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Thread: Resurrections : How would you ...

  1. #31
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Welcome aboard. With that out of the way, I'm gonna tear you a new plothole.

    Aren't I a nice guy?

    Your idea shows quite a bit of knowledge of AF, even some obscure stuff - you've clearly read more than just the main series.
    Unfortunately, I don't think it really works; the power should make them all move very, very far away, and should only be used very high up in the air (never, ever indoors, are you listening X-Men / Alpha Flight v2?). First, they were standing around for all this; second, we saw the bodies, in pretty much the same place. It would be a stretch to say they went far enough to get out of harm's way, then ended up right back where they started (went all the way around the world?).
    Also, I don't think it can be used on multiple people, certainly not when he isn't hanging onto them.

    - Le Messor
    "He looked at me as if I was a side dish he hadn’t ordered."

  2. #32


    Hey Le Messor. Thanks for pointing out the plot holes.

  3. #33
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    It's what I do.

    Look! There's one!

    ... Nope, sorry. That was just a rock.

    - Le Messor
    "He loved the rain. She came into his life and gave him an umbrella."

  4. #34


    Le Messor,

    Thanks for the welcome, now if you don't mind I'd like to fill in your "plot holes". I don't recall that this power should/could only be used high up in the air, besides I think that given the situation that Mac and the others were in he would try anything and everything to save all concerned. Also, I never said that he was able to successfully teleport the team away (hence the condition of our heroes when the image is shown on the next page). Perhaps the attack from The Collective shorted out the process. There is one more thing to add for your consideration: Mac designed the suit, right? He is a scientist, right? Aren't scientists always trying to improve their creations? Tony Stark does. Reed Richards does. Hank Pym does. So why should we assume that Mac would just be content to have the same outfit all these years without improving on it (it has already blown up once). He is a smart guy, lets give him the benefit of the doubt (also I am using info from the Shield Files from the Marvel Universe figure which states: ...regarding schematics to James Hudson's armor technology, it appears to have several upgrades that our files previously have not identified).------I am using this as a source only because it is a licensed Marvel product and therefore it could support my idea. Lastly, you say that it would be a stretch for them to travel around the world and end up in the same place? C'mon, in this day and age of gps and google maps surely Mac's suit would be able to accomplish such a feat. Besides, he has already been to one of Jupiter's moons, put under ground as a computer control, "died" what, three times? In the world of comics there is no such thing as a stretch (GUARDIAN CLONE ANYONE?) which is what can make anything possible.

  5. #35
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    It's never been stated his power should only be used high up... I just happen to think that it's a good idea when it involves moving faster than you can see. ie: low down means obstacles, means *splat*!
    As you say, though, it was a desperate situation. Could have tried anything...

    He's more engineer than scientist, but that doesn't change anything you've said.
    Yeah - those SHIELD files are a little ambiguous.

    There is too such a thing as a stretch in comics! Look at Reed Richards!
    Oh, wait... not that kind of stretch...

    - Le Messor
    "He must have made that before he died."
    ~ Yogi Berra (attrib)

  6. #36

    Default New Alpha Flight

    to me you could not bring back the old alpha flight unless they made guest appearances like Northstar since he is with the x-men, or box.
    I had a story idea back during civil war when omega flight came out and the story would be introduction of new characters some mutants, a scientist, a vigilante, a Norse Elf spell caster, and a immortal.
    Torrent: this was a character i kind of fashioned after myself. he is a mutant but Vancouver. his powers are to manipulate the elements of earth,wind,water,fire, electricity and heart..... ignore that last one. part time video game reviewer, comic junkie and slacker. has a hard time controling more than one element at the same time. does not have the attention span to practice.
    Guardian: Jacob Dumont, native Part time engineering professor, who after many years of admiring the original Alpha flight team, dedicated his time to make his own Battle Armor designed in the style of the original guardian. though similar workings of the Tony Stark armor, this big bulky armor looks more like the Hulkbuster armor that was made in shop class. the special alloy was designed to be a synthetic copy of vibrainium which a sample was allowed to be studied on a privalidged trip to wakanda.
    E.M.P: Amelia Rose, wise cracking red head. he mutant powers are to control,create and manipulate electro magnetic fields. danger for computers and any electronic weaponry, and to torrent when he tries to make a move on her.
    Nilaefujr: spell slinging light elf from the realm of Alfheim. unofficial ambassidor and wanderer. came to Midgard after hearing of stories of the adventures of Thor. he has a fear of Open bodies of water, but has a secondary weakness as he has become addicted to Donuts, especially those of the honey dip kind.
    Erros Noran: Lived on what used to be a very fertile Antartica. Immortal and can never die, unless you cut off his head, his body will be dead but his head will stay alive. spend the last 279 years, 219 days, 17 hours, 12 mins, and 15 seconds alone in the canadian wilderness lost. he blames he got a bad directions from some pretty shady looking squirrels. Though his sanity is often questioned his fighting style is not.
    Fury: a costumed vigilante, no powers but wears a mask and brings gangs or criminals to justice, armed with an array of tools hand made himself he prowls the streets of Winnipeg taking down arsonists, gangs, and thieves. though honored he thinks to be in the big leagues he often goes back to his home city to deal with the scum on his own.

