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Thread: Favourite/Least Favourite member of AF

  1. #61

    Default Worse Alpha Flight Character?

    We all have our favorites. But who would you say is the WORSE - ONE CHARACTER - Alpha Flight character - ever created? And why? (So what if it was, for example a good character - but another writer or artist botched the character completely? Let's hear it!)

    So let's hear - if you have to pick ONE Alpha Flight related character - that was the worse creation - villain or hero - who would it be?

  2. #62


    Threads merged for continuity.

    Plus it'll be interesting to see if people's opinions have changed...

  3. #63


    Alpha Flight is totally awesome. Period.

    There are some amazing characters, powerful heroes, many of whom are still active in comics 35 years running now and overall it's the best superhero team ever. That's my answer.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  4. #64


    I always love Rob's enthusiasm

    *group hug*

  5. #65


    Look, I will group hug in a minute.
    But first, I am going to answer the question:


    No one is worse than Purple Girl.
    And why??

    Do I really need to say????
    What she did to Northstar is inexcusable. I REALLYREALLYREALLY hated Alpha Flight for about 2 issues. And Heather's reaction and everyone else's reaction?
    I cannot stand her. I wish Goblyn would eat her face off.

  6. #66


    I am going to give the exact same answer that I gave in 2011, cuz it still holds true:

    "Favourite - Wild Child.
    Least favourite - Michael Pointer (followed closely by Goblyn). "

    Actually, i think maybe I should remove the word "closely". My hatred for Goblyn has diminished over time. That could NEVER happen with Mailman Mike.

    Does "Bendis" count as a character? Cuz he would be my number two, with Goblyn number three.
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  7. #67


    ohohohoh! I forgot my favorite. I have four favorites. And in no particular order:
    Northstar and Aurora
    Byrne's Heather

  8. #68


    I figured I'd do what our resident Wildchild (Flight) did - and look at my old answer - and I am surprised to see, both favorite and least favorite, actually have not changed...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Favorite: It's always a mash up between Snowbird and Shaman. I love both of those characters, with Sasquatch coming in a very second close. Followed by Aurora and Northstar. Used to be Guardian/Mac in there - but he's been tinkered with so much, I lost interest. And if we're including all versions, Beta Ray Bill would be there as well - flying next to Sas, if not a hair ahead.

    Least Favorite:
    Does Earthmover count? If so, he probably takes the top. He comes across as an attempt to oust Shaman and take his place without logic.
    If he doesn't count - without a doubt Manikin takes the cake. There are no words to describe my dislike of that character that would do my seething hatred any justice.

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    I am going to give the exact same answer that I gave in 2011, cuz it still holds true:
    "Favourite - Wild Child.
    Least favourite - Michael Pointer (followed closely by Goblyn). "
    Actually, i think maybe I should remove the word "closely". My hatred for Goblyn has diminished over time. That could NEVER happen with Mailman Mike.
    Does "Bendis" count as a character? Cuz he would be my number two, with Goblyn number three.
    All right - so I'd love to hear it. Why does Wildchild get your favorite slot? Would love to hear what you dig about him, since he's not commonly thrown in there as a favorite by most.

    And you didn't like Michael Pointer? What did you have against him (other than he was made post "off screen wipe out" of Alpha Flight) - or was that enough reason to hate him? (I am not faulting you if that's your reason; I actually enjoyed the character through that storyline that they did with him; I felt empathy for him).

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    Look, I will group hug in a minute.
    But first, I am going to answer the question:


    No one is worse than Purple Girl.
    And why??

    Do I really need to say????
    What she did to Northstar is inexcusable. I REALLYREALLYREALLY hated Alpha Flight for about 2 issues. And Heather's reaction and everyone else's reaction?
    I cannot stand her. I wish Goblyn would eat her face off.

    Well, I can't say I am surprised by your answer.

  11. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    All right - so I'd love to hear it. Why does Wildchild get your favorite slot? Would love to hear what you dig about him, since he's not commonly thrown in there as a favorite by most.
    I liked, no Loved, Byrne's Wildchild, even though he was a villain(ish). The disfigurement hid a tortured soul, that in the end just found it easier to go along with people's misconceptions and be evil. Not enough people believed in him, or he could have been a great hero (in the early days). Later on in Volume 1, he found some redemption, and i actually thought that his becoming (re-becoming?) a hero having to do with his rediscovering a more fair face, that actually made a lot of sense to me; to me, that was actually keeping with the character, and understanding the inner torment that he lives with. Even in his X-Factor days, i still haven't read ALL of those issues, but even though they de-aged him to a teen (or so it seems), still they dealt a lot with his fragile psyche, and I appreciated that.

