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Thread: Favourite/Least Favourite member of AF

  1. #46
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Welcome to Alpha Waves, Talisman. Hope you survive the experience.

    Talisman is cool!!!

    - Le Messor
    "I’d love to, but it wouldn’t be fair to the other Beautiful People."

  2. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Welcome to Alpha Waves, Talisman. Hope you survive the experience.

    Talisman is cool!!!

    - Le Messor
    "I’d love to, but it wouldn’t be fair to the other Beautiful People."
    Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm also Talisman over at CBR, idk if anyone frequents over there, and one of the more vocal Alpha advocates on the x-boards.

  3. #48


    Nice to have you here!
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  4. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Talisman View Post
    Hi, first post.

    Anyway, if you couldn't tell by my avatar and user-title, my favorite is Talisman. She was the most like my favorite x-characters at the time she was introduced (Kitty Pryde & Rachel Summers), and had a really cool power, costume and sense of self. She was fun, intelligent, and the pov character to help dig into these characters back stories.

    Least favorite character would have to be Windshear. He just didn't feel right for the team.
    Totally agree with you about Talisman. One of my all time favs. BTW welcome Talisman.

  5. #50


    You guys really know how to make someone feel welcome.

  6. #51


    Now that you reminded me, I really miss that Talisman. The tough, no-nonsense girl. Later writers had her a little too emo for my taste.
    Now Showing "Return from LurkWorld 3:Can I Have A Life Please?"

  7. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Welcome to Alpha Waves, Talisman. Hope you survive the experience.
    I missed the traditional Alpha Waves greeting!

    Welcome, Talisman!
    Now Showing "Return from LurkWorld 3:Can I Have A Life Please?"

  8. #53


    She was fierce. I hope Van Lente & Pak do something grandiose with her. It's been too long since she's been able to shine. And seriously, this book needs some spunk...besides Marrinas lol

  9. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Talisman View Post
    She was fierce. I hope Van Lente & Pak do something grandiose with her. It's been too long since she's been able to shine. And seriously, this book needs some spunk...besides Marrinas lol
    Whoops, for a moment there I thought you said that Marrina was too steampunk! I will throw my welcome hat into the ring as well; Welcome, Talisman! I've been lurking here since 2007 - so long, I've forgotten where my home is! lol. I'm sure you'll enjoy this place, most of us are harmless [ watch out for Mik, he's at the bottom of the world and cannot be trusted! ] !
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  10. #55
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    [ watch out for Mik, he's at the bottom of the world and cannot be trusted! ] !
    Not always... Heh heh heh

  11. #56


    My favorite is Wildchild... any one of him. XD I originally found this character in X-Factor along with a fan letter in one of the books pointing out some past awesomeness Kyle had been capable of. So I started buying any Alpha issues he was in, and then the ones in between to get the whole story. And 'lo, I became an Alpha Flight fan.

    I have to say that I found his original form and characterization fascinating, and was really disapointed that we didn't really get to know the original Wildchild very well before he lost control. I think the original characterization of him had the most potential for a powerful narrative and unique character development. It's such a shame most writers went with the typical ether 'he's a homicidaly evil Sabretooth clone' or 'he's a do-good Marry -Sue magically cured of all his character flaws.' That's so boring!

    The Original Wildchild could have raised all sorts of questions about the way society treats the mentally ill and physically unatractive among us, questions about what defines morality vs. amorality, nature vs. nurture, is the beast within Wildchild any different from the beast within all humanity... He could have been such a refreshing character in a Comic Book world full of absolutes and altruism. One of the things that really struck me was how eloquent this particularly bestial character was, and how he actually seemed to LIKE himself just fine the way he was, which is a surprise. Not the typical 'poor me, I'm disfigured by my mutations' type. How exciting! I really wanted to see more of the team dynamics, and how he gets along with others in non-combat situations. I did notice that Lil seemed compassionate towards him, particularly her body language when her and Wildchild were being informed that they would be held responsible for Mac's death regardless of the mind control they were victims of. And ain't that a *****? The fact that Lil and Wildchild found themselves treated as virtually disposable pawns more than once was instantly endearing. I wanted these characters to overcome a system and society so unfairly stacked against them. Sadly, writers took easy off-panel paths to get Wildchild back on the team later instead of actually writing a compelling story that was just begging to be written.

