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Thread: No Northstar Is No Happy...

  1. #16
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I think the main problem is that the reason is now outside comics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    When Heroes Reborn happened and they were all shunted off to another Universe no-one cared.
    You may want to check your history. As I remember it, people were up in arms about this one (and loathe it to this day).

    ~ Le Messor
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  2. #17


    People loathed it, because it was terrible; not because the X-Men were more important.

  3. #18
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Also true.

  4. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    The thing is, back in the 90's when the X-Men started becoming popular and the Avengers and FF got pushed to the back no-one cared.
    When Heroes Reborn happened and they were all shunted off to another Universe no-one cared.
    Now it's the X-Men's turn to take a back seat and everyone's up in arms.
    It's all cyclical; it'll be the X-Men's turn soon enough when the movies have caused Avengers-fatigue.
    Well, I believe a lot of it has to do with the folks at Disney - they love their copyrights - and since X-MEN is with FOX, I can see why they'd shunt the X-MEN behind in order to cease promoting another film studio's movie... (until they get it back).

    A recently "leaked" image showed a line without ANY X-Titles at all.

    This could be because Death of X is that month; or it could be because of Death of X, we're going to see all the mutants "disappear"/lose their power/whatever (until Disney movie studios get the rights back to the X-Men probably)...

  5. #20


    Oh it's totally to do with Movie Rights, but my point still stands.

    And yup, Death Of X replaces X-Titles in October.

  6. #21


    Maybe not: "The X-Men, Wolverine, Spider-Man and more will all be seen in their regular series when October's solicitations roll around later in July."

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Maybe not: "The X-Men, Wolverine, Spider-Man and more will all be seen in their regular series when October's solicitations roll around later in July."
    Yeah, looks like some of the X-Men are being seen in other titles also...

    If you're up for some really cynical and snarky writing...

    Part One:
    Part Two:
    Part Three:

  8. #23


    I think what that means is that the catalogue that's been released ISN'T the October solicits, which makes sense as new Captain Marvel #1 was listed it we've been told that that's not till

  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I think what that means is that the catalogue that's been released ISN'T the October solicits, which makes sense as new Captain Marvel #1 was listed it we've been told that that's not till
    Well supposedly Marvel released it Tuesday after it leaked Monday. So that would be it. Because Death of X is for October. So...

    They may have just pushed Captain Marvel #1 up to be in line with all these new titles launching.

    Marvel's version of doing "Rebirth" in a way, without calling it that.

  10. #25


    It was due to be released at midnight on Tuesday anyway.

    Not everything in the catalogue is launching in October though.
    And not everything on sale in October is in the catalogue.

  11. #26
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    ... but her powers don't work that way.

    Yes, I know what you meant, it's just your comment tied in so well with their power set, and technically after Walt's changes to her they do and...
    ~ Le Messor

    Walt's experiment on Jeanne-Marie in Alpha Flight #17 isn't the only change she has undergone: in the issue of Secret War II (written by Jim Shooter) with AF, it showed the first time the twins' powers negated each other...unless I've missed it somewhere (else) between AF #17 and AF#29.

    Prior to publishing the huge compilation of early-era Alpha Flight, maybe some of the current and former creators and editors could share their views on whether they believe AF# 29 is a seamless, fluid continuation of the Byrne run.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-14-2016 at 08:36 PM. Reason: Thanks, Beyonder

  12. #27
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    in the issue of Secret War II (written by Jim Shooter) with AF, it showed the first time the twins' powers negated each other...
    You describe #4. It was fairly ambiguous what they were talking about at the time (Beyonder thinks, about them whacking into each other, 'It affects their powers, but they're too stunned to notice'), but I imagine Mantlo had told Shooter his plans. (Mantlo, not Byrne. Negating each other's powers seems to be Mantlo's addition.)

    I'm pretty sure they didn't touch at any other time between #17 and #29, but I'm open to correction.

    ~ Le Messor
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  13. #28

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