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Thread: Alpha flight in French

  1. #16


    Yes, mostly by them, or Jean-Yves Mitton or some reproductions taken from US material too.

  2. #17


    very cool
    Fight For The Flight

  3. #18


    Oups, forgot this one. In it was reprinted the Marvel two in one issue with Sasquatch and Ranak the Devorer (or something like that).

    It was in a small format, so that they could publish the Fantastic Four (the first anthology that included FF was censured because the Thing was jugded too ugly for children....)

  4. #19


    As promised, the first article I wrote in the french fanzine about...Alpha flight Vol. 2 of course!
    It's all in french. Please fell free to comment on this, I would love to have some feedback on this one.

    (taken from Scarce n°55)

  5. #20


    Very cool stuff, good job.

  6. #21


    Salut XXL, bienvenue sur Alphawaves. I'm not very familiar with the french translation of Marvel comics, when i was young and not yet bilingual, I was reading the Québec translation. When they stopped publishing the Québec translation, my brother and myself could never get used to the French french translation and jump directly to the original version. But all those sensor thing you got is interesting, mostly what they cut was violent stuff and for a lack of space.

    As for the article, I found it very interesting. Why did you wrote editor and not éditeur? It's not the same thing? I mostly agree with the first part of your text, but I don't agree with everything about volume 2. you read the french translation of volume 2 with Seagle or the original? Did you know Clark and Carlson where never on deadline and readers where always waiting for the comics, so that's why he was drawing hands and shadow in a minimalist style. Carlson also admitted that in that time they were having a lot of party time.

    He also said Heather was based on women posing for magazine like playboy. Well, If I remember Byrne issues, Heather was all but a top model, she was a very common person and that was her strenght, I think anyway.

    You really liked the conspiracy thing. I found it interesting myself, but been from the inside, it did not fit my view of our gouvernement. The subject was too much american for many, still I could have live it it even if it was not beleivable for me.

    Another irritating subject was Murmur. Again, the lame stereotype with a fake French french accent was a insult to any real french canadian.

    Anyway, can you tell me a little bit more about that Scarce magazine? I don't know anything about it. Ok, I can read the website, but for those who don't read french, I thought it would be nice to know. I don't know how the french translation in american comic is today, but I was once a member of a french forum about comic and they spend their time complaining about the translation, is it that bad?

    Bonne Journée !
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  7. #22


    Bonjour Syvalois!

    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    . Why did you wrote editor and not éditeur? It's not the same thing?
    No it really doesn't have the same sense. The "editeur" is only a publisher in France. It's weird for a french to see the power that an american editor has on the final product. Same thing for the movies: the producer has a big importance for an US movie, in France we don't care who put money on a french film because they don't really have power on the content of the final product (this tends to be less and less true).
    What would be the more close to an editor in french would be a "superviseur".

    you read the french translation of volume 2 with Seagle or the original?
    The original. I remember, it was my return to comics, after I stopped during the 90's ugly years.

    Did you know Clark and Carlson where never on deadline and readers where always waiting for the comics, so that's why he was drawing hands and shadow in a minimalist style. Carlson also admitted that in that time they were having a lot of party time.
    It didn't knew the details about how Clark worked, even if we can see that there is less and less details issue after issue. I don't remember having to wait for the issues.

    He also said Heather was based on women posing for magazine like playboy. Well, If I remember Byrne issues, Heather was all but a top model, she was a very common person and that was her strenght, I think anyway.
    Yes, Heather wasn't a top model but she was really nice I think. Being gay, Idon't feel any attraction for boobs heroines. Even if she changed appearance at the beginning of Vol. 2, I don't think this was something that weakened the character. She was the same girl, better looking. She still keept her unique persona and emotions. If she would have spent her time like Murmur in bikini , this would have bugged me, but not here. During the Brigman, Lee and Bair area, she was also depicted as a beautiful woman. I think she deserved that Clarke lifted after all those years when she was deformed by Morgan, Broderick (facial hair, yerk!) or Darrasco! Alas, it wasn't for long and she becamed this ugly woman with enormous ski glasses with Rouleau again.

    You really liked the conspiracy thing. I found it interesting myself, but been from the inside, it did not fit my view of our gouvernement. The subject was too much american for many, still I could have live it it even if it was not beleivable for me.

    Another irritating subject was Murmur. Again, the lame stereotype with a fake French french accent was a insult to any real french canadian.
    As a french knowing almost next to nothing about Canada, I didn't see this at all.

    Anyway, can you tell me a little bit more about that Scarce magazine? I don't know anything about it. Ok, I can read the website, but for those who don't read french, I thought it would be nice to know.
    Yes, it's a french fanzine about US comics. It is in his...25th year of existence. It's not a fanzine about news. It tried to focus on creators, history of comics, and good comics. It is supposed to be published every 3 months but those last years, it has been something like every 6 month...
    It has a good reputation in France: it doesn't sell a lot, and it isn't making money (nobody is payed) but we often have the honor of having very good cover artist!
    Some examples:

    I don't know how the french translation in american comic is today, but I was once a member of a french forum about comic and they spend their time complaining about the translation, is it that bad?
    We are ALWAYS complaining!
    Well, the old french anthologies that we read when we were kids were ok, even if they cutted episodes until the 90's. Since then, there has been some troubles, the editors changed.... Yes, often, the traduction in the modern anthologies are not very good....That's why a logic evolution for a french comics fan is to read in original version.

    Thank you for your feedback and your commentaries.

