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Thread: A few FVL AF tidbits

  1. #1

    Default A few FVL AF tidbits

    Taken from his recent Reddit Q&A:

    [–]Fremore 5 points6 points7 points 1 day ago
    Morning Fred
    I'm a long time Alpha Flight fan and was very sad to so your and Dale Eaglesham's run on it come to an untimely (and unfair) end.

    1. Are there any rumblings at Marvel at all of some sort of return in a limited series or one shot? (I ask only because of the the current pattern where the run of each series gets shorter and shorter, V1-130 issues, V2-20 issues, V3-12 issues, V4-8 issues)
    2. How may more story arcs did you have prepared if it was going to continue past issue 8?

    [–]fredvanlenteWriter-at-Large[S] 4 points5 points6 points 1 day ago

    1. I'd say that's unlikely. Alpha Flight was a rough go for us from the very beginning, lots of editorial turf wars. The Powers-That-Be wouldn't let us have Madison Jeffries, first we didn't have Puck then we had him, and they kept wanting Northstar back to get married in X-Men after not being able to make up their minds about whether or not he could kiss his boyfriend on-screen (fortunately they reneged on that one).

    I'd guess Alpha Flight is going to be more or less permanently absorbed into the X-Verse at this point. But what do I know? I'm glad you dug our series, Fremore.

    1. The Master stuff was going to be much longer. We were going to introduce The Commonwealth, a kind of super-super-team of heroes from the larger British Empire that began in World War II that would've included MI:13, the Australian heroes, the Kenyan heroes ... and more! Vindicator would have persuaded them to come to Canada to try and hunt down Alpha Flight and it would have been amazeballs awesome. But not to be, alas.
    [–]SuperlativeInsanity 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago
    Tell us about your creative process. A few specific questions:

    • Have you ever felt yourself censored?

    [–]fredvanlenteWriter-at-Large[S] 4 points5 points6 points 1 day ago
    I've been censored. Or at least, asked to change things. Marvel, for example, doesn't want a lot of political statements in their books. To continue my ALPHA FLIGHT tales of woe from the previous thread (waaa waaa I know), they made us change Aurora's abuser from when she was a kid from a nun to a social worker so as to not to "offend people." I argued until I was blue in the face it wasn't what Byrne had set up, but there are things you could get away with in the 80s you can't now, believe it or not.
    [–]anti-inverse 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago
    How did an idea like Action Philosophers come about? Are you into philosophy yourself? What was it like transforming your comic into a stage production?
    If Alpha Flight had continued, would Namor and Marina have any interaction?

    • [–]fredvanlenteWriter-at-Large[S] 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago
      It's possible, but we were trying to redefine Marrina as someone which a much more youthful outlook on life... The idea was her alien lifecycle was much slower than ours. Previously she was a child and now she had entered a rebellious adolescent phase. So she probably would avoid Namor like the plague, as she'd find it icky she was married to somebody so OLD. And who ripped her head off. And is a member of the X-men for reasons I will never understand.
    [–]fredvanlenteWriter-at-Large[S] 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago
    In retrospect, tying both AF and Herc into FEAR ITSELF for four issues was something of a mistake. Nothing against FI specifically, but it just didn't give those titles time to breathe on their own.

  2. #2


    That says a lot. Thanks for posting that, Phil.

    I'm not a big FVL fan at this time, but I appreciate that he answered those questions so honestly.
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  3. #3


    You should email that part about the abuser to Suzene. I remember she was quite offended about that retcon. FVL doesn't say if what he originally intended to write was that the nun was just being a meanie or if there was sexual abuse, as implied by the social worker.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  4. #4


    So they did want Jeffries. Would have been nice. Also, sounds like the rushed/forced feel of the last issue was most likely thanks to Marvel cancelling after giving them an ongoing. ****ing Marvel. Maybe the book would have been better if editorial staff weren't acting like spoilt children over the whole thing behind the scenes.

    And the ****? They let their Good Catholic Girl Rahne get knocked up by a wolf god, that's not going to dissapoint or offend anyone. They let angsty knocked up Rahne tell people off about how they'll go to hell for being gay or comitting suicide, and that's not supposed to offend anyone. But Aurora being abused by a nun... something that was quite common in Catholic institutions, is taboo? ****ing really? I went to a Catholic school for two years, some of those people were real malevolent *******s even after scandals led to a ban on corporal punishment and such! I feared that place!

    I hate PC bull****!

    And they were desperate for Northstar to gay marry, even though they claim they don't want to have political topics in their books, yet they didn't want to show him kiss another man? jhdilbbgsdknbnfgkhmbbsdggl!!!
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
    -FlightPath07 Don't you feel all important now?

  5. #5


    To play devil's advocate this is just one side of the story and Marvel's versions of the accounts could greatly differ...

  6. #6
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by FVL
    would've included the Australian heroes
    There would've been Australian heroes? I want to see that!

    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    You should email that part about the abuser to Suzene.
    I think she knew. We heard that part of the story at the time, iIrc.

    Also, yeah, ES - a highly-publicised gay wedding is not exactly a great way to avoid political topics.

    One of the reasons I didn't like v4 much was that it was so political (or at least PC) - I kept feeling like it was a bunch of angry minorities yelling in my face all the time.

    ~ Le Messor
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  7. #7


    Australia has Talisman.....well...

  8. #8


    See I loved Vol.4, sure it had its quirks but it definetly was one of the best AF stories we have had in years (sans Chaos War: Alpha Flight one-shot)

    The last issue seemed very rush and was the weakest issue for me.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Australia has Talisman.....well...
    Yes, I've managed, over the years, to collect all his appearances!

    Well, I've got Contest Of Champions.

    We also have Gateway. In fact, we like to line the two up in a pub and see if we can tell the difference.
    Nobody's won yet.

    I count the Chaos War one-shot as part of v4.

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    Last edited by Le Messor; 10-27-2012 at 01:09 AM.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Yes, I've managed, over the years, to collect all his appearances!

    Well, I've got Contest Of Champions.

    We also have Gateway. In fact, we like to line the two up in a pub and see if we can tell the difference.
    Nobody's won yet.

    I count the Chaos War one-shot as part of v4.

    ~ Le Messor
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    There is also that guy who appeared in Force Works back around '95 or so...I think his name was Dreamguard or somesuch. Another aboriginal dreamtime-powered hero. I think he might even had had a bull-roarer like Talisman and Gateway.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Eberly View Post
    There is also that guy who appeared in Force Works back around '95 or so...I think his name was Dreamguard or somesuch. Another aboriginal dreamtime-powered hero. I think he might even had had a bull-roarer like Talisman and Gateway.
    That's just funny.

    There've been other Australian comic characters, but most of them turn British after a while. (eg: Pyro's been both.)

    ~ Le Messor
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  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    There've been other Australian comic characters, but most of them turn British after a while. (eg: Pyro's been both.)

    ~ Le Messor
    To be fair, Psylocke has been both Caucasian British, and then Asian. Not the first (or last) time Marvel does that.
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  13. #13
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Yeah, but they explained her...
    (I don't really care much about this, though. Don't think I'm on a high horse or anything. My horse died years ago. )

  14. #14


    Yeah, but they explained her...
    Did they? Not a fave character of mine, so i never really paid that much attention, truth be told.

    Sorry to hear about your horse.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Did they? Not a fave character of mine, so i never really paid that much attention, truth be told.
    I'll explain...
    No, there's too much. I'll sum up:
    After she went through the Siege Perilous, The Hand revived Betsy, but transplanted her into the body of an assassin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Sorry to hear about your horse.
    Don't worry, it was years ago.

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