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Thread: omega flight #5: Got it!

  1. #1

    Default omega flight #5: Got it!

    got it.

    gonna read it and post impressions soon.

    btw, anyone know any background (what they wrote/drew) of richard koslowski/andrea devito?

    they will be handling guardian from here on out.

  2. #2


    Got it, and had a few concerns. Beautifual artwork, but this issue irked me more then any previous issue.

    I'm sad to see it go, and wonders if there will be a future for the team


    Shaman's bag is sealed up forever trapping Tanaraq

    Well it's Beta Ray Bill who doesn't come home as he is traped in the Realm of the Beasts.


    Why is everything being called a Great Beast? As in Surtur's demon army, they are not Great Beasts.

    Apparently USAgent can do better against the Wrecker and the Crew then Sasquatch can..Come on, and even when he got charged by Tanaraq you make Bill hit him once and Sasquatch goes down? Give the guy some credit he has been kicked around all series.

    No Snowbird when a Great Beast arrived on our plane? errrr?

    So are the other Great Beasts, who are superior to Tanaraq not going to simply just kill Beta Ray since he is in their realm now?

    Why is Talisman weaker now?


  3. #3


    yeah, this was my least favorite of the issues, and i agree with alot of with king said.

    why is talisman weaker?

    why did usagent take down the wrecking crew, when sasquatch couldn't (i'm sure some can argue that they were drained from the sudden loss of power)

    why does no one have a clue who beta ray bill is?

    why are all the demons great beasts?

    why does everyone have to go their seperate ways at the end of the issue (except for julia, walker and of course michael)

    i did love scotts art, he nailed some old school images of both guardian and sasquatch that had me reminiscing.

    also, usagent went looking for his shield, and found it.

    it feels to me like mike put brb away somewhere for future use. i also have a sneaking suspicion that marvel will use this team again, but may not use the current creative team (god i really hope scott kollins gets the chance to continue drawing sasquatch and guaridan, they have not looked this good since byrne)

    seems like tptb did not like the direction of this book, yet see's its potential, so we may very well see omega again, but i doubt mao will be writing it. (i mean no disrespect)

  4. #4


    Removing BRB from the team is a bad move as many bought the book solely for him. Also it sure seemed like everyone who wasn't in Alpha Flight had their stuff together and saved the day and actually well..was strong.

  5. #5


    well I like the idea of BRB in a far off realm, great use for a mini on BRB, doesn't mean he isn't on the team just that he is trapped for now, could come back and join the team

    I liked the way things were fixed for michael.

    I think Talisman is weaker because she has a lack of will perhaps?

    I don't know I thought it was a good issue and I still think of all the adds Arachne fits the best on the team. i think they sent them their separate ways so that it was a clear ending, and sadly left all the characters to be handled by some one else in the future without having to take them out of the team because technically the only people on the team right now really are Arachne and Michael the rest are MIA except maybe U S Agent who is simply doing what ever he wishes and roaming Canada on his own taking out who ever he wishes (Does he have a green card?)

  6. #6
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Mar 2005
    The Washington DC area

    Default The fifth and final issue

    Good wrap-up for the five mismatched characters that were offered as Omega Flight: Arachne, Beta Ray Bill, Michael Pointer, Talisman, and USAgent. Talisman is traumatized, too. Makes sense imo.

    Does it make a lot of sense without Snowbird? No. Does it make a lot of sense without The Old Gods? No.

    Is it interesting for what it promised? Yes.

    It promised those five characters as Omega Flight and that's what readers got, no more no less. I'm not convinced that the conceptual foundation as presented is strong enough to justify an on-going series in its own right, but it is interesting enough to be part of a anthology that Marvel actually likes.

    I'd really like to know what performance evaluation Jeff Brown is going to get from the Prime Minister.

    It could've been great, but it could've been worse. All in all, a commendable effort.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  7. #7


    I actually thought it was a great ending. Who would have thought it would end without the stereotypical gathering of everyone in arms for one final panel, smiles all around.

    Everyone pretty much goes their separate ways, which leaves the next writer to pick from where he likes. Talisman and Sasquatch are readily available on standby for the next national crisis. I really like Arachne. She fills the missing gap left by Heather(not as good as the real thing but ya work with what ya got). BRB can be easily brought back with an open Shaman pouch if the writer sees fit. If said writer is a fan of the twins, he/she can easily bring them in while leaving BRB or USAgent aside. Thats what I like about the open ending.

    Michael has proven himself a hero and will get to share his own limited series, hopefully to get the word out even more. The one thing about Flight that always bothered me was for major Marvel events, they are rarely, if ever, around. Hulk comes back to earth, does Tony think to recruit the man who fought Sentry to a stand still in space and brought Iron Man to his knees? Imagine the easy, free advertising for Flight by just getting Guardian to fight the Hulk for a couple panels, showing what he can do. If it gets ONE new person interested in the character, why not do it?

    Oh well.

    Good work boys! Hope you're all coming back on the title.... soon!

  8. #8


    i really hated the basis of the ending.

    'its hard to say what the future holds for omega flight"

    the whole basis of the team was that it was formed to protect Canada from the influx of villains due to Americas stricter policies and heavier "policed" states, so theres more opportunity in Canada.

    so now theres no more need for that?


    tptb at marvel said if the series sells well, it will be made a ongoing.

    it has sold well and then some. wheres the ongoing?

