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Thread: Article: Hulk & Alpha Flight to take on Mayan Gods

  1. #1

    Default Article: Hulk & Alpha Flight to take on Mayan Gods

  2. #2


    Hooray, AF is still going! THough I'd prefer the Hulk, not Ross Hulk.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    Hooray, AF is still going! THough I'd prefer the Hulk, not Ross Hulk.
    Yes. I was afraid with Northstar in Astonishing that AF would be relegated to pointless cameos. Let's keep Aurora north of the border and make AF a team who people want to see in another mini (or maxi) series.

  4. #4


    No way, this is awesome! I'll add that to my list too since Dale is drawing it! Woot woot!

  5. #5


    very kool! plus machine man!!!awesome!

  6. #6


    I am ALIVE! and this is really great news! Who better to take on ancient gods than Alpha Flight! Looks like a great lineup based on the artwork. I'll have to pick it up!
    I've missed dropping in here and talking Alpha, but it's been busy and there hasn't been much to talk about! Anyway I'll try to frequent more often!

  7. #7


    Oh that sounds like a huge blast of fun! Great news!

  8. #8


    It looks like a good use of the team, so I'll pick it up. I have to say it seems like a very odd team-up, though...The Red Hulk (General Ross) and Alpha Flight? I first thought, "Yay, Alpha Flight!" then I thought..."With the Red Hulk?...Huh?"


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    It looks like a good use of the team, so I'll pick it up. I have to say it seems like a very odd team-up, though...The Red Hulk (General Ross) and Alpha Flight? I first thought, "Yay, Alpha Flight!" then I thought..."With the Red Hulk?...Huh?"

    LOL! That's exactly what I did too. Here I was expecting the real Hulk, and then noticed it was Red Hulk -- with Machine Man -- and my first thought was WTH?!
    I never figured Marvel could ever get me to buy a Red Hulk comic, but hey, Eaglesham is drawing them so you know they'll look good.

  10. #10


    These drawings look awesome. and i love the team. def be picking this up.

  11. #11

  12. #12


    A nice side benefit from this news is that it pushes Pointer further down the page.

    Probably he'll start crying now.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by TSOG View Post
    A nice side benefit from this news is that it pushes Pointer further down the page.

    Probably he'll start crying now.

    I get the feeling from the preview art, that we still are stuck with stoopid-Sasquatch. Looks a lot like he has to be goaded into doing things (as in, Guardian blasting him, Snowbird restraining him in white-Sas form, etc).
    Last edited by Flightpath07; 03-19-2012 at 03:31 PM.
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  14. #14


    Won the 8 part mini on ebay last night. I'll be catching up in a couple weeks. Then I'll have to get my hands on this one too!
    "Well, the only person talking about love today is the preacher. And it seems noboday gets just all the learning but the teacher."

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  15. #15
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    At this time, all I'll say about the Hulkish Sasquatch is it worked best when he didn't say anything: the page which truly shows how childish Wolverine & Guardian's "rivalry" is --- and Sasquatch punches them both. That's good.

    I didn't think that an Alpha appearance would happen so soon, but I'm not complaining. Just don't know if I'll have any money to get it...when it first comes out.

    Again, the creative team & MARVEL deserve kudos for bringing their version of the original characters to this generation of comic-buyers.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 03-22-2012 at 03:18 PM. Reason: Totally off-subject: Charlie Crews for President

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