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Thread: so.......issue #8?

  1. #1

    Default so.......issue #8?

    that we are all finally back (thanks Ben!) what did everyone think of the final issue of the mini? got to be honest, thought it was a let down. although the team remained intact, the lack of explanation of Walter acting like dumb hulk drove me bonkers, it made no sense. why did mac and heather coordinate a attack against the master, when they had been at each others throats 5 minutes earlier? heather stayed a 4 toed unity member?


    i loved fred, gregs and dales passion for this title, but this seemed very, very rushed.

    not trying to be negative, just stating my opinion.

    btw, good to be back!!

  2. #2


    Quite frankly, I was so impressed by the art that I forgave the dangling plot threads you mention. DHS (Dumb Hulk Sasquatch) was simply bizarre - as if FREG intended to explain it at some point but forgot? The combo Mac/Heather attack on the Master seemed to make sense to me - he threatened to take away their daughter! The four toed thing was explained by FVL on twitter, "It was a sign the Master rebuilt everyone's bodies as his was, "perfecting" them--you only need 4toes for balance, 5th=vestigial" no explanation if the un-unity machine added back the toe - I assume it does - but since it doesn't appear Heather went into the machine, yeah she's out there with her four-toed cray cray mom thing going on.
    Last edited by rplass; 03-17-2012 at 12:49 PM.
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  3. #3


    I agree with Varo. (btw, Happy St. Patricks' Day! It's snowing heavily here.)

    Ddidn't understand why Hulk acted stupid, nor did I understand why Walter could not change into Hulk, then suddenly could again. Does this mean it is now canon that Sasquatch is stupid from Walter having too many concussions? Ugh.

    Didn't understand the un-unity machine. I thought it was all a ruse, and that they just wanted to draw out the Master, and that by defeating him everyone would become 'normal' again...but the issue shot down that theory.

    It DID seem rushed. It is one of the (many) reasons my reviews of volume 4 (on my own site) have been VERY SLOW in forthcoming. I wanted ot like it. I DID like many parts of it. I apprectiated having Flight around. But...too many unsatisfactory things. I'd have been willing to let them slide (as rplass did), if the mini had been an ongoing where Greg and Fred could have continued on and helped us all understand this new essence of Flight that they had left us with...but Marvel stole that from us. As such, it has no recourse but to feel fragmented and totally incomplete.

    Which leaves me feeling sad and empty. Not a good place to try to write a review from, unless you are reviewing Gone With The Wind or something.

    Sorry. Gonna stop now. Even typing this makes me want to throw up in my mouth more than a little. Doesn't feel like Flight anymore, no more than Volume 3 did.
    Last edited by Flightpath07; 03-17-2012 at 01:00 PM.
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  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I watched the original V mini-series the other day, and realised that it had a story about the aliens brain-washing people with an obvious physical sign (in this case, people suddenly became left-handed), and I wondered if Freg had been watching it before writing v4.

    I didn't realise the 4-toed thing had so much thought behind it, and it makes a lot of twisted sense.

    - Le Messor
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    Jane Spencer: Well, only that he's a foot taller, and he seems to be left handed now... Frank, what are you trying to tell me? That Quentin has somehow found an exact double for Dr. Mainheimer and that tomorrow that double will give a fraudulent report to the president?
    Lt. Frank Drebin: Why that's brilliant, that's a lot better than what I came up with.
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  5. #5
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Have to agree with Flightpath that #8 felt rushed. What I liked was J-M/Aurora finally dealing with her split personalities herself. What I have to wonder though is what was the Wendigo busy doing while Squatch was choking the life out of Northstar? And if the Purple Woman's power was needed to cure the others how was she cured?
    Obviously Freg had thrown in plot lines (Sas' low intelligence, Heather not undergoing the de-unity process, and going on the lam) which they were going to explore in future issues (which now isn't going to happen) but the lack of resolution doesn't bother me. It's something for other writers to deal with down the road. I just hope someone does explore these issues, and they aren't simply forgotten.

  6. #6


    Hopefully I'll get issues #5-8 within a month. I hope AF returns soon!!
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  7. #7


    Glad the site is back up!

    I tend to echo the tones of others here. #8 was okay, but a bit of a letdown. It felt like the issue was originally supposed to be double-sized then at the last minute they were told it wasn't going to be. The "solution" to The Unity process was just a bit too simplistic and the various battles resolved a bit too easily.

    Overall I enjoyed the mini, though.

  8. #8


    The 8-issue maxi series would have made a really nice 12-issue super-maxi series, and probably we would have had a lot more time for explanations and whatnot.
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  9. #9
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    One thing I'll give #8... It mentioned this forum!

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    One thing I'll give #8... It mentioned this forum!
    Which directly contributed, perhaps, to the hacking and crashing of this site.

    Not blaming Dale, Wolfie, Fred and Greg, of course.
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  11. #11


    The site was hacked two months before #8 even came out.

  12. #12
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Yeah, I felt the sad irony of them publicising the site at a time when nobody could get to it.

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  13. #13


    I thought it was a good issue, but the issue with Sasquatch was bizarre and Wendigo sort of vanished. Was he defeated or did he run away?

  14. #14


    Yeah, where was Wered-He-Go? I'm going to assume he was lying somewhere unconscious after a smack down by Sasquatch that Dale didn't have room to draw.
    Last edited by Chris; 03-18-2012 at 11:56 PM.

  15. #15


    Is that the new Alphanex wiki I see poking out there? Looks like it's germinating...
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