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Thread: CW: Battle Damage Report (SPOILERS)

  1. #16


    Or maybe plans have been made for other survivors to appear


  2. #17


    Because we all know Puck II survived.

  3. #18
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    Also stated that their headquarters is the C.S.I.S National Headquarters in Ottawa.
    So I wonder what will become of the huge Dept H HQ now? Office space?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    Or maybe plans have been made for other survivors to appear.

    Let's hope so. [-o<

  4. #19


    It says in The Initiative that only Sasquatch survived. Battle Damage says that when Alpha Flight confronted the Collective "few survived." Few is more than one. Sasquatch is also described as "one of the few survivors." The same entry says that "the majority" of Alpha Flight is now gone. I am sure I read somewhere else recently that "several key members" of Alpha Flight perished but I cannot remember where. Whatever the case might be, it doesn't seem entirely certain that Sasquatch is the only survivor yet.

  5. #20


    I would agree - the text in Battle Damage definitely leaves the door open for the return of original members. Its just a matter of the mini lasting more than 5 issues.

  6. #21
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    Still, why would they need to form Omega Flight? The government has the experience forming these sort of teams so errr?
    As a part of the initiative, to catch "draft dodgers" presumably.
    So, basically, the US government has created a police force in a foreign nation for the purposes of monitoring what is, in effect an internal problem?

    This once, that actually makes sense--Canada may want help in guarding its southern borders from too many illegal immigrants fleeing a repressive backwards government. I can just see it now; all the people in Winnipeg and their south of the border housemaids. 'Like, dude, it's totally clean!' (After all, we all know that the US has had HUGE successes doing the same thing. )
    Man, I'm feeling sarcastic today. I don't even know how much of the above I meant. I think I started that paragraph 'straight' and it ended up sarcastic...

    - Le Messor
    "Help! I'm being repressed! Come see the violence inherent in the system!"
    - The Holy Grail

  7. #22


    I can see Canada expecting aid from SHIELD and/or the USA in answering the problem caused by their SRA. Afterall, it's their problem that is spilling over into *our* borders. It seems there really should be some form of accountability there... to be neighbourly if nothing else.

    I can also see the Canadian government actually wanting to pick a few US superheroes, "Mighty Avengers" style, to fill out whatever domestic team they might create to deal with the problem. It would be a nice addition to the relaitvely *large* selection of *Canadian* supers to chose from.

    However, if this is all under the control of SHIELD and in particular the US, that is a little hard to swallow. Afterall, according to the CW Files Canada overturned it's own SRA.

    For that matter, some of the lead up to Omega has certain US heroes cast as *fleeing* to Canada to practice a more traditional form of superheroism. This, even as pictures of USagents are shown.

    So, whats up? A general lack of coordination at Marvel? A severe case of covering all your bases, or what?

    Oh, and I'm still going to buy the comic... and I'll probably enjoy it too! You probably should and would too. BUT my time, money and commitment -- which is part of what ensures a few talented guys the *privelege* to make frickin SUPERHERO COMICBOOKS for a LIVING -- also buys me the right to criticize.. with extreme prejudice where felt due. So, take it all as being part of something I'm sold on... despite the fact that I "haven't read it yet".

  8. #23
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powersurge
    Oh, and I'm still going to buy the comic... and I'll probably enjoy it too! You probably should and would too.
    There was never any doubt.
    (That I'd buy it, anyway. Enjoy? I'll see. The art's great, I know that.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Powersurge
    BUT my time, money and commitment -- which is part of what ensures a few talented guys the *privelege* to make frickin SUPERHERO COMICBOOKS for a LIVING -- also buys me the right to criticize..
    Preach it, dude! Preach it! (Mickey B goes into shaking throes of religious fervour, even though that's not the kind of church he goes to.)

    - Le Messor
    "Do not believe that it is very much of an advance to do the unnecessary three times as fast."
    - Peter Drucker

  9. #24


    I'm afraid that I'm feeling a might less optimistic after learning that the American government created OF... People do realize that we have a military right? Its small but it's still there. Canada is all for cooperation and accepting help, but we can take care of ourselves... We even have the Dwyer Hill Ski Team as our special forces unit! World sniping record what!

    I find it odd that Marvel would think that the U.S. creating a military force for Canada would be realistic when in the real world we wouldn't even consent to a bloody missile shield because of sovereignty issues. (Though I think part of that rationale was also realizing that either way the missle would be shot down over Canada regardless.)

    I still can't wait for the comic though... Its already being pre-sold on Ebay.

  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by SephirothsKiller
    I'm afraid that I'm feeling a might less optimistic after learning that the American government created OF... People do realize that we have a military right? Its small but it's still there. Canada is all for cooperation and accepting help, but we can take care of ourselves... We even have the Dwyer Hill Ski Team as our special forces unit! World sniping record what!

    I find it odd that Marvel would think that the U.S. creating a military force for Canada would be realistic when in the real world we wouldn't even consent to a bloody missile shield because of sovereignty issues. (Though I think part of that rationale was also realizing that either way the missle would be shot down over Canada regardless.)

    I still can't wait for the comic though... Its already being pre-sold on Ebay.
    These are things that I wouldn't put it past Oeming to have incorporated into the actual story line, though he may have had to trim some of that side of things out for the sake of the series going mini. You have to keep in mind that this book spins out of Civil War, which took place in the US. The way the book is launching shows some "typical" US/Canada sentiments.


  11. #26


    Well... I guess it's nice that the "evil" and "currupt" Canadian gov. of the Marvel Universe is fading away. Though, if we could fund the Weapon X program, I think we could put together some hero's of our own and take charge of it. Oh well, I'm sure there will be a power struggle in the series between the two Nations. That conflict is something I'd love to read aboot, eh?... sorry.

  12. #27


    In order to lend a hand I decided to transcribe the text from the Battle Damage Report for everyone to see, so here goes.

    "With the majority of Alpha Flight gone, the Canadian government no longer possessed the assets needed to deal with the hordes of American superhumans flooding their borders after the passage of the U.S. Superhuman Registration Act. Desiring to keep the Canadian economy stable, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the U.S. government decided to assist in securing Canada's borders. To that end, the new Omega Flight program was formed."

    So there we have it, I have no doubt that Stark has financial interests in Canada so that would get his attention. Plus in Arachne's entry it says that see signed on to Omega so she could be with her daughter and not in prison, that makes sense to me too.

    The more I hear about this project the more excited I get for it, I can't wait!

  13. #28


    I picked up the issue, and it also said S.H.I.E.L.D worked with C.S.I.S to create the team.

    Also I agree with Ben the context it was used in sounds like there were indeed a few survivors from NA #16. Later today I will actually post the scans

  14. #29


    At the begining it also says: "Alpha Flight (the group that would normally respond to such a potential crisis) seemingly perished during a confrontation with the Collective"

    "Seemingly" as in "appears to have", but not 100% fact. I like how they leave the door open here. Sassy's "I'm the only survivor" might have been said more to scare Mike then be actual fact.

    Guess we'll have to wait and see.

  15. #30


    Mentions S.H.I.E.L.D worked with C.S.I.S to form Omega Flight

    Omega Flight
    "...The Collective in North Pole, Alaska and proceeded to rampage through the Canadian tundra, many of Alpha Flight's members attempted to confront him..few survived. That's a pretty good indication there was indeed more than Sasquatch who survived.
    I properly will take these down soon as the issue recently came out.

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