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Thread: Omega Flight #5 Preview

  1. #46


    ...or their depowering her

  2. #47
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Geez, I hope Oeming doesn't reduce her power levels. I'm so sick of AF characters being reduced in power whenever they become more powerful than an Avengers or X-men character.

  3. #48


    That's an interesting preview. The words help my understanding of the story a little more. Is there a little mesage in there ? All this talk about a posessed Sasquatch and what would happen if he killed a team mate. Kinda like a post man getting possessed and killing a team. Would Sasqautch be as responsible for any killing as Talisman holds Pointer to be ?

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  4. #49


    I gave in and read the advanced copy on Saturday.....

  5. #50

    Default And?

    Initial thoughts? (without spoilers of course...)

  6. #51
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    giving us less than what we really want with each sub-standard Volume... And we keep opening our wallets.
    Why..Oh why do we keep doing it?
    In my case:
    v1: because, no matter how bad it got, it was still Alpha Flight. It still had 'it', the elements I looked for ('cept Byrne's great writing and art. )

    v2: because it ended. My wallet was about to close, but I figured 'okay, if it's just four more issues'.

    v3: because, bad as it was, I actually enjoyed the thing.

    Omega: because it was good.

    - Le Messor
    "Every exit is an entry somewhere else."
    - Tom Stoppard

  7. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    giving us less than what we really want with each sub-standard Volume... And we keep opening our wallets.
    Why..Oh why do we keep doing it?
    In my case:
    v1: because, no matter how bad it got, it was still Alpha Flight. It still had 'it', the elements I looked for ('cept Byrne's great writing and art. )

    v2: because it ended. My wallet was about to close, but I figured 'okay, if it's just four more issues'.
    I was actually happy near the end of Vol. 2, because Seagle brought the original team back...I was hoping it wouldn't be cancelled, after all. Imagine my disappointment, when I heard that Seagle planned on bringing them back all along and he had to rush them in due to the impending cancellation...Ugh! I disliked most of the newbies on the vol. 2 team and longed to see the originals shine again. That was not to be, unfortunately.

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    v3: because, bad as it was, I actually enjoyed the thing.
    I thought it was terrible and I was glad to see it go. I hated the unfunny jokes, hated most of the new characters, the confusion created around Nemesis and I felt like I was "given the bird" twice when the originals were sent into space, then when the temporal copies were dumped into the present mainstream. Most of Vol. 3 was hurtful toward me as a AF fan (IMHO).

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    Omega: because it was good.

    - Le Messor
    "Every exit is an entry somewhere else."
    - Tom Stoppard
    I gave it a chance and for the most part it was good, but there were/are a lot of things that were/are keeping me from fully enjoying Omega Flight...The premise and name of the series, being told this was "Alpha Flight's last chance", minimal Canadian presence on a Canada-based super team that is meant to be the sucessor of the great Alpha Flight, U.S.Agent, Beta Ray Bill, An American wearing the Canadian flag and Sasquatch getting the dirty end of the stick through most of the mini are a few of those things.

    I have no intention of picking up the MCP stories featuring Weapon Omega/"Guardian"...I violently dislike the character.

    I had hoped he would die at the end of this mini too.


  8. #53
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    I was actually happy near the end of Vol. 2, because Seagle brought the original team back...I was hoping it wouldn't be cancelled, after all. Imagine my disappointment, when I heard that Seagle planned on bringing them back all along
    Seagle kept telling us over and over again all the wonderful plans he had for the volume. It's why I kept reading as long as I did.
    In the end, I just stopped believing him.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    v3: I thought it was terrible and I was glad to see it go.
    I was glad to see it go because I didn't hate it enough to stop buying it on my own.

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    Omega: because it was good.

    - Le Messor
    "Every exit is an entry somewhere else."
    - Tom Stoppard
    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    I gave it a chance and for the most part it was good, but there were/are a lot of things that were/are keeping me from fully enjoying Omega Flight...
    I agree with a lot of the rest of what you said, but I still enjoyed the series. I'm wondering if I enjoy it, though, as Alpha? Hmm... Maybe if it were ongoing, I'd do with it what I'm about to do with the new New Warriors title: give it its own section away from the original.

    - Le Messee
    "Every man has his price. Every price has its man."

  9. #54


    I finished reading the last issue of Omega flight some days ago....I'm disapointed.


    The wreckring Crew don't make great opponents, it's just primate crashing all over, during 5 issues... and the torture scenes, I could do whithout (what is the point of it? We already know the wrecking crew are brutal).

    What I found really annoying was:
    - the behavior of Talisman toward Michael. It doesn't make any sense: 1 hour ago, she doesnt' want to see him or be near him, and then, when he comes back, she calls him Michael, is cheerful and want him to defend himself against one of his friend, even if he hurts him!?

    - the whole thing around Michael: It isn't clear what happened with this collective thing (not everybody reads Wolverine or any other X-book where it appeared) and the first meeting and after that, Michael's evasion don't make sense at all. The guy is supposed to be good, to want ot make amends for what he did and of course, the best way to convince Talisman of that is to put him in an Hannibal Lector chair!!! Whats is the point of puting him in it? And the evasion: a 10 year old child can go in a secret army prison, open a prison door, free a prisonner and then they can steal a very powerful weapon (the guardian suit) just like that?!

    - what did the Beta Ray Bill aliens were doing in the great beast dimension?! Why did the great beasts gave power to the Wreckring crew?

    - why is Beat Ray Bill talking like Thor? What's this thing with the Shaman pouch?! As if what the shamna pouch is doing wasn't already enough confusing...

    Issue 5 was the less satisfying of the serie because I kept thinking that there would be some character developments or explanations before the end of the series but it didn't happened. 5 issues for this was very long. It could have been 3 issue shorter easily...
    But the whole thing was a nice and courageous attempt... (not at all like Vol. 3 which was a total disaster)

  10. #55


    XXL - Your points are all valid. I agree with everything you have said. I plan to break down the (mini) series on my blogsite soon, whenever I find the time to do the subject justice. The more I think about it, the less I like the series. I admire the boys for trying. I like some of what they did. I think most of the blame falls on Marvel. But this does not stack up to a true Alpha Flight comic. Too many plot holes, too much confusion, too much wrapping up of stuff without explaining it or having it make any sense. Again, probably Marvel's fault more than Oeming's or Kolins' or Reber's. Kudos to the boys for wanting to put out a good effort. "Boo"s to Marvel for handcuffing them, and slapping Flight fans in the face yet again.

    I am still hoping for a meaningless, gruesome, and horrific death for "pansy-super-dufus" Michael Pointer, and a return of the heroic true Alpha Flight, the heroes that Canada deserves.

    Until then, make mine Image Comics (Dynamo 5 rocks!)!!!
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

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