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Thread: omega flight #4: got it!

  1. #16


    I have a question...In Civil War Choosing sides USAgents Shield is stolen by Purple Man(I assume when we have our ongoing that will be addressed). So far in the Omega mini he has had at least 2 of them dented to the point where they are not usable. Does he have a whole bunch in storage or is he just banging out the dents? Vibranium is not cheap and from how his current shields are holding up I assume they are not Vibranium. For that matter...if Iron Man and the intiative can tip every bullet and dart with Adamantium. Would it be that much trouble to give our boy an Adamantium shield? C'mon mister money bags. If Canada and USAgent's mission is so important. Cough up the cash and equip the man right. Am I wrong?
    You may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one.

    Venom: I want to bite their heads off and shove my tongue down their neck holes.
    Songbird: Why?
    Venom: So I can lick out their hearts.

  2. #17


    Your point about his shield is really good. I've been wondering that myself, because you'd never see Cap's shield receiving damage like that. I just don't think Walker has had a chance to confront Purple Man yet.

    I just read OF #4, and I am still very impressed and very much in love with this series. I find the writing to be intelligent, fun, and it always makes me want to read the next issue. The art is smooth, and it really does justice to the characters and the feel of the book...wonderful job to the creative team behind this!

    Being a new fan of the Flight, I only half-understand why people would hate Pointer. I do feel that his entrance was very cool, and I hope people begin to warm up to him...though he is a smidge emotional. Walker was much more believable in this issue, and I loved seeing him in combat. Arachne was surprisingly useful, and fit in well. Talisman is quite the powerhouse! I was very impressed with how she handled herself in this issue. And I freaking love Beta Ray Bill. After reading this, I really want to see how everything resolves with Sasquatch.

    I simply don't know if I'll have faith in Marvel if this does not become an ongoing series.

  3. #18


    That was such an amazing issue I couldn't stop smiling. I had hoped to see Talisman use some more "specific" powers (the pouch, or command some spirits or something) and I'm a bit concerned that Pointer seemed so much more powerful than BRB, (A THOR level character.) But overall I just thought it was amazing. Especially Kollin's art. That last page was magic. Props to Reber too.


  4. #19


    I don't know the difference between the two shields Walker has used. I just know the one in Omega is different from the choosing sides shield. You can tell by the rings. In Choosing Sides I did it black on black with a white star.

  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Reber
    I don't know the difference between the two shields Walker has used. I just know the one in Omega is different from the choosing sides shield. You can tell by the rings. In Choosing Sides I did it black on black with a white star.
    Another great job on Omega Reber! Yours and the work of your compatriots kicks all kinds of ass. To my knowledge the shield that Purple man stole was made of Vibranium. I assume the ones we have seen since than are titanium at best. Also after some thought. A pure Vibranium shield might make more sense than a pure Adamantium shield. Adamantium is supposed to be very heavy(Not to practicle to fling around and bounce of walls and such). Vibranium is alot lighter and can absorb the kinetic energy of most impacts. While not harder than Adamantium its properties make it much more practical for how USAgent uses his shield.
    You may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one.

    Venom: I want to bite their heads off and shove my tongue down their neck holes.
    Songbird: Why?
    Venom: So I can lick out their hearts.

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by SephirothsKiller
    I'm a bit concerned that Pointer seemed so much more powerful than BRB, (A THOR level character.)
    I was slightly concerned about this as well. I wonder if it was done simply to make his entrance more dramatic...kind of a "here he comes to save the day" deal.

    I mean, come on, we all know BRB would wipe the floor with him :wink:

    The shield thing has had me a little confused since the fight with Daisy. She dented the crap out of that thing! And it seems like Vibranium doesn't do that. Perhaps if this were an ongoing, USAgent's first order of business would be to get his shield back.

  7. #22
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Reber, kick @$$ work on the book! I love the red, glowing eyes of the Crew. It really looks like there is a sinister light coming from deep within their souls.

  8. #23


    Really glad most of you are very much enjoying the series and #4 especially, we are having a great time making these books!

    Although I do agree that a little more explanation for new readers might've been a good idea - I think what we have is interesting and could hook the reader to find out more (If you know everything now - that takes out a piece of interest for future issues).

