Poll: What's your favorite version of Kyle?

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Thread: Favorite version of Kyle?

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Unhinged psychotic for me! Er... that is the Kyle i like, i mean.

    I like 'em all, though, all but the bald one.
    Yeah, I Really REALLY Hope every damned Avengers title Without the core members gets to DIE OFF PANEL in ALPHA FLIGHT. Isn't Every Marvel character now OFFICIALLY in the Avengers, including all the surviving member of the Fantastic Four. Ridiculous. Someone ANYONE needs to Kill off ALL the extraneous versions ASAP.

  2. #17


    Someone ANYONE needs to Kill off ALL the extraneous versions ASAP.
    Kyle will do it! "Let's ask Kyle; he'll do it. He'll do anything" (not an exact quote, partially stolen from Life brand cereal commercials)
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  3. #18


    I voted the Byrne version myself. I also thought when Kyle appeared in Marvel Presents those where good too. It wasnt Byrne but it wasnt Nicieza version but it was more implied it was Byrne version. I didnt like Weapon Omega at all. If I loved the Byrne version, with all his issues then why would I like the complete opposite of Kyle in Weapon Omega? Its like if I like a band for their hard rock and then they start singing soft love songs. I want the hard rock

  4. #19
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by mos_def View Post
    If I loved the Byrne version, with all his issues then why would I like the complete opposite of Kyle in Weapon Omega?
    True dat. 'In name only' is the single most frustrating trope in the world for me.
    OTOH, some of the best songs are when a hard rockin' band does a soft ballad...

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  5. #20
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    I always liked the original Wild Child's looks, but I'd like to see that with Weapon Omega's personality like they did in X-Factor, but with less emo. Kind of what they did with Nightcrawler, only Kyle wouldn't be as positive as Kurt was.

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