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Thread: Where to start/buy?

  1. #1

    Default Where to start/buy?

    As a new fan to Alpha Flight, where should I really start? If it's at the very beginning, where can I buy those issues?

    Just wondering, since I am really starting to love the characters(especially Talisman) and would love to know some of the original stories.

  2. #2
    Lion-O's 2nd Cousin Alpha Flight
    DaVeO's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Any suggestions we give you will be biased on what we like, although most will probably agree that the first 30 or so issues (vol 1) will give you the definite Alpha Flight team. Check your local comic store or go to a convention, you can probably find volume one's back issues dirt cheap.

    Also be on the look out for the two issue mini series X-Men/Alpha Flight. Where the two teams tangle with Loki of Asgard. Great story.

    And I agree, Talisman rocks! Did you pick-up the recent Omega Flight mini?
    The world is NOT getting more Alpha Flight! Tweet me you twits! @DaVeO52

  3. #3


    Of course! That's what really introduced me to Alpha Flight in the first place. Well, and the VS card game; they were featured as a tiny team in the newest set. Love her in the mini! I was reading the Alpha Wiki the site has, and she still rocks back then, too.

    So I guess I'll wait until Feb, since Comic Con comes to NYC around then. Besides volume 1, are two and three any good? Maybe I could read some of those to tie me over? :P

    Heh, X-men/Alpha Flight? Messiah Complex got me into liking the X-men again, so I might just check that out.

  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Canberra, Australia


    The first several* issues of v1 are available in a trade paperback. But I suggest you keep it, instead of trading it.

    * EDIT: the first eight.

    Personally, I enjoyed v3, but didn't think it was good; just a bit of toss-away fluff, but enjoyable. I loathe v2 with a passion. But that's me--others around here love v2, and most seem to hate v3. I cannot decide for you.

    You hate v2 youhatev2youhatev2

    - Le Messor
    "I saw a subliminal advertising executive for a split second."
    - Steve Wright

  5. #5


    You don't have to wait until February! Go to the National on Nov 14/15/16 at Penn Plaza! I'll be there, dude!

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  6. #6


    ebay is always a good source. If you've got a bit of money, you can usually find the entire first volume up for pretty cheap.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by rplass
    You don't have to wait until February! Go to the National on Nov 14/15/16 at Penn Plaza! I'll be there, dude!

    Good idea! I forgot about that :P Hmm, I might have an excuse to go then!

    Ebay, eh? Sadly, I don't think my credit card works(it is how Gamestop pays me) since it is Cirrus/Maestro. I'll see, though.

  8. #8


    OK I'll be there Saturday, from early in the AM until a) I run out of money b) I can't possibly carry my bag of comics anymore because its too heavy or c) I am too physically exhausted to continue.

    I'll be wearing a black shirt with the bat-signal on it. Find me and I'll buy you SIX beers after the show at Heartland Brewery in the ESB. Seriously, if you want to meet up then email me at yahoo and we'll arrange it.

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  9. #9


    Sorry I missed you! My girlfriend had a root canal and she asked me to go. Usually I would be there on saturdays, but work and her going to the dentist prevented it. Oh, and the fact I am low on cash doesn't help.

    My email is Send me an email next time you are going and I'll see if I can be there.

  10. #10


    OK sure, I'm probably going to haul my butt to the Mega Show in Jersey in a few weeks. It's a bit of a drive, but I think it will be worth it to meet Kristanna Loken who is hotter than hell, and Herb Trimpe, who is cooler than hell. I'll email you if I'm going!

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  11. #11


    Damn, I probably missed you as the event was last week =/ Hope you had fun! I haven't been on in awhile and my email didn't notify me...ah well, maybe next time.

    I will be going to Forbidden Planet probably next weekend after Christmas(when I have more mula) so if you want to show me some comics then, that would be great.

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