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Thread: Nothing??

  1. #16


    Ouch...D! Paragraphs are our friends...It seriously hurt reading that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dfense75
    Not an unwise accesment. Given the poor sales of previous Alpha revivals. I would understand from a buisness perspective of taking baby steps and building a fanbase. Most not all team books have at least one character that is the "meal ticket"(see Wolverine). Of the current Omega lineup there is not one character who has been a sales success on his or her own for an extended period of time. I think Marvel despite what some of us thinks about them is trying to make Michael Pointer the focal point of the Omega team. Omega did well.
    That is a huge gamble...Pointer's placement as "Guardian"/"Weapon Omega" still sticks in the throat of many Alpha fans and Canadian AF fans. Omega did sell well, but there is no guarantee that Weapon Omega will be a success.

    I still believe Wolverine should be used to launch a new Alpha series (with a strong writing and art team). Wolvie's roots are in Canada, why not use him there for a while? Get him out of the other books for a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dfense75
    If the Weapon Omega story does well in MCP than you not only have fans of the book but a main focus character as well. I know alot of you may disagree but im only playing devils advocate with my next statement. James Mac Donald Hudson was not interesting enough as the main of the team book and robbed the team of its "star".
    I agree with you about Mac, but I find Pointer to be nearly as bad...He has shown very little personality (outside of playing the guilt-ridden, victim)...And as I said above the whole premise of the character sticks in my throat as an AF/OF character. He's a character who has been used by an evil force (The Collective or Marvel...Take your pick) to kill characters we love(d), is currently being used by a "weak" Canadian government (at least that's the way Marvel is portraying them) and is shown in every way to be a poser, wearing a flag he shouldn't be wearing and defending a country he shouldn't be anywhere near...Not to mention being untrained, inexperienced and possessing unpredictable powers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dfense75
    I know the point of the original Alpha was to highlight all the members at one time or another and it worked under John Byrne's pen. A new direction is needed to build the "brand" again. Look at how Alpha first came about. Guest appearence in a hot selling book. They had their few guest spots and fans clamored for more. Alpha Flight was than born. When Byrne left it had its up and downs to say the least and fizzled out over time. Yes we want a sudden and magnificent return to Alpha glory. But for it to work and work long term. I think the way its being done now might just be the way to go. Wet the appetite of new fans with a top selling Mini and have it be relevant enough to the original concepts idea that the old fans jump on as well. BANG!! you have a start. Omega Flight is the prologue. Weapon Omega in MCP is the intro to our "main" character. The next step after establishing all of this is the main ongoing story. Do i agree that this is the way to make Omega/Alpha a sales success? Not neccesarily. But I do recognize the way Marvel trys to sell its brand and market its product. While we feel JoeQ has it out for Alpha because of how things have transpired. I think he is looking at it in a different way. If he pulls a successful Alpha/Omega series out of his hat. He looks like a hero and made another B-List book A-list. I would bet he is willing to take the lumps he has in the short term to make it work in the long term. I know this was one hell of a rant. But I cannot and will not give up hope that an ongoing will happen. I still see what we want on the horizon as a very viable possibility. Keep on keepin on.
    Joe Q will never be a hero in my book (and with many others, either), he's burned too many bridges with fans of various characters (not just in the Alpha sector)..Pissed too many people off with years of terrible stories, killing characters off and really bad decisions.


  2. #17
    Lion-O's 2nd Cousin Alpha Flight
    DaVeO's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Seriously re-thinking getting MCP after this news. Marvel likes to strike when the iron is ice cold it seems. Why didn't they at least continue OF in MCP as an interim? Not just with Michael. Or use MCP as a new launching point for Alpha Flight, it would have been a perfect venue.

    Arrh. Marvel has their head so far up their backside they can see their tonsils. "Originally planned as a mini?" WTF? That's just not true and we all know it. This is the reason I'll always be more of a DC Fan then Marvel. They listen most of the time.

    Irate Alpha Fan.
    The world is NOT getting more Alpha Flight! Tweet me you twits! @DaVeO52

  3. #18


    Marvel still does not trust the Alpha Flight brand and I think they theorize that Omega Flight sold because it had the Initiative banner across the top.

    I think that they are going to see the reaction to MCP to guage if they will eventually do something Flight related.

  4. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by DaVeO
    Seriously re-thinking getting MCP after this news. Marvel likes to strike when the iron is ice cold it seems. Why didn't they at least continue OF in MCP as an interim? Not just with Michael. Or use MCP as a new launching point for Alpha Flight, it would have been a perfect venue.

    Arrh. Marvel has their head so far up their backside they can see their tonsils. "Originally planned as a mini?" WTF? That's just not true and we all know it. This is the reason I'll always be more of a DC Fan then Marvel. They listen most of the time.

    Irate Alpha Fan.
    You're right, it isn't true...Even Mr. Oeming recently said so (in his recent interview). It's just misinformation from ignorance or from intentionally trying to cover up.


