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Thread: Article: Uncanny X-Force #1 Cover & Character Designs at Comics Alliance

  1. #1

    Default Article: Uncanny X-Force #1 Cover & Character Designs at Comics Alliance

  2. #2


    Bishop and a FEMALE Fantomex? Whaaaaa? With Bishop on the team anyone see a clash with Cable's X-Force coming?

    Not a huge fan of some of the designs especially for Puck and his claim to fame was a bouncer in Canada? haha what?

  3. #3


    Bishop's the enemy rather than on the team.
    And yeah, a clash with Cable's X-Force is planned.

  4. #4


    Oh must have missed that part of the interview

  5. #5

  6. #6


    Wow - they ditched the goatee. It's the only minus in the design (re-design) even though Puck was sans goatee in AF vol 2.

    I'm really looking forward to this - it's a very radical take on the concept, and if you think about it, he's the only dude in a team comprised solely of women (I don't even know if such a combo could have existed, say 15-20 years ago).

    Only question is - will he be able to do his funky acrobatics in that costume?

  7. #7


    haha this was posted on another board...

    "Four chicks and Puck? That's not X-Force. That's Eugine's Angels. "

  8. #8


    I hope they treat Puck as the hero he should be, badass or whatever.

  9. #9


    The outfit doesn't look bad, but it looks more like something he should be wearing in his downtime, not in a fight. I second the concern that acrobatics just wouldn't look right with a 'costume' that looks like it would limit mobility.

    'is not a down' What does that phrase mean? I'm glad the writer is excited about Puck being a bad ass who's size doesn't inhibit his ability to rase hell (lol) but I do hope the guy 'gets' the rest. You know? At least they aren't trying to make him handsom, even if the writer does aparently have an issue with the hairy man thighs. lol

  10. #10


    I think thats "Clown" rather than "Down"

  11. #11


    I thought about whether or not to post for a bit. I've decided i won't post anything. Oh, wait...hmm...

    Well, since i'm here anyways, I'm not a fan of the re-design of Puck. Only way I am picking up this series, is if they do such an amazing job with Puck that I HAVE to pick it up; and I really hope they DO...but they will have to make me a fan, dragging me kicking and screaming into it. I'm having trouble envisioning Puck on a team that isn't Alpha Flight without feeling sick to my stomach.
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  12. #12
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    The redesign does look cool, but it doesn't look much like a superhero costume. It is, as they say, street wear.
    It's like we can't have superhero costumes anymore because somebody somewhere said they look silly, or unrealistic. Because nobody would ever dress like that in real life.
    (Insert picture of cyclists here.)

    I was about to compare it to an X-Force costume, thinking of Leifeld, but then I remembered what the series was.

    And I second (third, fourth, whateverth) the idea that it doesn't look useful for acrobatics. I think that's because they're going more for a brawler (bouncer) than an acrobat, which is a part of the character.

    Still, I'll be reading it -for a while at least. They seem to care about the character and all.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Is knowledge knowable, and how do we know?"

  13. #13


    As long as they have Puck as a positive hero, fine. He's the one character I always liked and have liked more over time.

  14. #14
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    As long as they have Puck as a positive hero, fine. He's the one character I always liked and have liked more over time.
    Well, yeah to that.
    Right-looking costume or not (and that one does look good, whether it looks right or not), it's how they write the character that counts.

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  15. #15


    I still don't get it, Puck isn't a mutant, but there he is in an X-costume...And Toronto, Ontario is the middle of no where, Canada?...Sigh.


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