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Thread: Age of Apocalypse Jeffries news

  1. #1

    Default Age of Apocalypse Jeffries news

    Well, they misspelled his name on the computer screen but Madison Jeffeies (sigh) name shows up on a computer monitor in the new Age of Apocalypse #4. Unfortunately, it's a list of bodies that are about to blow up, never to be reincarnated (there's been lots of that going on in this series), and later in the book, the whole place go BOOM. OH well, so I guess he's still dead. I was hoping he'd be among the reincarnates!
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  2. #2


    Did it go 'boom', or did it go 'Boom Boom'?
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  3. #3


    Good eye, would never of thought there would be an Alpha reference in this series outside of Wild Child. Box died in the original AoA story a long long time ago.

  4. #4


    To be fair, I've been waiting for appearances from Mac, Heather & Walter in the series.
    Given Mac & Heather's connection in this universe to Wolverine it'd be an interesting parallel, plus they're human.

  5. #5
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    Well, they misspelled his name on the computer screen but Madison Jeffeies (sigh) name
    Is that Jean-Claude Jeffeies?

    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Good eye, would never of thought there would be an Alpha reference in this series outside of Wild Child. Box died in the original AoA story a long long time ago.
    What about the Twins? They had a reasonably big part in the original AoA.

    - Le Messor
    "If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments."
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  6. #6


    The twins survived the main AoA story but were killed by Kirika (X-23) and Weapon X (Wolverine) in the 2005 X-Men: Age of Apocalypse series, issue #2 (May 2005). Dunno what happened to their bodies but unlikely they were given a proper burial.

    AoA Box was killed by Jean Grey (Jean Grey) and Wolverine (Weapon X) in Weapon X #2 (Apr 1995). Body incinerated in Age of Apocalypse #4 (Aug 2012)

    Wild Child survived both series (!) but was recently killed in Uncanny X-Force #17 (Jan 2012) by Archangel. He did get a proper burial/funeral, location unknown.

    So the twins could come back if there's more resurrections, and so could Wild Child. Dunno about Phil's Mac/Heather theory but it could work.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  7. #7


    Oh yeah, it's definitely a theory.
    And waiting was my choice of word rather than expecting.

    Given that Wolverine is the big bad in the AoA now and that it's about humans coming together to fight him it'd definitely have potential for the characters and hopefully someone at Marvel has thought the same.

  8. #8


    I could see Northstar possible being brought back due to all the attention he is getting lately, but we shall see.

  9. #9


    I doubt they'd have an evil Northstar running around at the moment, but you never know.

  10. #10


    Their bringing back "evil" characters so who knows, but yeah I doubt it. Just food for thought.

  11. #11


    Yeah, that's what I mean; with all the marriage and media focus I doubt they(meaning Marvel) would allow an evil Northstar at the same time, even if in an alternate reality book.

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