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Thread: What is is the best non-Byrne Alpha story.....

  1. #1

    Default What is is the best non-Byrne Alpha story.....

    I think we can all agree that Byrne's Alpha Flight is the best.

    Question....what do you think the best non-byrne story was?

    Mine is in Wolverine. The Wendigo, Mauvias story by Frank Tieri. I thought those issues were a good representation of the team.

  2. #2


    I liked Furman and Seagle's takes.
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  3. #3

  4. #4


    I dunno, but I hope that McCann and Oeming are keeping close eyes on how well FVL and Pak do...if they decide to leave the series (yes, it'll be an ongoing, it will) after four or five years, we need a competent Alpha-lover lined up ready to replace!
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    I dunno, but I hope that McCann and Oeming are keeping close eyes on how well FVL and Pak do...if they decide to leave the series (yes, it'll be an ongoing, it will) after four or five years, we need a competent Alpha-lover lined up ready to replace!
    Man, what I wouldn't give for Oeming to write and draw an Alpha story, Byrne-style. I don't think his art would be a good fit for an ongoing, but a one-shot or backup stories like he did for Avengers Classic would make my life.

    As to the topic at hand: Nicieza's run and Lobdell's first run were pretty solid for the most part, awful art aside. The Chaos War one-shot was fantastic. And I, for one, really liked Omega Flight.

    Best single story, though? X-Men/Alpha Flight: The Gift.
    Last edited by MistressMerr; 02-18-2011 at 05:04 AM.

  6. #6


    Best single issue story?
    Either Marvel Team Up Annual #7 or Chaos War:Alpha Flight.

    Best in-series story?
    Furman's run.

    Best Guest Appearance/Cameo?
    Wolverine #172.

  7. #7


    I'd throw Omega Flight # 1 into the mix. Even though it was Omega Flight and not Alpha Flight, Oeming did such a wonderful job treating the dead Alphans with respect, and he really did a heck of a job with the characterization of Sasquatch/Walter. As much as I hated what Marvel did to Oeming's work by suddenly making it a mini on him, we owe him a lot of respect for what he wanted to accomplish.

    As far as what storyline in Alpha did i like best? Well, I hated and loved (both at the same time) the death of Mac in issue 12. But what REALLY got me interested in AF was when they semed to bring Mac back, but it ended up being Delphine Courtney; that one had my eyes glued to the pages.

    I also really enjoyed the visuals of the fight scene in West Edmonton Mall.

    Sorry, it is hard to NOT pick a Byrne story, lol.
    Last edited by Flightpath07; 02-18-2011 at 07:03 AM.
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  8. #8


    The chaos war one shot was awesome....that and everything Byrne.

    I loved how Nicieza broght back Mac....I actually had that idea for years before it happened. What I hated is that he brought him back again just to kill him???? I wonder why he did that.

    I liked Oeming's Omega Flight in theory. I hated how he made Sasquatch get destroyed by the wrecking crew. Writers seem to forget how powerful Sasquatch is supposed to be.

  9. #9


    Ahh... I have to disagree with you there... I think the Nicieza run is probably my least favourite of all 3 volumes, I hated the Mac rebirth/not-dead in the first place. Today anyway. It might dislike Vol.3 more tomorrow.

  10. #10

  11. #11


    For all Mantlo's faults and disrespect of Byrne's work, I found his stories more entertaining than Nicieza's....

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Hankpym View Post
    I hated how he made Sasquatch get destroyed by the wrecking crew. Writers seem to forget how powerful Sasquatch is supposed to be.
    Uh, the Wrecking Crew gives THOR a run for his money...

    So yeah, sorry, Walt's probably going to get the tar beat out of him. Especially by all four of them.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    For all Mantlo's faults and disrespect of Byrne's work, I found his stories more entertaining than Nicieza's....
    Yeah, I'm sorry everybody, but I agree with Phil. More good came out of Mantlo's run (well, the DreamQueen did) than Nicieza.
    I've decided Nicieza is a good writer when he loves what he's doing, but I suspect he takes a lot of work he doesn't care about, and it shows. He keeps showing up on Linkara's show (he only reviews bad comics), prompting Linkara to "tell him" 'Stop showing up! You're not a bad writer!'

    I like a lot of Hudnall's run... #75 is a stand-out for me.
    'The Gift' is also my favourite single story (like Mistress Mer).

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  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by MistressMerr View Post
    Best single story, though? X-Men/Alpha Flight: The Gift.
    Changing my vote. I love that story -- I don't know how I always seem to forget it when it comes to these discussions.

  15. #15


    I had no idea what to say until X-Men/Alpha Flight was mentioned....yeah, that's one of my faves. I also agree with hankpym, The Wolverine Mauvais story (by Tieri in issues #171-173), guest-starring Alpha was pretty cool. I also loved Logan's visit to Heather and Puck in Wolverine# 76-77 (where they battle Lady Deathstrike at Heather's house) and Mac and Heather's team-up with Logan against the Hunters in The Night in Wolverine #83-84 (all those issues were by Larry Hama, who wrote some really amazing stories in this series). Actually, Heather and Mac also appear in issue# 95 (I guess Larry Hama used Alpha in Wolverine more than Tieri did...Interesting).

    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 02-19-2011 at 03:14 PM.

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