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Thread: Northstar in UXM #530

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Now, now, you can't be too demanding!

    Honestly, though, and in their defence, I do believe the creative teams I've been seeing on UXM are mildly competent. They just all insist on making alienating choices - so much so, I suspect it's more executive meddling than artistic choice.

    'cept the teeth thing.
    Eeeeh, I see very, very few redeeming qualities in anything Fraction or Land have done on the title, I wouldn't apply the competence label to any part of their run. Whilce Portacio, on the other hand (Dr. Teeth as it were) is actually a really great artist, but he's had a lot of health problems that have affected the quality of his work, so while I really don't like his stuff on UXM, it's definitely not as grating as Land's traced porn stars or Fraction's ridiculous out-of-character dialogue. As for Fraction's new co-writer Gillen, I have liked the other stuff of his that I've read, so time will tell to see if the writing improves any.

  2. #17
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Fraction has had some good ideas for stories. Whilce's work, for all his health problems (I didn't know about them, btw), has been decent - he knows what a human being looks like, unlike some comic artists I've never learned the name of. He has reasonably detailed and good backgrounds. The teeth thing is the only problem I have with it - unfortunately, it's a really big, distracting one. Characters who're supposed to be happy are creeping me out.
    Land's habit is even creepier (that, I did know about).
    The colourists have a lot of technique, and are good at special effects, but the dingy colours and lack of light and too much orange / earth tones make it next to impossible for me to engage emotionally with the comics.

    Thing is, I don't know how much of Fraction's OOC dialogue, or the colouring (which has been across all comics for roughly ten? years) is the artists or the editors.

    So I will call them all mildly competent.
    The term there is 'damning with faint praise'. I'm not giving them more than that.

    - Le Messor
    "She told me you weren't fit to sleep with pigs, but I defended you. I told her you were fit to sleep with pigs."
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    Last edited by Le Messor; 12-11-2010 at 02:17 AM.

  3. #18


    I prefer Fraction's run to Claremont's recent, and Austen's....

  4. #19
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Whilce Portacio's art for the last several issues. It got him (from me) the nickname 'Dr. Teeth'...
    I've now read the issue, and I think I've been to harsh on Whilce Portacio. If changing the artist didn't get rid of the teeth problem (though it did lessen it a bit), I now have to believe it comes from Editorial.

    - Le Messor
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  5. #20
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ahab View Post
    I mentioned this in another thread, but why do Northstar and Dazzler need













    Storm to show up to help them be a better X-team? The whole thing rubbed me the wrong way.
    What really annoyed me about that is that they treated it like a shocking reveal.
    Fresh from her latest appearance last issue, and the issue before that, and the one before that, it's...

    - Le Messor
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