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Thread: Article: Alpha Flight To End With #8 *SPOILERS FOR #4* *UPDATED*

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by swh_comicguy View Post
    Isn't that the only real news that Marvel had at Fan Expo?

    They've diluted their market with so many similar titles that it's too hard for other books that don't immediately tie-in to gain and maintain a solid audience. How many Avengers, X-Men, Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and Hulk titles can a market actually support? Alpha Flight really wasn't truly tied to Fear Itself was it?

    Cancelling Alpha Flight before the Wolverine appearance sees print and possibly brings in new readers really shows that support for the title really wasn't what we were lead to believe.

    It's very disappointing that such a good book with such a great team behind it is being cancelled.

    Yet another reason to adjust my monthly support of Marvel and consider continuing some of the new DC titles I was planning on dropping.

    I thought the Wolverine appearance is within the 8 issues (that and the Captain Britain/MI13/Heroes of the Commonwealth)?
    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 10-22-2011 at 04:33 PM.

  2. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    I thought the Wolverine appearance is within the 8 issues?
    I think swh meant the announcement. Wolvie is due to appear in #7

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  3. #18


    I was only collecting Alpha Flight, but I recently picked up Legion of Monsters (still not sure about this series)...I don't give a spit about any other Marvel comics.


  4. #19


    So much potential wasted because Marvel can only see the dollar signs and not the fans.

  5. #20


    Man, I am feeling RAGE! Why on earth would they make thisbig announcement, put out all those promos right after, then just drop it...My local comic guy said that since the series was announced ongoing, Sales skyrocketed. For #5, he sold out really fast, and sold my copy (kowing I'd rather see it in someone elses hands) and re-orderd. They haven't even seen how sales will be effected by ongoing status before dropping the axe. So mad, so dissapointed, feeling kinda betrayed...(not by the AF creators/editors, but by the PTB) I was at the point where reading AF had me interested in picking up a few other monthly titles, no I'm not interested at all...This kind of rash decision has such broader impact than just the series in question. This is in my mind part of the reason why the industry has floundered so much in the past 20 years.

    I think it's time someone with vision took the helm @ Marvel.

  6. #21


    The problem is that it is someone with vision now at the helm of Marvel.
    It's just cut-throat business Disney dollar vision and their job is profit first, creativity second.
    I'm not annoyed by the cancellation per se, I was expecting a maxi & I've got a great one I'm thankful.
    It's just the announcement of an upgrade & then going back on that, that's perplexed me. To me that's even worse than the Omega Flight scenario.
    If the announcement had never been made I'd be far less angry.

    However, business is business.

  7. #22
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    It's just the announcement of an upgrade & then going back on that, that's perplexed me.
    "We have all of us been given a glimpse of the gold at the rainbow's end, only to have that treasure snatched from us, directly or indirectly due to the actions of one man."

  8. #23


    I think the reason we're all so gut-wrenched about it is that Alpha Flight v4 is awesome. If it were 2nd rate or not enjoyable, or the art sucked, or the characters were off, or it weren't tied into the 30+ years of Alpha Flight history, or if Marvel hadn't made an effort, or if the creators were inaccessible.... we'd probably take this news with a nod and be *****ing at the writers and artists and whining about what could've been...

    Instead, we hold the artists and writers so closely and dearly and desperately want more of the same. I think we're in a good place here. I bet FREG's ending to #8 will be a satisfying end.

    Let's review:

    Temporal copies: gone
    Claire: has a name
    Dead Alphans: resurrected credibly
    Puck: frakkin' awesome
    History of Alpha Flight: honored
    O Canada: Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
    Ranark: returned, worse than before!
    The Master: returned, still worse!
    Purple Girl: Purple Woman
    LGBT: Kyle is a real person. Northstar has a real boyfriend. Nod to Tim Fish of course.
    Marrina: has a personality now. Most love her. Including me. I love you Marrina.
    Gary Cody: returned. not sure if kidding
    Phil Jiminez covers: Awesome
    Signings, variants, the promo poster, 0.1 issue, video @, variant covers @ Fan Expo: Awesome
    Wolfie: Love you! XOXO

    I hate that we didn't get an ongoing and hate that we got jerked around there with that announcement.. but we got a great deal. We won. No rage here. Satisfaction and the knowledge that we went out on a high note... which paves the way for v5 when it's right. I'm sure we'll get Alpha Flight back in some incarnation and I hope it's half as good as this time around.

