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Thread: The #0.1 Thread (Contains Spoilers)

  1. #16


    Liquefy Adamantium? Yeah, I don't even know if it's possible. Perhaps she transferred some vibrations through the metal into the guy's hands and caused his hands to liquefy? That's pretty darn disgsuting though, to make a guy have a goopy stump where his hand used to be, gross! I think she just kind of rattled him off of herself and didn't actually turn anything into liquid.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  2. #17


    I don't know about Merina's new additude, it seems abit outdated maybe like something from the 90's Image comics.

  3. #18


    A couple of thoughts from a long-time lurker:

    - Great, great art. I do not remember when AF had such a great art except for the Byrne issues and the early Jim Lee issues. AF vol. 3 had some great art too, but with the dreadful Lobdell plot, it's better left forgotten

    - Perfect characterization. Mac was bland, but he is Mac, and being bland (or dead...) has always been part of who he is. Heather came off as a bit off, only focusing on her child, which makes sense. Everyone else was spot on. Best, strongest Aurora we have seen in a long time. I especially enjoyed the Weapon X use of her powers.

    - The political analogy is a bit far-fetched, though interesting considering our recent elections. Montreal was surprisingly well-depicted, all the streets that were named were accurate and actually made sense. Even the French that was used was right on target. I believe it's the first time an AF issue really felt accurate language and landscape wise for someone from that part of the country.

    - Good timing, a lot of humour (who would have pictured Snowbird handling parking tickets!), a lot of sensibility (Jean-Paul scenes with Kyle had a nice gradation for anyone who may not know them, with the realization they are a couple only being really apparent on the last page) and a lot of questions (Kara portrayed as the ennemy when she might just be fighting on the right side...and what the heck is with Marrina's new attitude?).

    Overall, an extremely solid issue, on par with the Byrne issues or the very first issues of Volume 2. I am back on board and seriously impressed.

  4. #19


    There was an interview with FVL where he was asked about Cody being dead and his reply was something to the effect of Herc bringing back more than just Alpha Flight in Chaos War.
    "How do you know that my dimwitted inexperience isnt merely a subtle form of manipulation used to lower peoples expectations, enhancing my ability to effectively maneuver within any given situation."

  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    Liquefy Adamantium? Yeah, I don't even know if it's possible. Perhaps she transferred some vibrations through the metal into the guy's hands and caused his hands to liquefy? That's pretty darn disgsuting though, to make a guy have a goopy stump where his hand used to be, gross! I think she just kind of rattled him off of herself and didn't actually turn anything into liquid.
    Those with matter manipulation have done it, and she did gain the power from Weapon X where she can rip molecules apart, but I don't know if her power is strong enough to do that to adamantium.... so yeah I think you could be right. She only "liquified" his insides rather then his exoskelton.
    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-19-2011 at 12:05 AM.

  6. #21


    Oh of course we're both forgetting X-Men #25 where Magneto rips the adamantium out of Wolverine's body. If you remember what it looked like, it was pretty much liquid when it came out. So Magneto can liquefy Adamantium so we know it's possible.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  7. #22


    Either way, I bet it stung a bit...

  8. #23


    Very mild spoilers...

    Generally? Lots of love. Everyone got their moment of awesome, and most of our guys got more than one.

    I adored Pak and Van Lente's take on Northstar, Kyle, and their relationship. I seriously had a co-worker ask me what was with all the smiling.

    Snowbird is the most awesome meter-maid in the history of awesome.

    I wanted to give Shaman all the high-fives. All of them.

    But...I am just not feeling Marrina in that "bite me" panel. It came off as juvenile shock value on the character's part, especially when contrasted against Northstar's coolly snark-laden criticism in earlier pages. I'm guessing this is deliberate on the writers' part, but it's not helping so far as warming me up to her new incarnation.

    General consensus, though, is that my brain needs a cigarette after that bit of lovely. These guys give good Flight.
    Last edited by suzene; 05-19-2011 at 04:51 AM.

  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha Rider View Post
    Isn't Cody Dead? as well as Citidal? Though I guess they could eplain Cody's ressurection by saying that he really wasn't dead, just braindead or something and needed time to recover.
    See here.

  10. #25
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    I don't think Aurora was trying to liquefy Citadel's adamantium armour, but his flesh and bone hand inside it. Like if you grabbed someone by the head and shook them real hard, you'll injure the brain, but not the skull. I think that was what she intended.

    As for the book, I LOVED IT! Okay, Shaman seemed a little OOC when he talked about punching people out for calling him an Indian, and Marrina calling Citadel "land mollusk" was kinda silly, but overall the writing was great. I liked JP's reaction to being called on by Dept. H, as well as his snide comments to Guardian. Fits his character exactly. In fact character-wise, everyone seemed spot on, with the noticeable change in Marrina being the exception. I hope we get to learn what is behind this new attitude of hers, either in the maxi, or an ongoing series.
    As for the story, it takes me back to when comics were mostly one-and-done tales. Lots of sweet super powered action, some nice back story to flesh out the characters, and a nice set up to lead into the maxi. This is the kind of comic book I enjoy reading.
    The art, aside from I think three bad panels all involving Walter in either his human or Sasquatch form, was amazing! Oliver and Green should be proud of their work. Well done guys!