    I liked that Kyle had some awesome moments and plenty of snark even when they went the Marry-Sue route with him. Some of the writing was pretty terrible (****ing ninjas attacking out of nowhere for no reason! lol!) but there was enough to like about him.

    I was still reading X-Factor when I finished collecting Wildchild's old appearances, and had really hoped the book would continue, and that Wildchild's mutations would bring him full circle back to who he was as Byrne created him, and that from there they would deal with him not being able to run away from who he is. Yet another great opportunity for compelling character driven story telling. But alas, by time they reached the book where they re-capped and added to his backstory, I could already tell it just wasn't going to happen. Books were getting axed left and right, and the constant changing and poor quality of the creative team was a clear indicator the editors did not have ongoing plans for the title. I held onto hope that Kyle would find his way into one of the other X-books, at least for a couple issues to tie up loose ends, but nope. Instead Marvel went dark gritty anti-hero crazy and started ****ing up all these B and C list characters I loves, and just killing off under-developed characters in droves so that Tieri and his explosion obsessed fanboys could laugh about it on the official forum.

    I'll really miss this tragic character, his humor, his snark, his loyalty, and all the missed narrative opportunities lost to writers who didn't give a **** about any character who isn't ether Wolverine, or their own half-assed creation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Canucklehead View Post
    Least Favorite: There were a lot of terrible, pointless creations post-Byrne in Alpha Flight. Silver, Auric, Goblyn, Wyre, Stitch!? Ugh.
    I'll second this sentiment for my 'dislike' section as well. There isn't really any one character that stands above them all for me as unbearably terrible, but there are a treasure trove of under-developed, unoriginal, and just plain pointless characters created just to fill a space in a plot or just to give Wildchild someone to maim that we won't actually give two ****s about. Why would anyone pit a mentally unstable living weapon against some shy telekenetic kid who uses a sewing needle as a... what... weapon? That's just negligent! lol
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
    -FlightPath07 Don't you feel all important now?

  12. #57


    Hey, awesome rant about WildChild! Recognize my avatar at all?
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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    FaceBook = or search for me at " Life Less-Ordinary "

    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  13. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Hey, awesome rant about WildChild! Recognize my avatar at all?
    From the very issue of X-Factor I mentioned. That issue made me cry. At least they cared enough to give him a full issue for his send off, complete with some decent art. Mut man, what a heartbreaking note to end his storyline on. You'd think with all the friends he had by then in the Marvel world, and with Val feeling suitably guilty and responsible for part of this mess, that SOMEONE would have collected Kyle and gotten him some help. Alpha Flight, some of his X-Factor team mates, some others in the X-books he'd met before, and I think Nemesis was still out there somewhere, too, wasn't she? They also eluded to Kyle having previously met/worked with Mystique at some point in his history, which we know never happened on panel unless they were planing to retcon an old story line and say 'oh that was actually Mystique in disguise'. Who knows what he may have been up to when he went missing. If he was going to be a villain, I'd rather he be working for freedom for mutants, not for some wannabe Hitler and his 'final solution for the mutant problem'. I think it would have been more in keeping with his personality, even once he's insane again. An anti-hero who truly feels justified in his actions, rather than some silly 'everyone is under mind-control/had their memories tampered with or something!' cop-out. I can give Terri some points for using his feelings for Aurora to manipulate him, but the whole idea that Aurora would be placed in an asylum and given a lobotomy in the first place is ridiculous. Northstar never would have allowed that to happen, or any of the Alphans, really.

    Well, I at least DID like Wildchild's Haiku. Why Tieri would want to make him mute instead of continuing with the clever mean spirited humor of a bat-**** crazy Wildchild is beyond me. He probably used up all his creativity in that first book. lol
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
    -FlightPath07 Don't you feel all important now?

  14. #59


    Eccentric Sage, it sure is darn good to have you back! Hope you have been well.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  15. #60


    Aw, thanks you two! *hugs*

    It's damn good to be back on a forum where people LIKE rants. XD I feel so at home! <3
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
    -FlightPath07 Don't you feel all important now?

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