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  9. #24


    i still think we should attempt to save it somehow if we can, AF got me back into comics after 8 years, because, of DE&W, GP, and F-VL, you will NEVER get this type of spartan talent ever again i think

  10. #25


    I agree that Volume 4 has been great, but that isn't the only reason I feel "gut-wrenched", R. I'm pissed and irked because they made a huge announcement that Alpha was going to be an ongoing series (getting us fans very excited), Freg talked about expanding their story and hinting about other things they may do (IIRC), then Marvel pulls this crap...Dashing everyone's hopes (including the creative team).

    I felt like I did before Omega Flight came out when it was said to be an ongoing, then it was downgraded to 5 issues...Like I've been lied to. I don't like liars.

    I do not for one minute blame the creative team, they put together a wonderful series..It's the Marvel Execs I'm pissed at.


  11. #26
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Personally, my anger is all about making the book look unsellable. As with OF, by reversing the ongoing announcement, Marvel has basically said: "We don't think this book can sell," and that's the message new readers will take away from this. V5 will most likely never happen, because future readers and Marvel execs alike won't consider AF viable.
    When V4 was announced as an ongoing posters were popping up all over saying it would be cancelled. How can any creative team overcome that kind of negativity? And it will only be worse now.

    Get ready for, at best, a number of guest spots in which the characters are written badly, and used as punching bags.

  12. #27


    Good point....I find it odd that Marvel has so little faith in Alpha Flight when (as we've seen) it's outselling a lot of their other books still.

    Sure it's not in the top 100 anymore, but that's to be expected with DC's #1 explosion.


  13. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    Good point....I find it odd that Marvel has so little faith in Alpha Flight when (as we've seen) it's outselling a lot of their other books still.

    Sure it's not in the top 100 anymore, but that's to be expected with DC's #1 explosion.

    agreed, but what i don't get.. is if they had so LITTLE faith in it from the get go, why did they even bother to bring it back in the first place in chaos war? that doesn't make sense if they had no faith in it they should have just let it alone. i think marvel has gotten a little TOO comfortable, with its movie money and that's what attracted disney to buy it in the first place. and when DC takes a risk in the books they soundly kick marvels ass, and we get caught in the crossfire and they also seem to be forgetting the fans, that make them the money in the first place. marvel would be NOTHING if no one bought the stuff they make

  14. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    I think the reason we're all so gut-wrenched about it is that Alpha Flight v4 is awesome.
    Let's review:

    Temporal copies: gone
    Claire: has a name
    Dead Alphans: resurrected credibly
    Puck: frakkin' awesome
    History of Alpha Flight: honored
    O Canada: Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
    Ranark: returned, worse than before!
    The Master: returned, still worse!
    Purple Girl: Purple Woman
    LGBT: Kyle is a real person. Northstar has a real boyfriend. Nod to Tim Fish of course.
    Marrina: has a personality now. Most love her. Including me. I love you Marrina.
    Gary Cody: returned. not sure if kidding
    Phil Jiminez covers: Awesome
    Signings, variants, the promo poster, 0.1 issue, video @, variant covers @ Fan Expo: Awesome
    Wolfie: Love you! XOXO

    Extremely well said! As sad as I am to loose Alpha Flight, we have to be thankful to Fred, Greg, Dale and Sonia for an amazing serie! I've never been so excited by comics before and it's thanks to them and all the amazing work they did! It's fair to be angry and pissed, but gotta be thankful at the same time!

  15. #30


    I'm definitely grateful to the creative team who obviously love Alpha as much as we do and treat the characters with respect.

    I'm just mad at Marvel for being short sighted liars who refuse to put forth effort or take risks.

    I worry that now the characters will just be offered up to hack writers on fly-by-night titles to be jacked up. I wonder who among them will be sacrificed to the next big event that requires character deaths and characters doing a 180 in order to force some **** plot in a big formulaic money grab? Yes, I'm still bitter over Tieri and Loeb.
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
    -FlightPath07 Don't you feel all important now?

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