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Thread: Omega Flight #2 [Got it]

  1. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Quote Originally Posted by Powersurge
    Now, back to my point, 'Liz needs to chill 'cause it's not the fault of IM or the USA.
    Of course it's Iron man's fault. Liz is just calling him on it. As she said...Canada has had it's own Registration Act for a while now, but the Canadian super heroes never turned on each other, nor did they kill each other because of it. It is Iron man's (and Reed Richards') fault that Giant-Man/Goliath (Bill Foster) is dead, He and Reed created the Thor clone that killed him. They've taken away the freedoms of any hero that opposes them....And it's definitely Tony's/the Registration Act's fault that villains are heading to Canada.

    She's only telling it like it is, that Tony and the Pro-Reg "heroes" will do/have done anything to see their goals met and Tony doesn't care who gets hurt or killed in the process. The whole Civil War Pro-Reg mentality is that of a police state, taking away all the freedoms from her citizens and forcing them to conform...All the while stating it's for their own good.

    As far as Stamford being the fault of the New Warriors...That is a load of hooey! The New Warriors did not kill the people of Stamford...Nitro did. The same thing could have happened if Iron Man, Ms. Marvel or even Spider-Man had tried to stop Nitro. Nitro's power is to explode and nobody around is safe. If you blame the New warriors for the deaths of the people of Stamford, then you might as well blame the original Captain Marvel for not stopping Nitro in the first place, all those years ago. Nitro has faced Mar-Vell, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Daredevil and even Iron Man himself...Are they all to blame for Stamford?

    =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
    Beautifully put.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  2. #92


    Thanks, Del.


  3. #93
    Lion-O's 2nd Cousin Alpha Flight
    DaVeO's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    WOO-HOO! It's time to par-tay! That's great news Dana, thanks!
    The world is NOT getting more Alpha Flight! Tweet me you twits! @DaVeO52

  4. #94


    Haven't gotten the issue yet, but I've got it in mybox so its all good.

    Just as a side point-

    The Pro-regs are at fault, and the villains hopping the border isn't because they got their "act" together. Its because look at the Thunderbolts. VILLAINS, registered VILLAINS. They know what's in store for them, its a tour of duty with Uncle Sam.

  5. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Quote Originally Posted by Powersurge
    Now, back to my point, 'Liz needs to chill 'cause it's not the fault of IM or the USA.
    Of course it's Iron man's fault. Liz is just calling him on it. As she said...Canada has had it's own Registration Act for a while now, but the Canadian super heroes never turned on each other, nor did they kill each other because of it. It is Iron man's (and Reed Richards') fault that Giant-Man/Goliath (Bill Foster) is dead, He and Reed created the Thor clone that killed him. They've taken away the freedoms of any hero that opposes them....And it's definitely Tony's/the Registration Act's fault that villains are heading to Canada.

    She's only telling it like it is, that Tony and the Pro-Reg "heroes" will do/have done anything to see their goals met and Tony doesn't care who gets hurt or killed in the process. The whole Civil War Pro-Reg mentality is that of a police state, taking away all the freedoms from her citizens and forcing them to conform...All the while stating it's for their own good.

    As far as Stamford being the fault of the New Warriors...That is a load of hooey! The New Warriors did not kill the people of Stamford...Nitro did. The same thing could have happened if Iron Man, Ms. Marvel or even Spider-Man had tried to stop Nitro. Nitro's power is to explode and nobody around is safe. If you blame the New warriors for the deaths of the people of Stamford, then you might as well blame the original Captain Marvel for not stopping Nitro in the first place, all those years ago. Nitro has faced Mar-Vell, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Daredevil and even Iron Man himself...Are they all to blame for Stamford?

    BRAVO!! I do have to say this much about the whole Civil War saga. It has without a doubt gotten people talking about the Marvel Universe in a very passionate way. I have always felt that comics where the mythology of today. Through out history mythology was used to teach lessons and spark intelligent thought through telling a story. Its a great great thing that Marvel comics is doing this today. Comics are a unique and fantastic way to tell a story. I take great pride that such a fantastic medium for storytelling is getting some long deserved respect.
    You may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one.

    Venom: I want to bite their heads off and shove my tongue down their neck holes.
    Songbird: Why?
    Venom: So I can lick out their hearts.

  6. #96


    I got mine today and I liked it a lot, quite a page turner! To how BRB and the Wrecking Crew are lead to the same place, BRB in human form getting messages from Talisman as is Sasquatch (although Talisman does not appear to know they are getting her messages). Who is drawing them all to the ROM? How will BRB regain his true form, it seems he only has visions of it?

    USAgent being Captain Jerk, true to his original creators! As are the Wrecking Crew. And I loved how Talisman kept dissing USagent, Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, "Talisman to you!!".

    I liked issue #1 but this was on a whole new level the story moved forward and lots to think about for #3! Just one of those wow issues!

    And I got mine in the mail with the 'last one' note, so my order store sold out fast again.