  9. #9


    Even though I don't have the issue, it's clear to me that they did what they did to end the series because Marvel Editorial said to. Loners won't end with the people all going home, of course, because if they extend IT into an ongoing Marvel Editorial wants that team.

    It was a miniseries and Marvel has made it clear that they didn't want it to be an ongoing (does MAO even work at Marvel anymore?). So to make it a mini and wrap it up, the team is not a team so much anymore.

    Really, if no accurate news comes out of Toronto Con, you'll know that AF is toast until Joe Q leaves. Wait and see.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  10. #10


    Out of everything, USAgent kicking the crap out of the wrecking Crew, Bill taking down Sasquatch like he was nothing, and Talisman's canon contradicting power nerf annoyed me the most. (Particularly the last one. I mean honestly! The whole point of that power was that it was her destiny and she had it whether she liked it or not!)

  11. #11


    well, here is the thing, I think they said they would make it ongoing with sales because they didn't think it would sell well. When they saw it was amazing they knew that could market off of it, but it takes so long to get an ongoing ready that they would need the vibe to stay alive, so rather than try and put together and ongoing that might turn around and fail they put this little 8 page thing in the marvel premier or what ever it is called to hopefully "satisfy" our interest, and if it sells well and does well they will probably use the team doing that and spin off a series.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by SmurfInABlender
    well, here is the thing, I think they said they would make it ongoing with sales because they didn't think it would sell well. When they saw it was amazing they knew that could market off of it, but it takes so long to get an ongoing ready that they would need the vibe to stay alive, so rather than try and put together and ongoing that might turn around and fail they put this little 8 page thing in the marvel premier or what ever it is called to hopefully "satisfy" our interest, and if it sells well and does well they will probably use the team doing that and spin off a series.
    A lie is still a lie.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by SephirothsKiller
    Quote Originally Posted by SmurfInABlender
    well, here is the thing, I think they said they would make it ongoing with sales because they didn't think it would sell well. When they saw it was amazing they knew that could market off of it, but it takes so long to get an ongoing ready that they would need the vibe to stay alive, so rather than try and put together and ongoing that might turn around and fail they put this little 8 page thing in the marvel premier or what ever it is called to hopefully "satisfy" our interest, and if it sells well and does well they will probably use the team doing that and spin off a series.
    A lie is still a lie.
    I'm pretty sure that they never definitively said that sales = ongoing. They always used qualifiers like "a good chance" or "possibly," so as to give them a way out if it didn't turn into an ongoing.

    SephirothsKiller - seriously, don't start calling them liars. We are *the* alpha flight/omega community that is always referred to (either when we are being a pain in the ass or when we are being super supportive). So, starting to get nasty towards Marvel because we feel entitled (which, in the grand scheme of things, we really aren't) is probably not a terribly good strategy to maintain good relations (which certainly can't hurt if we want an ongoing). This doesn't mean we can't be critical, quite the contrary. We just need to avoid being mean about it.


  14. #14


    Well, on the one hand, i could say told you so!

    On the other hand, if you read Scott Kolins post on this site, you will find that he believes that there ARE "plans in the works" at Marvel for a Canadian superteam, which he wishes he could be a part of, but he will not be involved with at this time. Also, he states again how he hopes to come back and tell some "Alpha Flight" stories in the future. Either Scott is still talking about doing some back stories, or he knows enough about the "plans in the works" to know that the return of Canada's superteam will be AF not OF. After all, in his post, Scott never once mentioned the words Omega Flight, but he did mention the words Alpha Flight.
    So...maybe our cries have been heard, after all?

    Or...maybe not.

    By the way, and meaning no disrespect to the great American and worldwide fans of Alpha/Omega Flight, but would it be too much to ask to hope that we could get a Canadian writer and a Canadian artist for the next resurrection of Alpha Flight? Heck, we all know that Kolins/Reber/Oeming did a wonderful job [ =D> ], their love shone through what they did, but it sure would be nice to have some homegrown talent working on the telling of tales of this team, some people who KNOW Canada like the back of their hands and truly understand the mentality of its people.
    Whoa...that'd be cool [dreaming] ... [-o<
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07
    Well, on the one hand, i could say told you so!

    On the other hand, if you read Scott Kolins post on this site, you will find that he believes that there ARE "plans in the works" at Marvel for a Canadian superteam, which he wishes he could be a part of, but he will not be involved with at this time. Also, he states again how he hopes to come back and tell some "Alpha Flight" stories in the future. Either Scott is still talking about doing some back stories, or he knows enough about the "plans in the works" to know that the return of Canada's superteam will be AF not OF. After all, in his post, Scott never once mentioned the words Omega Flight, but he did mention the words Alpha Flight.
    So...maybe our cries have been heard, after all?

    Or...maybe not.

    By the way, and meaning no disrespect to the great American and worldwide fans of Alpha/Omega Flight, but would it be too much to ask to hope that we could get a Canadian writer and a Canadian artist for the next resurrection of Alpha Flight? Heck, we all know that Kolins/Reber/Oeming did a wonderful job [ =D> ], their love shone through what they did, but it sure would be nice to have some homegrown talent working on the telling of tales of this team, some people who KNOW Canada like the back of their hands and truly understand the mentality of its people.
    Whoa...that'd be cool [dreaming] ... [-o<
    I nominate Steve McNiven as the new artist!

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