow" of the story for the "group" OR are we saying that the way to follow Alpha Flight in order is to pay attention to the CHARACTERS instead of the "groups" appearance?

  4. #4


    There's no right or wrong, so it's probably a combination of the two.
    I think Mik mentions it in the thread that the Wolverine & Kitty Pryde series is concurrent with AF#12 and is where Logan finds out about Mac's death even though there's no actual appearance of the team/characters in it, if that's the type of story flow you mean?
    Feel free to suggest any input you have!

  5. #5

    Default Making a listing now

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    There's no right or wrong, so it's probably a combination of the two.
    I think Mik mentions it in the thread that the Wolverine & Kitty Pryde series is concurrent with AF#12 and is where Logan finds out about Mac's death even though there's no actual appearance of the team/characters in it, if that's the type of story flow you mean?
    Feel free to suggest any input you have!
    I am making a list of the order that I come up with. I have found by reading issues and by looking and browsing using Mile High Comics and E-Bay that there was WAY MORE to Alpha Flight than the 1983 series. Came into some resources and bought all the volumes on E-Bay (made good deals). From there, found there were back stories and story lines and links, ect. As I complete the list I will post. I only stumbled on by accident. I thought I was the only guy in "comic book collecting land" that loved Alpha Flight like I do. I'm a red blooded American but I LOVE this group. Shame that Byrne didn't stay longer with it.

    Anyway, as I get time and I can comb through more stuff, I'll come up with a list and post it. Thanks for any support or ideas you may have. Didn't know about Wolverine & Kitty Pryde series having a mentioning of Mac getting killed. ... MAKE MINE ALPHA FLIGHT!!!

  6. #6


    Welcome to! One suggestion I'd make is to pull the Wolverine continuity out of your reading order. You'll save a billion dollars from your collection, and all the flashbacks will just give you a headache. So basically if no one else from Alpha Flight is in the book, don't consider it part of the reading order.

    Oh, and don't forget an early continuity story: the FCBD issue of Wolverine with Mac and Madison Jeffries.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    Welcome to! One suggestion I'd make is to pull the Wolverine continuity out of your reading order. You'll save a billion dollars from your collection, and all the flashbacks will just give you a headache. So basically if no one else from Alpha Flight is in the book, don't consider it part of the reading order.
    Especially Wolverine of the last 10 years or so... forget any form of continuity...

    As for thinking you were the only Alpha Flight fan...

    Welcome to the Flight; hope you survive the experience.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by GuardianFan View Post
    WAY MORE to Alpha Flight than the 1983 series.
    It might be worth checking out the Appearances Forum at
    This does include any minor, alternate reality & non-continuity appearances though.

  9. #9
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Hey, GuardianFan, welcome aboard!

    Quote Originally Posted by GuardianFan View Post
    After that I throw in Machine Man #18 (I know it's not necessary but North Star, Aurora and Sasquatch make an appearance). After, Marvel Two-in-One #83 - 84 (Again, North Star, Aurora and Sasquatch, these issues are mentioned in Alpha Flight #12). Moving on to Uncanny X-Men #139 - 140 where the Wendigo is battled.
    Do see the chronology thread that Phil linked to, but note that Machine Man #18 and Uncanny #139-140 are canonically concurrent. In one of the issues, somebody actually says 'the other characters aren't with us right now because they're guest-starring in the other comic'...
    Um... maybe not in those exact words...

    Quote Originally Posted by GuardianFan View Post
    ... or, if it's fall or winter...
    It is winter!

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I think Mik mentions it in the thread that the Wolverine & Kitty Pryde series is concurrent with AF#12 and is where Logan finds out about Mac's death even though there's no actual appearance of the team/characters in it,
    I think that was on my Marvel Premiere Classics thread where I said that. Might've been both.

    ~ Le Messor (Mik)
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  10. #10
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    ... okay, I've just looked it up. In Uncanny #139, Mac says:

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindicator
    Department "H" sent the other half of Alpha Flight -- Aurora, Northstar and Sasquatch -- into the States, on a covert operation to kidnap some robot.*"
    (The emphasis is in the issue. Apparently, Jimmy doesn't expect Shaman to remember the code-names of his other three teammates.)

    With a footnote:

    Quote Originally Posted by Louise Jones
    * For that story, gentle readers, check out Machine Man #19 on sale now -- Louise.
    I've never noticed before that they got the issue of Machine Man wrong.

    ~ Le Messor
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  11. #11

    Default Reading Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    ... okay, I've just looked it up. In Uncanny #139, Mac says:

    (The emphasis is in the issue. Apparently, Jimmy doesn't expect Shaman to remember the code-names of his other three teammates.)

    With a footnote:

    I've never noticed before that they got the issue of Machine Man wrong.

    ~ Le Messor
    "I have always been amoung those who believe that the greatest freedom of speech was the greatest safety, because if a man is a fool, the best thing to do is to encourage him to advertise the fact by speaking."
    ~ Woodrow Wilson

    I totally understand and see that yes INDEED they got that issue number wrong. Didn't take me long to figure it out though. Machine Man had only 19 issues total and so I just went one issue back and found it. I even visited my old friend E-Bay and bought it. It's part of my continuity now. I think I'll have time this weekend to finish putting together a list of what I call my continuity. Some of you may agree with it and some of you may not. It will work for me as I have ALL of the issues and ALL of the volumes. I'm SO looking forward to getting this set up. Keep the suggestions coming. It helps me keep a mind set while I'm doing this. PS, where do the Annuals come into play?

  12. #12
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I'm glad you didn't buy the wrong issue in your quest.

    Okay, I have the first annual between #40 and #41 and the second annual between #50 and #51.
    They're not easy to place as the specific teams within don't quite match up to any line-up around the time. (X-Men / Alpha Flight v1 is actually worse, though.)

  13. #13
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    It is winter!
    Hah! It even snowed here this morning. That is so rare here!

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    I think that was on my Marvel Premiere Classics thread where I said that. Might've been both.
    That does make sense and ring a bell.

    EDIT: It was actually here:
    Last edited by Phil; 07-13-2016 at 06:33 AM.

  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Thanks for digging it up!

    I started a new thread just for that?

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