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Thread: Dead but not Down for the Count?

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    I doubt either child in comicdom is an orphan. Heather had a big family so that baby is taken care of, and Sadler gramps has baby Yu.
    Lord, I hope not.

  2. #17


    Wait. Logan's dead?

    If any character would meet him in hell, yeah, I agree, Puck or Wild Child.....and they'd better be leaving with him.

  3. #18


    wow, I didn't realise Wildchild was dead as well, gee Marvel really hate AF

    I still think the hint of old school alpha points to someone in the original byrne lineup:
    Puck, Guardian, or Shaman....

    I can't imagine Smart Alec or Wildchild helping Wolverine, though they could be in the story as villians.

  4. #19


    I can't imagine why Puck would he in hell, but I agree that he is the most likely. The writer said old school Alpha fans would be happy and alluded that it would be an ally. That pretty much rules out Wild Child and Smart Alec. We were never told that Wolverine knew Diamond Lil very well. Being in Hell makes even less sense for Shaman, Guardian and Heather than for Puck and frankly, Marrina helping Wolverine would be a stretch since I think the writer would probably go for someone better known and acknowledged as a friend.
    It wouldn't hurt to lobby for Puck's return if we get the chance to ask this writer questions at CBR at some point. At it says in the article, he is an old-school AF fan...
    In fact, the more that anyone here asks about Alpha for future interviews with X-writers or editors (X-Position interviews), I would think the better. I always send in a question when I can come up with one, but I think the guy doing these interviews is sick of seeing my questions. They don't get asked as often anymore. If other people asked, at least it would show that our interest is still there...

  5. #20


    The wording is interesting. He said former allies would show up...Doesn't say they where in hell to begin with as well. Perhaps to even the odds some friends from more heavenly places show up to aid Logan in hell.
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  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Ahab View Post
    I can't imagine why Puck would he in hell, but I agree that he is the most likely.
    The only reason I'm coming up with is that he spent a good number of years in a pact with a demon.

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by suzene View Post
    The only reason I'm coming up with is that he spent a good number of years in a pact with a demon.
    Good point...

  8. #23
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    It could be an Alpha villain he meets down there. Why wouldn't they ally, if it means getting out of Hell?
    (My problems with the truly wacked theology aside.)

    The Hudson baby might have family, but I believe it's still an orphan (dead parents).

    BTW, is it just me, or is there something very familiar about all this? I'm thinking Elektra?

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  9. #24


    True, it could be Alphans coming from Heaven. Doesn't have to be H*ll. Could be that Mac and Heather, Judd and Shaman ask God to go help, and He lets them. Next thing you know it, Guardian is kicking Mephisto's *ss.
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  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by humanracin View Post
    wow, I didn't realise Wildchild was dead as well, gee Marvel really hate AF
    Apparently he is. Spoilers below:

    Daniel Way decided Wildchild was a useless character who could only be used as cannon fodder, and tossed him into a vat of molten steel, on panel. Not intended to be survivable.

  11. #26
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Don't worry, Raja. This is comics; he'll get better.

    BTW, Mokole, this was an issue of Wolverine: Origins where that happened.

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  12. #27


    I bet Wild Child will be in hell and one of Wolverine's foes, but Puck will be his comrade that helps.

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