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Thread: SF Debris

  1. #1

    Default SF Debris

    Oh, now this is fun!

    SF Debris is a site doing episode reviews of popular sci-fi, and I am digging it. The narrator does an excellent job of balancing criticism of outdated concepts and mockery of some of the outright silliness with well-thought-out commentary and unapologetic affection for the material. (Well, most of the material. ST: Enterprise fans might come away feeling a little bruised.) I appreciate that he's neither tearing down the eps just for meanness' sake, nor treating the material as a sacred cow, and it might be worth checking out if that's your thing.

    Apparently the guy had a YouTube channel with a more extensive collection of reviews, but it got taken down, alas.

  2. #2
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by suzene View Post
    ST: Enterprise fans
    Whats now?

  3. #3


    The fellow isn't terribly fond of Star Trek: Enterprise (or the Motion Picture).

  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by suzene View Post
    The fellow isn't terribly fond of Star Trek: Enterprise (or the Motion Picture).
    As a bit of a trekkie, I'm just shocked at the idea that STE has fans...
    There's consensus on that and TMP (and all the odd-numbered movies, for that matter - "A pox on number 5 in particular").

    I tease. Glaring continuity errors aside, I like STE. Not my favourite ST series, but that's Voyager, so what do I know?

    Also, I once suggested to Linkara that he follow up his 'History of the Power Rangers' with a 'History of Star Trek'. I'm pretty sure SF Debris is where he sent me.

    - Le Messor
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