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Thread: Resurrections : How would you ...

  1. #16
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    Is that a threat LM?
    I'm not saying anything.

    I wasn't saying anything then, and I'm not saying anything now...

  2. #17


    I don't know about Mac, but I would bring back Heather as Nemesis. Nemesis did have red hair...

    I don't think Talisman should resurrect Alpha, I think the Dream Queen would be a much better choice.

  3. #18


    The goverment must have DNA samples of the original and/or all AF members. They can clone them, like they did Mac in vol II. I know clones are a dirty word in comics, but lets move on from what happened to Spidey 15 years ago.

  4. #19


    You can always bring back Mac the way they did in Paradise X

  5. #20
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    I would retcon Bill Mantlos poor portrayal of Roger Bochs as a Skrull and have Roger being kept hidden by Department H with which he was a big part of Volume 2's evil Dept H I would of had him forced into doing it, feeling bad Roger comes and resurrects a new and improved Alpha already having Talisman and Sasquatch alive knowing that most of alpha died against the collective have talisman conjure thier former bodies back grabbing their souls from limbo with her powers proving to everyone hhow truly powerful she is even when compared to the likes of Dr Strange I would then assume that the Marrina Norman got ahold of was a clone of her and have the true Marrina be frozen in the antarctic oceans which Namor finds being scared to hrut anyone Marrina runs to teh only place she knows is safe her home in newfoundland where she finds a mournful Dan Smallwood who just lost his wife to cancer Marrina being frozen for so long ends up telling him how she feels and he tells her they hthen live there life alone for the time being until Alpha gets wind of her being alive more when I can think of it thats how I would write the ressurection of damn Bendis..oh ya in my book I would also have SHIELD capture Bendis as well as Mantlo and torture them making them into another omega to show them how stupid an idea that it was.

    whew loads of ranting hope u guys like my idea.

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Mrfurious87 View Post
    oh ya in my book I would also have SHIELD capture Bendis as well as Mantlo and torture them making them into another omega to show them how stupid an idea that it was.
    I don't have a lot of love for what Mantlo did to the team and none for Bendis' cheap, off-panel shock value kill, but there's no call for that degree of mean-spiritedness, particularly considering what actually happened to Mantlo.

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by suzene View Post
    I don't have a lot of love for what Mantlo did to the team and none for Bendis' cheap, off-panel shock value kill, but there's no call for that degree of mean-spiritedness, particularly considering what actually happened to Mantlo.
    Seemed to me like a pretty tongue in cheek comment. Maybe we should check if the person is aware of the slight before chastising them for it.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  8. #23
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    nah I was being sarcastic I truly have no real hate for either especially Mantlo who I actually love for his great runs on micronauts and ROM he was just the wrong thing for alpha at the time
    Last edited by Mrfurious87; 07-10-2010 at 02:33 PM.

  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Mrfurious87 View Post
    nah I was being sarcastic I truly have no real hate for either especially Mantlo who I actually love for his great runs on micronauts and ROM he was just the wrong thing for alpha at the time
    Fair enough.

  10. #25
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrfurious87 View Post
    I would retcon Bill Mantlos poor portrayal of Roger Bochs as a Skrull
    Now, there's something I never thought of, that should've been done - the whole time the Skrulls were taking over for the heroes, they should've been destroying their reputations.
    Instead, they pretty much just carried on as usual.

    Or... Civil War.

    - Le Messor
    "He flung himself on his horse and rode madly off in all directions..."

  11. #26
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    which would of been a genious move as the skrulls could of taking over bochs with the fake legs since that is truly where he lost touch as bochsie 2 me

  12. #27


    I haven't read the issues where all of the original AF died, so I'm not sure how I'd ressurect them.

    But I know how I'd ressurect Kyle, right out of that molten iron. He'd crawl out of it, hissing, steaming, burning, boiled and barely alive. He'd be mute and disfigured, and his mutation pushed into a full quadruped stance from the assault on his system, an homage to Tieri and to his final X-Factor appearance, which would make sense to the character in his present condition. He'd be animalistic for a time, with only memories of Aurora thinly anchoring him to humanity. It would take him forever to recover, wandering around that area of Russia, hunting for food and gaining the reputation as an unseen beast to the local populaces. Alpha Flight tracks him down, yes, yes, fine, with the help of Wyre (I hate him, but as a pro I'd actually write him with some dignity as there are people who actually like him). Kyle is still in very bad physical and mental shape, and tentatively goes back with Aurora to recover fully in peace and where he is most familliar.

    That's one way to possibly ressurect Kyle at least. The others? I like the clones idea.

  13. #28
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    I love that wild child idea it seems the most plausible for him and though i am not a fan of wild child post byrne that has my interest in your ressurection of him

  14. #29


    Some good ideas by all, but I'm just not too keen on the whole cloning thing. If they come back, it should be the original characters. What If? the collective is in the process of thrashing our heroes, at the last minute Guardian uses that under-used, barely explained power of his to have all the members stay "at rest" in relation to the earths rotation. Having accomplished this but due to the enormous strain on himself and the rest of Alpha they all appear to have perished in the eyes of the collective who then moves on. Earthmover (who was instructed to stay in the Alpha-jet) saw what transpired and rushes out to aid the injured. Using his powers he is able to get everyone into the jet and back to Dept H. Because they were all so badly hurt, they are put into stasis by Dept H (or if you like Earthmover could create earth-coocoons) so they can heal. Sasquatch, being stronger than the rest, is revived sooner but is unaware that the rest of Alpha is still alive (just in case the regen is not successful) and is put in charge of attempting to rehabilitate Pointer. Shift to the present time (one year later in both comic time and reat time) and Alpha is awakened, hale and hearty once again to save our country...NO! THE ENTIRE WORLD!...from some new and terrible evil the way Alpha should.
    Last edited by DIGGER; 07-15-2010 at 10:05 AM. Reason: needed to justify Walt's presence at the time of Omega Flight series

  15. #30


    I like that idea. It sounds like you gave it alot of thought. BTW Welcome.

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