  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by mreeez
    Marvel still does not trust the Alpha Flight brand and I think they theorize that Omega Flight sold because it had the Initiative banner across the top.

    I think that they are going to see the reaction to MCP to guage if they will eventually do something Flight related.
    If MCP will be the guage then I must say I'm very worried. How many of Alpha's Canadian fans give a caribou turd for this American imposter. Let's alienate 90% of the fan base by giving them something they don't want again and then tell them it just won't sell. Good luck Alpha/Omega fans. I'm sitting this one out! And it really hurts to say that after being dedicated to this team for 3 decades.
    "Well, the only person talking about love today is the preacher. And it seems noboday gets just all the learning but the teacher."

    The Temptations "Ball of Confusion"

  6. #21


    Agreed. 12 pages an issue about Weapon Omega in a Guardian suit, crying, getting help from USAgent mostly (I'm speculating), going after some who-knows-villains, it will be a bit hard for Flight fans to like it at all.

    I know I'm not buying it unless it turns out to be closely tied to Flight and thus the ongoing we earned. MCP is not my cup of tea, except for way back with the Barry Windsor-Smith Weapon X tales, the only one I ever read!
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  7. #22


    and in MCP one of the main villian for Guardian will be Vanguard...bah!

  8. #23


    A combination of BRB and USAgent are enough to sell a book, don't they realize that? Why build up other characters when they can be capitalized on?

    If Sasquatch had a better appearance that wasn't totally OOC in Wolverine that could have helped too.

  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by mreeez
    Marvel still does not trust the Alpha Flight brand and I think they theorize that Omega Flight sold because it had the Initiative banner across the top.

    I think that they are going to see the reaction to MCP to guage if they will eventually do something Flight related.
    Not going to happen...They have no way of knowing if OF fans are buying the book or not.


  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    and in MCP one of the main villian for Guardian will be Vanguard...bah!
    Oh lord....Vanguard isn't even a bad guy...Aaarrrgh.

    Note to self...Another reason to skip this.


  11. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    and in MCP one of the main villian for Guardian will be Vanguard...bah!
    Where did you hear this? In MCP there's another story called Vanguard, are you sure that isn't what you're thinking of?

  12. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by SephirothsKiller
    Where did you hear this? In MCP there's another story called Vanguard, are you sure that isn't what you're thinking of?
    I thought the story was going to be together, but yeah it would make sense if it was a seperate story as I remembered it wrong.

    "The premiere comics anthology gets invaded—by Magneto! Witness a tale of the beginnings of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants with Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch guest–starring. Meanwhile, Hellcat continues battling for her very survival, Weapon Omega faces down demons both internal and external, and a routine murder investigation has lead to something—or someone—called…the Vanguard!"

  13. #28
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    The latest CSN I picked up spoke of MCP #1...

    But not of Weapon Omega. Wait a sec, I'll just go upstairs and get it...

    I'm back. Miss me?

    Quote Originally Posted by CSN: Wizardworld Chicago Newsfest

    This week's top comics


    What's the Scoop?

    Marvel's rotating-star anthology series returns with an extra-length first issue featureing Spider-Man, Hellcat, Damien Cross, and the System.

    Why Should You Care?

    Marvel Comics Presents offers adventures of Marvel's superstars alongside new concepts and lesser-known characters in a monthly multi-story format---so it just may be that when you pick up an issue because of an old favorite, you'll discover a new favorite at the same time!
    That's it (oh, and creator and ordering info, I kinda skipped that part.)

    - Le Messor
    "Every person takes the limits of their own field of vision for the limits of the world."
    - Arthur Schopenhauer

  14. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    The latest CSN I picked up spoke of MCP #1...

    But not of Weapon Omega. Wait a sec, I'll just go upstairs and get it...

    I'm back. Miss me?
    Always, Mik...glad you're back

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    Quote Originally Posted by CSN: Wizardworld Chicago Newsfest

    This week's top comics


    What's the Scoop?

    Marvel's rotating-star anthology series returns with an extra-length first issue featureing Spider-Man, Hellcat, Damien Cross, and the System.

    Why Should You Care?

    Marvel Comics Presents offers adventures of Marvel's superstars alongside new concepts and lesser-known characters in a monthly multi-story format---so it just may be that when you pick up an issue because of an old favorite, you'll discover a new favorite at the same time!
    That's it (oh, and creator and ordering info, I kinda skipped that part.)

    - Le Messor
    "Every person takes the limits of their own field of vision for the limits of the world."
    - Arthur Schopenhauer
    It's odd, that they don't mention him...Maybe it's just more of Marvel's wildly-uneven promotional skills at work.


  15. #30


    At least they didn't say "And because YOU demanded it - Weapon Omega!". I always wonder exactly who demanded some of the things that they say have been demanded...

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