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Thread: The Superhero Book

  1. #1

    Default The Superhero Book

    Not sure if this is the proper place for this; we'll see.

    Purchased The Superhero Book, and Alpha Flight is in it.

    Scans and a brief write-up here:

    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

    My new website! Follow my super-powered web-novel adventures, "Life Less Ordinary"!

    Twitter (1) = @RealWyldeChild
    Twitter (2) = @lifewebnovel

    FaceBook = or search for me at " Life Less-Ordinary "

    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Cool that they got 2 page mention. Bummer that not even one photo was used!

  4. #4


    Its a neat book, but with very few photos, and the few that are used are very small.
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

    My new website! Follow my super-powered web-novel adventures, "Life Less Ordinary"!

    Twitter (1) = @RealWyldeChild
    Twitter (2) = @lifewebnovel

    FaceBook = or search for me at " Life Less-Ordinary "

    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  5. #5


    What do we have to do to get Alpha more love????
    Tell me, and I will do it!
    Do I need to tweet some folks?
    Tweet-scream at someone?
    FB someone?
    Start a petition?
    March to Canada?
    March to Marvel?
    Throw things?
    Make threats?
    Buy someone lunch?
    Sell my soul?

  6. #6


    Convince 100,000 other people to buy the title every month for the rest of their lives.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Convince 100,000 other people to buy the title every month for the rest of their lives.
    What title?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    What do we have to do to get Alpha more love????
    Tell me, and I will do it!
    Do I need to tweet some folks?
    Tweet-scream at someone?
    FB someone?
    Start a petition?
    March to Canada?
    March to Marvel?
    Throw things?
    Make threats?
    Buy someone lunch?
    Sell my soul?
    I admire your passion to the Flight.

    - If you tweeted at least 50,000 people and each of them bought an Alpha Flight issue... Marvel may take notice.
    - If you tweet-screamed an additional 50,000 and THEY bought one each also... that would definitely work.
    - Facebook John Byrne... get him back on board.
    - A petition could work. I started one back in the 80's to save the whales... and they're still here!!! I can't help but feel partly responsible.
    - Depends on your starting point. If its the Northern U.S., definitely come join us, the weather's great. If its Brazil, you may not GET here until next March.
    - I think its about time for all of us to march on Marvel.
    - Yes, throw things. Definitely throw things. Big things... directly at any writer who's ever killed off an Alphan.
    - Yes, make threats. Definitely make threats. Big threats... directly at any editor-in-chief who's ever canceled an Alpha Flight series. Except for volume 3... that was more of a mercy killing than a cancellation.
    - ... and borrow... and steal.
    - I can't make any promises... but I'll take a ham and swiss on rye bread.
    - Keep this as a last resort. But if you decide to go for it, do it before you march to Canada... our exchange rate sucks right now.

    Hope this helped.
    The Flight Forever !

  9. #9


    I saw that book, well, the first printing at my LCS. If anyone wants a copy, let me know and I'll pick it up.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  10. #10


    I gots it off Fairly cheap. And it'll keep me reading for months, at 463 pages. It doesn't deal with just comic book appearances, it also talks about tv and movie appearances, toys, etc.
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

    My new website! Follow my super-powered web-novel adventures, "Life Less Ordinary"!

    Twitter (1) = @RealWyldeChild
    Twitter (2) = @lifewebnovel

    FaceBook = or search for me at " Life Less-Ordinary "

    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  11. #11
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Alphan East View Post
    - A petition could work. I started one back in the 80's to save the whales... and they're still here!!! I can't help but feel partly responsible.
    - Facebook John Byrne... get him back on board.
    - Yes, throw things. Definitely throw things. Big things... directly at any writer who's ever killed off an Alphan.
    You realise that would include John Byrne, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    I gots it off Fairly cheap. And it'll keep me reading for months, at 463 pages. It doesn't deal with just comic book appearances, it also talks about tv and movie appearances, toys, etc.
    Since it covers different companies, that's probably why there's so few photos - copyright issues.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Save the whales! Collect the whole set."
    Last edited by Le Messor; 07-12-2014 at 06:07 PM.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    You realise that would include John Byrne, right?
    I know... its a vicious circle.
    The Flight Forever !

  13. #13
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Alphan East View Post
    I know... its a vicious circle.
    Has Pacman gone made again?

    ~ Le Messor
    Teacher: "There are no dots on your 'i's or 'j's, and no full stops in this assignment."
    Student: "I know... I did it on my computer, and my Pacman got loose and ate them all."
    ~ You Can't Do That On Television (?)

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Alphan East View Post
    I admire your passion to the Flight.

    - If you tweeted at least 50,000 people and each of them bought an Alpha Flight issue... Marvel may take notice.
    - If you tweet-screamed an additional 50,000 and THEY bought one each also... that would definitely work.
    - Facebook John Byrne... get him back on board.
    - A petition could work. I started one back in the 80's to save the whales... and they're still here!!! I can't help but feel partly responsible.
    - Depends on your starting point. If its the Northern U.S., definitely come join us, the weather's great. If its Brazil, you may not GET here until next March.
    - I think its about time for all of us to march on Marvel.
    - Yes, throw things. Definitely throw things. Big things... directly at any writer who's ever killed off an Alphan.
    - Yes, make threats. Definitely make threats. Big threats... directly at any editor-in-chief who's ever canceled an Alpha Flight series. Except for volume 3... that was more of a mercy killing than a cancellation.
    - ... and borrow... and steal.
    - I can't make any promises... but I'll take a ham and swiss on rye bread.
    - Keep this as a last resort. But if you decide to go for it, do it before you march to Canada... our exchange rate sucks right now.

    Hope this helped.
    I LOVE ham and swiss on rye. Pumpernickel bread is fantastic as well. OM NOM.

    And all your answers? <3

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    You realise that would include John Byrne, right?
    It always makes me wonder why Byrne fans (including myself!) are okay with the fact that he killed off characters.
    Maybe because they were his own? Maybe because when he did it, it wasn't to replace them with craptastic, soulless characters that we were forced into reading/dealing with?
    Or maybe it's because when he did it, it was to fit a story, or a story to fit the death? It was done decently when Byrne did it?

    I just am not sure.

    ~ Le Messo
    "Save the whales! Collect the whole set."[/QUOTE]

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