    And, later on, when he got all bad-arse and pierced and put poison on his claws and took down Wolverine? That was AWESOME! He makes a Great villain, because if written correctly he always has that war within his soul going on, where if somebody would just believe in him he could easily cross sides and go back to being the hero. A truly fascinating character.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    And you didn't like Michael Pointer? What did you have against him (other than he was made post "off screen wipe out" of Alpha Flight) - or was that enough reason to hate him? (I am not faulting you if that's your reason; I actually enjoyed the character through that storyline that they did with him; I felt empathy for him).
    Pointer. Mailman. The hero killer. The American murderer forced to pay for his crimes by defending Canada, only to turn all evil power-vampire. The Not-Guardian in the Guardian suit. Would Captain America fans be happy if the Red Skull became the new Captain America? No? Well, then all i want for this idiot character is for him to be tortured in (comics) hell for the rest of his lousy un-existence.

    And I still think that Alpha Flight should get the chance to take him down, once and for all, and during the fight he dies and they just all turn their backs and walk away without a word of regret. That is what he deserves, plain and simple.
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  12. #72
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Favourite Alpha character?

    Other contenders:
    Heather, Snowbird, Sasquatch.

    Assume I mean Byrne's versions for all of the above.

    Worst character?
    Don't really have one - though I agree with Tawmis being annoyed that Earthmover was created to oust Shaman, when there was no reason to do that. (I think he counts.)
    Probably a v2 character. Roll a die.

    ~ Le Messor
    "My life has a superb cast but I can't figure out the plot."
    ~ Ashleigh Brilliant

  13. #73


    I rolled a 19. Wait; we were playing D & D, right?

    Nemesis; another character one wouldn't just assume would be somebody's favourite. Interesting!
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  14. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    I liked, no Loved, Byrne's Wildchild, even though he was a villain(ish). The disfigurement hid a tortured soul, that in the end just found it easier to go along with people's misconceptions and be evil. Not enough people believed in him, or he could have been a great hero (in the early days). Later on in Volume 1, he found some redemption, and i actually thought that his becoming (re-becoming?) a hero having to do with his rediscovering a more fair face, that actually made a lot of sense to me; to me, that was actually keeping with the character, and understanding the inner torment that he lives with. Even in his X-Factor days, i still haven't read ALL of those issues, but even though they de-aged him to a teen (or so it seems), still they dealt a lot with his fragile psyche, and I appreciated that.
    So you liked it when they made Wildchild more "pretty"... Interesting. I thought that took away from some of the uniqueness of his character. Because now he looked like everyone else, where as previously he stood out. I would have enjoyed (I think), if he changed (personality to become more of a hero), but still kept the disfigured face he had. This way, it resembles Nightcrawler; where he looks scary, but inside, he's one of the kindest people in comics!

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    And, later on, when he got all bad-arse and pierced and put poison on his claws and took down Wolverine? That was AWESOME! He makes a Great villain, because if written correctly he always has that war within his soul going on, where if somebody would just believe in him he could easily cross sides and go back to being the hero. A truly fascinating character.
    I don't recall the issue where he beat Wolverine... Amazing that anyone is allowed to beat Wolverine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Pointer. Mailman. The hero killer. The American murderer forced to pay for his crimes by defending Canada, only to turn all evil power-vampire. The Not-Guardian in the Guardian suit. Would Captain America fans be happy if the Red Skull became the new Captain America? No? Well, then all i want for this idiot character is for him to be tortured in (comics) hell for the rest of his lousy un-existence.
    There is one huge difference between Pointer and Red Skull. Pointer did not intend to kill anyone. Red Skull, has made every effort to harm and kill anyone and everyone. Point was not in control. And the power vampire thing; he wasn't aware what he was doing - and when he learned, he was extremely regretful. (I am trying to avoid too much spoilers, because Crack hasn't read it yet). But I'd say what he does, or was willing to do, once he learned all this - shows the difference between him and Red Skull - and just why he was worthy of wearing the outfit.

  15. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Favourite Alpha character?

    Worst character?
    Don't really have one - though I agree with Tawmis being annoyed that Earthmover was created to oust Shaman, when there was no reason to do that. (I think he counts.)
    Probably a v2 character. Roll a die.
    Okay, so there's another odd choice - Nemesis. Which one we talking? All of them? And what makes you like her so much - especially since the following ones (past the original) have a huge mystery to them (the first one we at least knew why she existed).

    Yeah, the only one who gets close for least favorite for me, other than Earthmover and Manikin, would have to be Murmur...

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