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Thread: Bendis on Cancelling X-Men Titles

  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    (Peter David has already said that he was told from the start he could only have Quicksilver in All-New X-Factor until 2015, when he'll be moved to Avengers books)
    This makes me so sad. ANXF is one of the best current x-books out. Pietro's back and forth snark with Gambit is fun. Makes me feel like he's not just some team's speed b!tch.

    I am going to really miss one of my fave characters in this book when he leaves. To become, yet again, the Avengers' Speed B!tch.

  2. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    There are many, many reasons why scenes or even entire characters end up on the cutting room floor.
    Do you blame Christopher Lee for Saruman not being in The Return of the King (Theatrical release)?
    No, but then Christopher Lee probably didn't have a line in Return of the King where he says something like:

    "Do you know what happens to a toad when struck by lightning?" (Dramatic Pause) "The same thing as everything else!"

    Granted, that's a writing thing - but I wonder if she said, "I think I should say something like this..." And it's Halle Berry, and they probably thought, "Well, just let her have this moment..."

  3. #63
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    "Do you know what happens to a toad when struck by lightning?" (Dramatic Pause) "The same thing as everything else!"
    I may be the only person on the planet who actually likes that line...
    but I do think it should've been reversed.

    Quote Originally Posted by X-Men
    "Do you know what happens to a toad when struck by lightning?" (Dramatic Pause, lightning strike) "The same thing as everything else!"
    should have been:
    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    "Do you know what happens to a toad when struck by lightning?" (Dramatic Pause) "The same thing as everything else!" (lightning strike)
    to giver Mortimer a moment to reflect on what he's saying. I think it would've been better that way.

    Then again, I think the mid- and post-credits scenes in Captain America 2 should've been swapped around, too. So what do I know?

    ~ Le Messor
    "If you want work done, select a busy man; the other kind has no time."
    ~ Elbert Hubbard

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Then again, I think the mid- and post-credits scenes in Captain America 2 should've been swapped around, too. So what do I know?
    The only reason they did it the way they did is to have the more important one (plotty and directly dealing with an upcoming film) come first so more people will see it. They did the same thing with Thor 2!

    ...this has nothing to do with anything, carry on.

  5. #65



    I've done some deleting of several users posts.

    If anyone has an issue with that please PM me, or if you really have an issue with the way I've dealt with and wish to complain about me please Pm Rob (rplass)

    I'm going to put my foot down on this big time before it goes any further because while nothing posted by any of the users was said with malice the direction of the thread was heading for conflict, albeit unintentionally.

    Can we all please step away from discussing religion on this thread.

    If you wish to continue it please do it via PM.

  6. #66

  7. #67
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    A lot of Alpha Flight in that article!

    I, for one, think the X-Men titles could use a little pruning.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Abraham Lincoln once walked down the street with his two sons, both of whom were crying. "What's the matter with you boys?" asked a passerby. "Exactly what is wrong with the whole world," said Lincoln. "I have three walnuts, and each boy wants two.""
    ~ (told by George Sweeting)

  8. #68

  9. #69


    ohhhhh where would that leave AF? more fractured? I'll keep an open mind

  10. #70
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    That... that totally doesn't make sense. Surely Quicksilver would know by now?

    ~ Le Messor
    "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered."
    ~ G.K. Chesterton

  11. #71


    Yeah that doesn't make much sense, but could be altered due to the incursions and it's now poisonous.

    If if that's the case AF actually won't be too fractured. Most people it would affect aren't currently on the team (sans aurora)

  12. #72


    It could all be wrong.
    Even Rich would admit he doesn't get it 100%.

  13. #73
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I just read on CBR about the top 5 bad things Quicksilver has done, and it only enforces my original point.

    You're right, Phil - maybe Rich has been misinformed.
    Or maybe a major Marvel crossover is based on scanty research? (I'm sorry, but it wouldn't be the first time. Remember Dr Strange, who has apparently used chaos magic, saying there's no such thing as chaos magic?)

    ~ Le Messor
    "Almost all rich veins of original and striking speculation have been opened by systematic half-thinkers."
    ~ John Stuart Mill, born May 20, 1806

  14. #74

  15. #75


    That's from back in March and is where the rumour comes from.
    The world part might not be literal.

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