Since I got into Alpha, I have to say that I have hated what has happened to them in the 616 recently. I start to think if Marvel needs someone to kill or screw up, why not do it to Alpha. they seem to forget the good stuff that has happened.

Vol1, to me, established some very good characters. From what I read and was told, obviously the creator of the series didnt feel that way but it still went for a long time to establish fans and see artist come through like Jim Lee and Portacio. It started off strong and was good and toward the end you could see the interest in the book drop with managment.

Vol2- A great follow up to Vol1 and cut way too short but no one acts like this series existed. What happened to Ghostgirl..limbo. What happened to Flex...limbo. What happened to Manbot...limbo. Murmur....limbo. killed in XMen. Gentry...who knows. This was a good series IMO and I have not seen any reference to it. Ive seen references to the vol 3 book and I thought 3 sucked.

WOLVERINE- now, when the series was nowhere and the only fix I could get was in Wolvy, I thought the writers potrayed Alpha fairly well. I could get that the writers understood the charcters and the relationship with Logan.

WEAPON X- another fix series I bought but wished I didnt. This series tto me started the downfall of all Alpha characters. they butchered every character related to Alpha. I can never forget the nosferatu Wildchild. What was that. They twisted characters I loved in Vol1.

XMen- I give alot of resepect to the book since Alpha started off here but in the 21st century, Alpha lacked in these books. Radius died. Northstar died. Northstar faced an odd homophobia in the series. Why? Characters had seen Northstar before but now all of a sudden working with the guy is a problem. And last, Does anyone remember the battle armor.

Vol3- Now I liked Yukon Jack, Zuzha and I could even deal with MML, but this was no way to be considered part of the series. It brought back Flashback and I think Nemesis was potrayed well but everyone else did not work.

Omega- only having 2 Canadians made me question it but it was a decent series, IMO. 5 issues and Marvel shuts it down. The common thing to expect from Marvel now.