    so this would be for civil war. secret invasion would be included all the way up to the Heroic Age. in the heroic age i have a few ideas to incorperate into mainstream as well as have guest villians and heroes make an appearance.
    "I go on with my life who cares about the past. the past...OW why did you hit me?"

    "What does it matter? its in the past."

  7. #37


    You know...the more I thought about this subject and read through the responses, my idea slightly shifted. I like the idea of Mac making a deal with Mephiso. I would write a mini-series that would work out how the members who died are dealing with it in the afterlife. Mac is shown by Mephisto (who knows that he would probably be the best one to try and corrupt) glimpses into these reactions...showing Heather's last. With her in grief over the fate of their child, Mac makes a deal to return them to life (feeling that his daughter needs her parents). Upon their return, the backhanded deal is revealed that Mac is now ethereal, cannot leave Heather's side, and perhaps his memory altered.

    I think that after the mini-series, a new series would launch with most of the original members (though they would slightly be haunted by their deaths). Heather would retire and take care of her daughter, not knowing that Mac is there. She would also be haunted by what happened a little confused as to why Mac didn't return with them. I think that for a story arc or two I would have them dealing with their deaths and resurrections, and the repercussions of such a deal with the devil.

    Just my two cents.

    Where are we going, and why are we in this hand-basket??

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Mystic View Post
    You know...the more I thought about this subject and read through the responses, my idea slightly shifted. I like the idea of Mac making a deal with Mephiso. I would write a mini-series that would work out how the members who died are dealing with it in the afterlife. Mac is shown by Mephisto.
    woah woah woah. you are reminding me of one more day...i still despise Joe Quasada for doing that. i dislike re writing history, nothing good ever comes from it. all you can do is honor the ones who have fallen. use what you got to give back to a new generation.
    "I go on with my life who cares about the past. the past...OW why did you hit me?"

    "What does it matter? its in the past."

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Trodorne View Post
    woah woah woah. you are reminding me of one more day...i still despise Joe Quasada for doing that. i dislike re writing history, nothing good ever comes from it. all you can do is honor the ones who have fallen. use what you got to give back to a new generation.
    Don't get me wrong, I hated One More Day, and I am not talking about rewriting history. Their deaths would have still happened. Nothing in history would have been rewritten. They would have still gotten their ridiculous off-panel deaths at the hands of The Collective. The only thing that would happen would be that they are now back, and they have to deal with the repercussions of that. No one's memory would be altered (with perhaps the exception of Mac...but that was just an idea I threw out...not even one I'm totally attached to). The only difference would be that Mac would get screwed in the deal (as most who deal with the 'devil' do). If I gave the impression that it would be anything similar to One More day, I apologize. I just wanted to reflect in the members how their deaths effected them, and how their sudden and unexpected return furthers to mess with them as a country wants answers. I wanted to acknowledge that their deaths meant something, and that their return means something different.

    Where are we going, and why are we in this hand-basket??

  10. #40
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trodorne View Post
    woah woah woah. you are reminding me of one more day...i still despise Joe Quasada for doing that. i dislike re writing history, nothing good ever comes from it. all you can do is honor the ones who have fallen. use what you got to give back to a new generation.
    Time travel/messing with history is a staple of fiction/science fiction, now. I haven't read One More Day, and I thought of the Mephisto idea (for Alpha Flight) long before OMD came out. Dept. H would not depend on children to defend the country against the types of threats the original Alphans faced: volume 2's version pretty much confirmed this when Mesmero hypnotized the whole team, newbies & "veterans."

    When I was growing up, Marvel used to be known as "the House of Ideas." A lot of the things Marvel did hadn't been done before. Maybe it's time Marvel became that innovative house of ideas, again.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-22-2010 at 11:58 AM. Reason: clarification/accuracy/completeness
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  11. #41


    That's where the idea of Shaman saving the rest, unknowable to the rest of the world, or Guardian using his suit's ability, to save some, is more original and 'plausible'.

    Heather with no memory of most of her true history, same with Mac, raising their daughter while working on a dam-building project in Africa.

