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Thread: Captain America: Winter Soldier *spoilery*

  1. #1
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Default Captain America: Winter Soldier *spoilery*

    Captain! The radar! Possible








    Actually, I don't know if there'll be spoilers, I haven't written this yet.

    I saw the movie last night, and it was good. I like the first better, but I think a lot of people will like the second better.

    The second is as much a spy thriller as a superhero movie, about intrigue (and major, major developments) with S.H.I.E.L.D. (Wait, do Major Developments outrank Captain America?)

    The characters of Batroc and Crossbones both felt like the writers had characters that needed to do things, and they went searching for any spare names Marvel had lying around, regardless of whether they fit.
    That said, the movie felt like it could be an origin for Crossbones (and Falcon).

    If you know anything about the second title character, I don't think I can add anything to his appearance. If you don't, there's nothing to say.

    There was a little namedropping and referencing. Watch the ship's name; and there is, on a list of actual names, what I swear is a Spider-Man reference.

    Good movie. You get a biscuit.

  2. #2


    What kind of biscuit? Seabiscuit? I don't like horses much.
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    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Well, I love horses.

    (Not spoilery to plot or anything, but possibly annoying: )
    Oooh, also, I think they've found a cure for me going on about colours all the time (but I hope this was just a side-effect of sitting off to the side at a 3D movie).
    They've got a new thing that might be the next really, really annoying trend that they go through a lot of trouble and special effects to do, that's annoying as an audience member:
    The perspective was screwed up. In several scenes, I thought people's heads were wrong. The eyes should be halfway down the head; there were a few places where people's heads were only a few centimetres above their eyes. In one, Scarlett Johnansen's top of her head was tiny, and the back half looked way, way too close to her face; it looked like half her head was missing.
    There were also a few scenes where the person in the background looked much bigger than the foreground.

    Again, I'm hoping this was all a problem of where I was sitting and the 3D, and other people won't have that happening on their screens.

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    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    ... Also, did Chevrolet have a marketing deal with this film? There's a few times where you see their badge quite clearly on the grilles of cars, but the Ford badge (for example) is blurred almost until it's unrecognisable.

  5. #5


    Probably you have answered your own question.
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    That sounds like me... or does it?

    Yes. It does.

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  8. #8


    no spoiler-space needed here

    I've never liked Captain America.

    Maybe it is because I am Canadian. As such, I am patriotic, but a little laid-back about my patriotism. Canadians don't have celebrations like the 4th of July; we just like our country, and go about our business.

    Which isn't to say America or Americans are wrong in the way they show their national pride; just different.

    So, yeah; Cap's patriotism was always a little too "in your face" for my tastes. Never been a fan of the guy.

    When the first Cap movie came out...
    no, I don't mean this one... ...

    Anyways, I didn't see the first installment until WELL after it had come out on DVD. And I thought it was just okay. I own it, but I have only watched it the once; that was enough for me.

    So, with Winter Soldier, I admit that I really didn't want to like it.

    I have to say, I just got back from the theatre (or cinema, if you prefer), and i would have to highly-recommend this movie.

    I didn't just like it. It wasn't just "good"; it was "GOOD". I was both surprised, and grateful.

    Again, without giving anything away or spoiling anyone else's enjoyment of the film, let me just say this; the film not only entertained me, but it was inspiring as well. It's a feel-good film, it takes a strong moral and ethical stance and remains true to it. The characters were all rock-solid, both in presentation and in acting, the plot moved along well (if still a little formulaic), the action was good but not too overwhelming.

    As a last thing, I'd have to say that the more previews I see for X-Men Days of Future Past, the less interested I am in seeing it. It makes me squirm and cringe. I have a real fear that it is going to be a really bad picture. And, conversely, the more previews I see for Guardians of the Galaxy, the more I wish i could hop into a time-machine and pop out on August 1st, so i could see the movie right now; it looks AWESOME!


    Oh yeah. I saw this in 2D, just as an fyi.
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  9. #9


    I saw Captain America this past Thursday. I really enjoyed it, and agree quite a bit with Flightpath's thoughts on it. My only real gripe is that...I'm not sure if this is a spoiler but in case I'll













    The name of the movie is "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", but the Winter Soldier stuff seemed more like the B-plot, whereas all the SHIELD stuff was the A-plot.

    I personally would have liked to have seen more of the Winter Soldier, like some more flashbacks of his missions throughout the Cold War until today.

    But, like I said, it's a minor quibble...I really enjoyed the movie.

  10. #10


    Jason, I hear what you are saying about the A-plot and B-plot thing. However, even though the name "Winter Soldier" seems to refer to somebody in particular, I like to think after seeing the movie that the term itself applies to a lot of people, and situations, within the movie. As such, it is like a catch-phrase to me that describes the whole movie itself.
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  11. #11
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    no spoiler-space needed here

    I've never liked Captain America.

    Maybe it is because I am Canadian. As such, I am patriotic, but a little laid-back about my patriotism. Canadians don't have celebrations like the 4th of July; we just like our country, and go about our business.

    Which isn't to say America or Americans are wrong in the way they show their national pride; just different.

    So, yeah; Cap's patriotism was always a little too "in your face" for my tastes. Never been a fan of the guy.
    Replace Canada with Australia, and I agree with FP here.
    However, I did really enjoy the first Cap movie - moreso than the second.

    I do agree with Jason's comment, too, though.

  12. #12


    Finally saw this.

    I enjoyed it, but felt that some of the cast were surplus to requirements; Black Widow, Agent 13 and Falcon felt fairly forced in at times as if they were a last minute thought and Winter Soldier himself was barely in it considering he was in the title.

    I didn't even realize Crossbones was Crossbones until it was pointed out.

    It was definitely entertaining though and wasn't what I was expecting, in a good way.

    I'd say it's my number 4 behind IM3, Avengers and GOTG.

  13. #13
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I didn't even realize Crossbones was Crossbones until it was pointed out.
    I knew going in. If I hadn't, I still wouldn't know.
    Has it been released for home market in America yet? (I got my copy about two weeks ago, and was surprised when I read an article about its future release date.)

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  14. #14


    No idea, it came out over here about two weeks ago.

  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    No idea, it came out over here about two weeks ago.
    Oh, yeah, I knew you lived in England. The American spelling on 'realize' confused me for a second.
    (I'm not teasing or anything, that actually happened.)

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