The more I read this storyline about the Hulk, the more I am thinking that this will happen. I had heard that the whole Planet Hulk series was supposed to have been an end to the Hulk's story. Leaving him on a distant planet and happy with his bride and child. Because of the popularity of the Planet Hulk series, Marvel descided to take it a step further and go for a homerun with World War Hulk. (Seem like it's on strike 2 for me though)

My primary reasoning for this though, is that he is just too damn powerful now. I have no doubt that if Galactus showed up right now on earth, Hulk would take him down single-handed. Just look at how he jobbed the X-men and the Avenegers. Even Eloe, who has no powers that I saw in Planet Hulk, took out Spiderman, Echo, and Ronin, single-handed.

I could go on and on about the problems with the WWH series, but that's not the point of this poll.

Cast your vote, and post your opinions