    BRB and Sasquatch against the Wrecking Crew, what mystical figure is behind this storyline, OF coming together as a team, not individuals, Talisman sending USAgent to Hades the next time he calls her Pocahontas... A lot to look forward too.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  7. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by SmurfInABlender
    I personally find the art amazing, probably some of the best art in comics lately, has a great feel to it.

    I didn't spot nay easter eggs no
    Then you missed Shaman's appearance on Page 6?

  8. #98
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Kolins
    BTW- has anyone else seen the Sasquatch appearance in Woverine #53? WTF? I'm going to have a talk with that Loeb fellow.
    Thank you!

    The only thing I didn't like about #2 was that this issue didn't have the Easter eggs of #1. I like chocolate.

    Great art, we knew that already, good story. The point of the 'aargh' panel? Sasquatch finally caved to the torture.

    - Le Messor
    "Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something!"
    - Pancho Villa's last words (attrib)

  9. #99


    With hindsight, I would like to think that the ArrrrrGggghh! panel was the point were Walt succumbed and Tanaraq took over.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  10. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by DelBubs
    With hindsight, I would like to think that the ArrrrrGggghh! panel was the point were Walt succumbed and Tanaraq took over.
    I thought the same thing but in issue 1 just begore the gas truck hits him(unless that's what you meant). There's an "Arrrrrgh!" in the middle of a sentence when thinking about the Collective. Now that could have been a flashback "arg" but in any case it's just after Walters last words ever since.

  11. #101


    I fiiiiiiinally got my hands on #2 (I missed it the day it came out --doh! -- sold out in 3 of the nearest shops -- then vacation, yadda yadda).

    Few things:
    1. I'm really happy to see the book selling out! It's great!! I certainly won't miss 3 hitting the shelves this week!
    2. Scott Kolins , IMO, has done a wonderful, wonderful job with Sasquatch. Really great looking. Makes me happy.

    I've enjoyed both books so far and purchased my variant cover for the second printing of #1

    BUT...I have to add my voice to those expressing disappointment about the way things are going down with Sasquatch.'s just...just painful. I dunno...I know people see their favorite charcters beat up a lot and what's happening here is serving the larger storyline and blah blah blah blah but...but.... DUUUDE. It really freaking sucks to watch as, over the years when he shows up, one of your favorite all time characters get his ass handed to him AGAIN!! Aaaaand AGAIN. And, wait for it....AGAIN. IT's strated to feel more and more sadistic with each thrashing-- and now, OF # 2 has pretty well made it official!! A new record! Nearly a full comic worth of full on Sasquatch torture. Sweet Christmas! It's almost enough to make a guy give up on a character. Who wants follow the exploits of punching bag around he MU?

    Of course I'm not giving up on the lovable gus. But it's very, very disheartening.

    Is there some kind of inside joke in the Marvel offices about Sasquatch beating that I'm not aware of? Or maybe some kind of contractual bi-line that says as a writer, if you use Sasquatch, you essentially need to have him beaten to the threshold of life at some point in the story?

    *sigh* Oh well. That's my rant.

    I guess all and all I feel like things are going way better overall for the book than I might have feared -- but in terms of the character that brought me to AF way back in 1982 in the first place, well, it stinks!

  12. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by Bah!
    BUT...I have to add my voice to those expressing disappointment about the way things are going down with Sasquatch.'s just...just painful. I dunno...I know people see their favorite charcters beat up a lot and what's happening here is serving the larger storyline and blah blah blah blah but...but.... DUUUDE. It really freaking sucks to watch over the years when he shows up one of your favorite all time chracters get his ass handed to him AGAIN!! Aaaaand AGAIN. And, wait for it....AGAIN. And now, a new record, nearly a full comic worth of full on Sasquatch torture. Sweet Christmas. It's almost enough to make a guy give up on orange guy. Who wants follow the exploits of punching bag around he MU?
    I suggest you don't read Wolverine #54 as I feel your pain, I even made a post about this on Mike's board

  13. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    I suggest you don't read Wolverine #54 as I feel your pain, I even made a post about this on Mike's board
    Well -- I saw this appearance mentioned earlier this evening on AW -- didn't know about it -- was all excited, but then saw the comments about the art and was a bit less enthusiastic -- but so, now your telling me tha in addition to looking crap he as per usual gets his ass kicked? SWEET!

  14. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by Bah!
    Well -- I saw this appearance mentioned earlier this evening on AW -- didn't know about it -- was all excited, but then saw the comments about the art and was a bit less enthusiastic -- but so, now your telling me tha in addition to looking crap he as per usual gets his ass kicked? SWEET!

    [spoilers] Wild Child [Spoilers]

    I actually made a respect thread for him if you want to remember his impressive feats:

  15. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    I actually made a respect thread for him if you want to remember his impressive feats:
    Thanks for the link KM -- that looks very impressive! I'm looking foward to working my way through it! Though just a quick scan makes mme even more bitter when I remember him lifting Ocean Freighters and catching falling buildings like they were play things.

    Wild Child?!? WILD CHILD?!!?

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