    Zhuza and MML raising their child in northern Quebec. He's with RCMP, she's a computer analyst.

    Puck a secret agent again.

    Talisman one day sees a report on Africa and is sure she sees Heather/Mac.

    Shaman is dead but does one day, in mystic astral form, reveal to Talisman what really happened to AF. He tells her to leave them alone, they are happy and don't need their old lives in AF. Except Puck, who Shaman says could go either way, stay a secret agent or return to Alpha Flight with Sasquatch, Nemesis, a new Guardian, and Aurora.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  12. #42


    I could see Shaman becoming like Obi won kenobi where its astral form but only appears to Talisman or any other person who uses magic.

    Edit* also what if you could have an investigative reporter trying to find out what exactly happened to them and their supposed death. who knows even if they were dead that would not stop someone like Mr.Sinister from taking the bodies and tampering with them. especially if anyone of them were mutants.
    Last edited by Trodorne; 07-21-2010 at 04:50 PM.
    "I go on with my life who cares about the past. the past...OW why did you hit me?"

    "What does it matter? its in the past."

  13. #43


    I know my idea for an Alpha flight team might seem very strange. but the idea for the story was that they would be outside of the law at first, but then over time they would come to use the government except for 1 or 2 members who would be against it. but still it was an arc to work into. which still can make good for many issues. i just think story wise and how i could make this a comic and make it last a while.
    I loved the old Alpha Flight if there was a way to bring them back good do it!. but right now i don't think they would come back unless by a miracle. Personally with things with second coming going on right now in comics, and Hope being there. new mutants will start popping up possibly in parts of Canada. so i tried to take sort of the old styles of comics like Spider-man and the X-men and tried to make it for a new team. thinking more like a justice league of canada. Nilaefujr for example I wanted him like Martian Manhunter, but soon as the Heroic age comes around, he would try to set up as himself an ambassador to Alfheim or Asgard to canada. but after so many series he would still work with the team. maybe get convinced to work with them based on pay of donuts.
    So i don't know i wish they could bring back alpha flight. in the mean time i guess ill post my idea in the fan fiction board and wait for the day something might happen.
    "I go on with my life who cares about the past. the past...OW why did you hit me?"

    "What does it matter? its in the past."

  14. #44


    There seems to be a common thread here of Alpha Flight making a deal with Mephisto to get back to the land of the living. Why Mephisto? Why not Sedna? Who's Sedna you may ask? Well She just happens to be the Inuit Goddess of the Sea and the dead. She has previously appeared in Marvel comics (see Thor v.2, #3) and has even tried to marry Namor at one point! Not only would She be a great reference to Canada but She ties in with Shaman, Talisman, Snowbird, Yukon Jack and yes... Marrina! The possibilities to bring back Alpha could involve Nelvanna, Hodiak and Snowbird petitioning Sedna for their release or even Namor (and possibly the rest of the Avengers---- I smell CROSS-OVER) going to try to save the team out of love for Marrina. By bringing in Sedna, the Alpha book family gets bigger and also could introduce a whole new group of Gods that could pop up from time to time to either cause trouble or provide a reason for some "missions" that Alpha must undertake (which could be of major proportions and again involve other characters in the Marvel universe like Thor, Hercules, Namor, etc.----again I smell CROSS-OVER!). And we all know how much Marvel loves to do cross-overs.


  15. #45
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    That's where the idea of Shaman saving the rest, unknowable to the rest of the world, or Guardian using his suit's ability, to save some, is more original and 'plausible'....Shaman is dead but does one day, in mystic astral form, reveal to Talisman what really happened to AF. He tells her to leave them alone, they are happy and don't need their old lives in AF. Except Puck, who Shaman says could go either way, stay a secret agent or return to Alpha Flight with Sasquatch, Nemesis, a new Guardian, and Aurora.
    I just don't see how Alpha Flight could be happy when they were cut down (easily it appears) by a threat---not only to their country but to the world---that they could not stop. I get the part were Heather and Mac have their minds selectively wiped (a la the conspiracy-loaded Dept. H of volume 2) to rejoin their daughter, but it seems like no one other than Shaman would be dead. Which brings it right back to 'why kill them off in the first place just to bring them back as if nothing had happened'?

    I still don't get why Wolverine, Northstar, Aurora didn't make a big deal about their 'deaths' (to my knowledge), or why Yukon Jack would be contacted instead of Chuck Moss.

    I see that the Mephisto idea isn't new anymore, so why not have Damian Hellstrom help save AF? I'm not that familiar with the character, but bringing him back with AF "featured" or "guest-stars" might take the onus of succeeding or failing off AF.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

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