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Thread: Jeffries appearance in All-New X-Factor? *SPECULATION*

  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    That kind of makes sense from a narrative flow POV, (they're learning and developing with time and practice; and their adventures 'have to be bigger' <-- I actually don't like that attitude) but still... For me, it makes them more generic, as they all turn into each other.
    Exactly. That's why I think it's important to occasionally (either subtly or overtly) "reset" a character's powers. Otherwise, they turn into Superman. Like what DC did with Crisis On Infinite Earths. Even though they seemed to have done the opposite with The New 52, making the characters more god-like and powerful (and bland).

  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Eberly View Post
    Even though I loved the design of the Jeffries' Box armor, I always preferred his power to be an intuitive one. Like when he made the arm out of the spare parts, it would only work (bend, flex, etc.) as long as he continued to actively use his power on it. When he stopped (or even if he didn't) and you cut that arm open, you wouldn't see synthetic muscles or anything...just scrap in what Jeffries' thinks the interior of an arm would look like.

    So he would need someone like Bochs to direct him in manipulating materials to make a device (robot or whatever) that would work when Jeffries wasn't actively controlling it. And the whole "pulling it directly out of people's head" thing...blech.

    But that's my personal preference. Heroes and villains always seem to get more powerful and their powers more versatile as the years go by. I would like to see them less powerful, thereby creating more adversity in their adventures.

    (That includes intelligence...I know I've vented about this before, but Tony Stark should just be an [albeit gifted] engineer, not a "futurist" who can make anything from any discipline, Hank Pym should be primarily a biochemist, Bruce Banner a physicist, and Hank McCoy a...whatever he is [biochemist?], not these Reed Richard/Victor Von Doom level scientists.)
    Yeah, I don't like the idea that pulling the ideas out of someone's mind is instantaneous and unlimited. I like an idea that the information would be beyond his understanding without the aid of someone who understands it. This would limit his powers but leave room for him to do some insane stuff with the right people collaborating. It would also help smooth over inconsistancies in how his powers have been used over the years. I really like looking at characters with inconsistent histories and figuring out how to make it work. I probably became a fan of Wildchild in part BECAUSE there's so much to play with, for example.

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    That kind of makes sense from a narrative flow POV, (they're learning and developing with time and practice; and their adventures 'have to be bigger' <-- I actually don't like that attitude) but still... For me, it makes them more generic, as they all turn into each other.
    I agree with both points. I like realistic narrative flow, but I hate the emphasis on power levels and wins. So often books seem to devolve into a pro-wrestling like story where all that matters is who wins the most fights. It's pathetic. It's not real story telling, it's just a bunch of fanboys who made it into the industry wanking about how cool their guy is and trashing other characters to 'prove it'.

    I think power progression can work so long as there is some weakness, risk, or limitation to keep it in check. I think lesser writers only look at what they want to do short term and use characters as plot devices rather than focusing on strong characterization and reasonable character development.
    Last edited by EccentricSage; 01-02-2014 at 03:17 AM.
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Eberly View Post
    Even though I loved the design of the Jeffries' Box armor, I always preferred his power to be an intuitive one. Like when he made the arm out of the spare parts, it would only work (bend, flex, etc.) as long as he continued to actively use his power on it. When he stopped (or even if he didn't) and you cut that arm open, you wouldn't see synthetic muscles or anything...just scrap in what Jeffries' thinks the interior of an arm would look like.

    So he would need someone like Bochs to direct him in manipulating materials to make a device (robot or whatever) that would work when Jeffries wasn't actively controlling it. And the whole "pulling it directly out of people's head" thing...blech.

    But that's my personal preference. Heroes and villains always seem to get more powerful and their powers more versatile as the years go by. I would like to see them less powerful, thereby creating more adversity in their adventures.

    (That includes intelligence...I know I've vented about this before, but Tony Stark should just be an [albeit gifted] engineer, not a "futurist" who can make anything from any discipline, Hank Pym should be primarily a biochemist, Bruce Banner a physicist, and Hank McCoy a...whatever he is [biochemist?], not these Reed Richard/Victor Von Doom level scientists.)
    This makes total sense and agree. If Madison Jeffries mutant powers grew, he could literally control and create Sentinels. There are too may omnipotent omega class mutants and even ordinary people in the Marvel Universe that could simply end the entire Universe with an idea, or a thought.

  4. #34
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Hasn't he already been known to control Sentinels?

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  5. #35


    Sorta... In the Weapon X: Days Of Future Now mini his Box-Bots evolved. But that's an alternate future.

    He took a Sentinel down in X-Men: Schism #4 too.

  6. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Hasn't he already been known to control Sentinels?
    In Alpha Flight #43, did he control any of the Sentinels? I know he transformed one of them first into a flight suit for himself, then a big spear to take out another, but I don't remember if he did anything else.

  7. #37
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    The Sentinels didn't save any humans, they didn't capture Mesmero, and most of Alpha Flight didn't do diddly against them. All that, and Aurora was in her summer-suit (yellow-and-white), when the next issue (just getting back from the Sentinel fight) shows her in the purple outfit.

    The Mantlo era...gotta love it.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  8. #38


    His last appearance in Weapon X he created a Sentinel army, and was part of the Weapon X war which ended because of House of M. Saw his sentinels fighting Wild Child.

    Last edited by -K-M-; 01-31-2014 at 07:04 PM.

  9. #39


    All-New X-Factor #4 is out today and I can't make it to a shop today so if anyone that is wants to have a browse to see if MadJef gets a mention at all...?

  10. #40


    I think you mean X-Factor #5. I didn't see any mention of MadJef.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  11. #41


    Hmm. It must be on a two-week schedule this month then...
    #4 is the Danger issue, and #3 only came out 4 weeks ago.
    I'll try and find #4.

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