  11. #26


    Kudo's to my son. On his day off from work, but went on a hour long bus journey to get his old dad a comic.



    All I'll say about Purple Woman and Citadel is one man's terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. I hope we see Kara again before the end of the Maxi. This Alpha fits into this day and age, Shamans atitude to being called indian is understandable. It's a bit removed from the Shaman we know, but there's been a lot of changes in his life and character growth can only be a good thing. The interaction between Northstar and Guardian was top notch, no real hate from JP, more like banter. I really enjoyed this and it felt like Alpha. As for Marrina Teenage Rebel. Mum and Dad (Mac & Heather) are gonna have their work cut out with that one.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  12. #27






    The good:
    - The art. Not my favourite that I've seen come out of Marvel lately, but pretty high up there nonetheless. Great stuff.
    - Remembering that, oh yeah, they're all actual characters with fully fleshed out personalities. How novel!
    - Sasquatch and Aurora. Perfect banter for two people with their history, and Walter in his stupid-looking flight suit! Loved it.
    - The nods to continuity, particularly finally dealing properly with the Hudson baby. <3
    - Aurora still has her Weapon X powers, say whaaaaaat? Did NOT see that coming, was ecstatic. Seems like the twins are constantly having their powers altered and then getting reset back to default every five minutes, so nice to see one of the alterations stick.
    - Anne McKenzie!Snowbird. I didn't realize how much I missed that particular alter ego until I saw her in action again.
    - Surgeon!Shaman. Amazing how just remembering that he's an awesome doctor as well as a crazy awesome magic user adds a ton of badass points to him.
    - Northstar and Guardian's banter. Dude, you're not fooling anyone.
    - The way it ties in with the Canadian election. Can honestly not remember the last time I read a Marvel comic that genuinely topical.

    The slightly less good:
    - I still can't get into Northstar and Kyle. Just... blurg. I'd hoped seeing them under some genuinely good writers would turn things around, but nope, can't stand it/them/Kyle in general. Nice to finally see an on-panel kiss for JP, though.
    - Some more on how Kara got to this point would have been nice, though that's something that can always be filled in later.

    The stuff I'm still waiting to pass judgment on:
    - Yet another evil government storyline. Seriously, Marvel Canada is basically the most corrupt, messed-up place in this side of the Shi'Ar.
    - Marrina's personality transplant. I'm digging it, but it'll need a bit more exposition showing how she got there to buy it fully.

    The terrible:
    - The next issue isn't out yet.

    Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.

  13. #28


    Miss a little... You miss alot.
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    See here.

  14. #29
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    So correct me if I'm wrong, but did...........



    Aurora liquify adamantium?
    No, if you look at his hand after, the armour's intact.

    Quote Originally Posted by MonsieurTaffy View Post
    The political analogy is a bit far-fetched, though interesting considering our recent elections. Montreal was surprisingly well-depicted, all the streets that were named were accurate and actually made sense. Even the French that was used was right on target.
    "J'en ai" rather than "J'en ais" at one point...

    Quote Originally Posted by suzene View Post
    But...I am just not feeling Marrina in that "bite me" panel. It came off as juvenile shock value on the character's part, especially when contrasted against Northstar's coolly snark-laden criticism in earlier pages.
    Me too, I didn't like it...

    gtg, visitors right here (flipping through the issue as I type and speak to them)...

  15. #30
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Given that 0.1 had to introduce the 8 members of Alpha Flight without all the baggage from previous incarnations and tell a story too, I'd say this book does a decent job.

    Kara is "Purple Woman," now; it even says so in the comic. Unless US Agent actually captured him, Kara's father (The Purple Man) is still running around loose in Canada. I wouldn't be surprised if KILLGRAVE shows up at some point in this maxi-series. Briefly, though, I hope.

    I like Narya getting two moments to shine (first, as "Anne MacKenzie", then as "Snowbird"), and I like Shaman getting more depth instead of just being the melancholy stoic prone to dwelling on past mistakes. Bring back Elizabeth and I'll be happy to no end!

    More Walt/Sas-JM/Aurora banter, please.

    Since the team seems to have the implants (even Northstar), Marrina's ill-timed "going off" may have been triggered.
    But anybody (at Dept. H) who thinks putting "ping"-inducing implants in an alien, a demi-goddess, a mystic, and a woman with multiple personalities is a good thing---leading to good results---ought to have his head examined.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 05-21-2011 at 04:22 PM. Reason: Not bad. Good start. 1 down, 8 to go
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

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