    And about USAgent's shield - stay tuned True Believer!


  9. #24


    I think Guardian could be as powerful as BRB - As the Collective, his power levels were off the charts, and there's nothing concrete yet about how much power he has retained, or what specific powers and effects he can do.

    I LOVED that sequence from Pointer's POV where he flew into the thick of battle - I laughed out loud when I read it.

  10. #25
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rook
    I LOVED that sequence from Pointer's POV where he flew into the thick of battle...
    Same here. I meant to give Scott the kudos in my last post, but forgot. Those panels were very cinematic.

  11. #26


    I think this issue is a tough one, I can see all f the arguments already pointed out (pacing, history, characterization, artwork, etc.) I loved the action and much of the characterization was dead on. USAgent in particular was well written as was Arachne. The artwork was a bit dizzying, but then locked in that action sequence you probably would be too. I found myself chuckling throughout the combat. It is full of great one liners. I can't wait to see if Walter can overcome the beast before he becomes what Guardian already is. This should really strike a chord with all of the Alpha Flight fans who have been hating on Pointer as Guardian. Now that the tables are turned and it's his life on the line, how would Alpha fans react if Sas did kill him? Would they be forgiving, since Tanaraq is in control, or would they be as harsh as they've been with Pointer. I have to admit, the last panel really has me thinking about Pointer's "guilt" in the matter of the death of Alpha Flight. So, overall I'm happy with the issue. It is full of action, which has been a complaint from the start. The story isn't dragging any longer. At the same time, it does make us all question what we've believed to be true all along. I can't wait for the resolution in issue #5. Also, the characterization is very strong on most of the characters. Artwork was amazing as it has been throughout the series. My favorite panel is a close up on Guardian's eye through the helmet's eyeslits. The color and clarity of the image were amazing. So, thanks again to Oeming, Kolins, and Reber for another great ride. I just hope it doesn't end next month!
    "Well, the only person talking about love today is the preacher. And it seems noboday gets just all the learning but the teacher."

    The Temptations "Ball of Confusion"

  12. #27


    I honestly love the art, i feel its a really nbice change to other comics

  13. #28



    And Walker.... really IS more likable when he's in combat.

    Yeah, I thought his abrasiveness was forced or overdone in the beginning of #4, but he did shine once the battle started.

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
    Forthcoming stories in Breath and Shadow, Star Dreck anthology and The Aether Age: Helios.

    ~I woke up one morning finally seeing the world through a rose colored lense. It turned out to be a blood hemorrhage in my good eye.

  14. #29


    get it yesterday afternoon...
    he took me sooo long to take the time to red it... my mum always called me to look after a thing or an other one... but, at the end of the day, I finally found the time to red it!

    I came back to life through an ocean of fire, flames passion and glory....

  15. #30
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I felt kind of hollow afterwards. Why? I think because I felt that the series overall can't be great. Not with only one issue left.
    If it were a full ongoing, I think it could be an amazing series--and this is me saying this.

    I loved that Walker's shield (which I never assumed was the 'riginal) did nothing against Sas.

    I loved the line about 'I'm not Guardian. I'm not even Canadian.'

    The 'Canadians only' bit annoyed me. Not the line, I liked that (tho' I'd expect a couple of tourists to jump out of line going 'Oh, really? Sorry, I'm from Britain...') but because (and this isn't specific to this series) of the way ordinary people were portrayed (by implication). Since this issue doesn't focus on non-combatants, they're props, waiting around to be nothing more than a side-issue.
    Vis a vis: Why didn't somebody else (not Agent Brown or an Alphan) drive the truck full of people away before they even got there?
    Why were the people not already evacuating? Besides their bowels, I mean... (I just think the place was pretty crowded for a disaster area.)

    I felt sorrier for Talisman than ever. Not only does she have to look at Pointer, and be reminded of the people he killed; not only does she now have to put aside all that to fight with him--
    Just to rub it in, he has the same name as her father.
    I never noticed it before she spoke his name. (Oh, and the writer, and me for that matter, but we're kinda irrelevant here.)

    - Le Messor
    "Even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat."

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