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The Black Wolf, a new pulp-hero hero from Granton City Press will soon be coming to a gaming table near you.
An agreement has been reached with Zombiesmith Miniatures to bring The Black Wolf into the world as a 3-D gaming figure.
“When approached with the possibility of doing a Black Wolf miniature I was immediately intrigued,” said Joshua Qualtieri the man behind Zombiesmith. “It’s a great opportunity to test the waters of the pulp market for miniatures, and to work with a unique new character.”
Calvin Daniels, creator and co-author of The Black Wolf said having a miniature coming out to support the book, and new pulp book line is great.
“As an avid gamer myself, it will be a thrill to see our lead character sculpted in lead, and working with Zombiesmith we know it will be a great miniature because they have a reputation for unique, quality figures.”
If response to The Black Wolf miniature is as hoped for, other characters from the pulp world of Granton City Press are likely to follow.
You can follow the miniature’s progress at www.zombiesmith.com or www.wix.com/grantoncitydesk/togc



A noted mechanical engineer has gone missing in Granton City, as has a professor with a past live as an inventor of miraculous machines.

That puts The Black Wolf on the case.

The Wolf is a vigilante with a pair of Colt .45s, and the attitude that the cops in 1920s’ Granton City can too easily be bought, so he has appointed himself himself sheriff, judge, jury and at times executioner.

But can even a bad attitude and a loaded gun solve the newest mystery before the world is threatened by a diabolical menace?

To find out you will have to read The Black Wolf #1 - Metal Monsters of Doom, the first release from Granton City Press (GCP), and Saskatchewan authors Calvin Daniels and Kevin Lee.

Granton City Press is excited to announce The Black Wolf #1 -- Metal Monsters of Doom by Calvin Daniels and Kevin Lee is in the publishing stage, with the book expected in April.

This is the first of four books from GCP in 2010, the others will include Black Wolf #2, a World War I-based tale, Unit 13, Daniels is co-writing with Tyrell Tinnin and a story which brings a ninja warrior into the pulp age, The Ghost Wind is being co-written by Daniels and Mitchel Rose.

Creator Calvin Daniels said the idea of doing a pulp-era novel sort of popped into his head one day while trolling through Facebook.

“I’ve always had a soft spot for the purple clad Phantom from reading his stories in the old Charlton Comics line, and of course The Shadow, and Batman,” said Daniels who has been a journalist for more than 20-years. “But, that interest really never coalesced into wanting to write a pulp book until early last year (2009).”

So Daniels, who has previously published three books with a hockey theme, one fiction the others non-fiction, came up with a broad concept, then went looking for a co-writer.

“I had a basic idea for The Black Wolf,” he said, adding, “I thought it would be fun to share the writing.”

That’s where Kevin Lee came on-board.

“I’ve known Kevin casually for a while, and I had written stories for Yorkton This Week on his fantasy trilogy TRIO, so I thought why not ask him,” said Daniels. “Thankfully he said yes.”

Lee said he decided to take on the project because it was a story quite different from his fantasy world.

“Black Wolf sounded like fun when Calvin first pitched the idea of being a co-writer with him on it, and it was an entirely different universe in comparison with my fantasy trilogy TRIO. Black Wolf is a lot shorter in length as well, which makes the story move along rather quickly. It's been fun and challenging at the same time because Calvin tends to work at a much faster rate than I do!,” he said.

Co-writing The Black Wolf has been a great experience, said Daniels, adding it continues as they work on Book #2 - Rise of the Demons, expected out this September.

“It’s great because we use a pretty simple system, basically taking turns writing chapters,” he said. “It really keeps you focused because you feel obligated to get back to writing every time a chapter comes in.

“It also keeps ideas flowing, because we feed of each other. You never now what the other will do in their chapter. It’s fascinating to watch characters and plots develop.

Lee said he too finds the process an interesting one from a writer’s perspective.

“By working on a pulp style of story instead of a fantasy setting it gets the imagination working on a completely different level because you're not thinking of sword and sorcery but more along the lines of those old crime tv shows, heroes and villains that are from our own world. Not to mention by switching up on the two stories the creative energy gets renewed each time!” he said.

The process has resulted in a first book the pair are proud of.

“The first book is great! After it was all said and done I found it to be fun romp and now as my third TRIO novel is nearly done my focus is back on Black Wolf #2 and the creative ideas are already beginning to roll! It should be just as fun if not better on the second go around,” said Lee.

“This may not win a Pulitzer, but pulps are supposed to be quick, easy and fun reads, and I think The Black Wolf is all three,” added Daniels.

In preparation for the release of The Black Wolf #1 GCP is offering our an opportunity to pre-purchase the book, however, not just a regular copy of the book.

Instead, the first 100 pre-sales will be sent a Signed & Numbered copy of the book. It will be numbered 1/100, 2/100, 3/100 etc., and signed by both authors Calvin Daniels and Kevin Lee.

All purchases prepaid in February will go into a draw for the first 10 numbered books, since those are the most highly prized by many. After numbers one-through-10 are assigned, books will be assigned in order.

Anyone purchasing a book through this offer will have an opportunity to purchase Signed & Numbered editions of future Black Wolf novels with the same sequence number. That will mean ensuring every book you purchase has a matching number such as 3/100. It should make an interesting set for devoted readers in the future.

The S&N books are available for only $12.99 each, plus applicable shipping and handling. You are allowed multiple copies.

You can go to the Granton City Press website at http://www.wix.com/grantoncitydesk/togc and make payment through Paypal.

For further information or interviews contact:

email calmardan@sasktel.net