  8. #23


    Oh, and a little information about the french names of Alpha flight. almost everybody kept their US names except:

    Original name -----) French name
    Alpha flight ----)La Division Alpha
    Snowbird ------) Harfang
    Wolverine -----) Serval (a really great choice even if not accurate. the real translation would have been "glouton", which is ridiculous)
    Persuasion ------) La Fille Pourpre
    Norhstar --------) Vega

    The rule nowadays is to use the original names.

  9. #24
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by XXL
    Wolverine -----) Serval (a really great choice even if not accurate. the real translation would have been "glouton", which is ridiculous)
    Persuasion ------) La Fille Pourpre
    We've seen the Wolvie one on here before. A serval is a type of African wildcat, for those who don't know.

    La Fille Pourpre was her real name originally (Purple Girl). She changed it to Persuasion later.

    - Le Messor
    "English is the de facto lingua franca."
    - Randy Cassingham

  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by XXL
    Original name -----) French name

    Wolverine -----) Serval (a really great choice even if not accurate. the real translation would have been "glouton", which is ridiculous)
    Ahhhhh! Another pet peeve of mine. Another big difference why I did not like the French french translation. North american reality translated for Europeans, that's a little bit too strange for me. Here a Wolverine is called a "carcajou". That's a native (amérindien) name. See here
    for a better explanation. Oups! write carcajou for the good explaination.
    And here is an exemple of what I grew up with as a french translation. It's not that good as a translation and the color superposition was awful, but the terms used were what we are used to and where more accurate to us francophone living in north america.
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  11. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    . Why did you wrote editor and not éditeur? It's not the same thing?
    No it really doesn't have the same sense. The "editeur" is only a publisher in France. It's weird for a french to see the power that an american editor has on the final product. Same thing for the movies: the producer has a big importance for an US movie, in France we don't care who put money on a french film because they don't really have power on the content of the final product (this tends to be less and less true).
    What would be the more close to an editor in french would be a "superviseur".
    What about "rédacteur"? That's how it got translated here once upon a time, a long time ago, in those old days...

    Did you know Clark and Carlson where never on deadline and readers where always waiting for the comics, so that's why he was drawing hands and shadow in a minimalist style. Carlson also admitted that in that time they were having a lot of party time.
    It didn't knew the details about how Clark worked, even if we can see that there is less and less details issue after issue. I don't remember having to wait for the issues.
    If it's like the movies, they do not come out at the same times than we do. I remember having already seen a movie like many month ago at home and it was just coming out in France.

    Yes, Heather wasn't a top model but she was really nice I think. Being gay, Idon't feel any attraction for boobs heroines. Even if she changed appearance at the beginning of Vol. 2, I don't think this was something that weakened the character. She was the same girl, better looking. She still keept her unique persona and emotions. If she would have spent her time like Murmur in bikini , this would have bugged me, but not here. During the Brigman, Lee and Bair area, she was also depicted as a beautiful woman. I think she deserved that Clarke lifted after all those years when she was deformed by Morgan, Broderick (facial hair, yerk!) or Darrasco! Alas, it wasn't for long and she becamed this ugly woman with enormous ski glasses with Rouleau again.
    I can see what you mean, I would have been in the middle of those 2 penciller. I think Heather should be beautiful, but not the classical beauty. Certainly not the pose she had what Clark, that was showing where he got his model for Heather. She should keep also her glasses, that's part of her charm, but it's detail stuff and also it's an opinion here. I'm sure someone else might say other wise.

    You really liked the conspiracy thing. I found it interesting myself, but been from the inside, it did not fit my view of our gouvernement. The subject was too much american for many, still I could have live it it even if it was not beleivable for me.

    Another irritating subject was Murmur. Again, the lame stereotype with a fake French french accent was a insult to any real french canadian.
    As a french knowing almost next to nothing about Canada, I didn't see this at all.
    No offense, we cannot know everything. The main problem with AF francophone character is that they are mainly wrote by americans that thinks that Quebecers/french canadians are the same as French. Look at Murmur; she had a very bad french from France accent and said her father was a famous dead frenchman. I did not felt any link to that woman. She was insulting in every way possible. Where is my culture maudite marde!!!

    Yes, it's a french fanzine about US comics. It is in his...25th year of existence. It's not a fanzine about news. It tried to focus on creators, history of comics, and good comics. It is supposed to be published every 3 months but those last years, it has been something like every 6 month...
    It has a good reputation in France: it doesn't sell a lot, and it isn't making money (nobody is payed) but we often have the honor of having very
    Merci, I did not knew about it. Why the title Scarce?

    We are ALWAYS complaining!
    Well, the old french anthologies that we read when we were kids were ok, even if they cutted episodes until the 90's. Since then, there has been some troubles, the editors changed.... Yes, often, the traduction in the modern anthologies are not very good....That's why a logic evolution for a french comics fan is to read in original version.
    I think that's a little bit why the quebec translated version died too, plus the fact we are a small market.

    J'aime les bonnes discussions :P
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  12. #27


    I found an image of one of the french alpha Flight poster in Strange 206 (or 210).
    Thanks to Laurent110 from the Buzzcomics french forum for the scan!

    This one is by Jean-Yves Mitton. I find it very nice, and very Byrnian. God how I hate this scarf Aurora was wearing....

    And this one was not on a poster, just printed at the end of an Alpha flight episode in Strange, does someone know where it is from? (John Byrne of course)

  13. #28


    I think that Shaman image came from his origin story in one of the early issues. Not at home at the moment to check, but I would hazard a guess at #7 .

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  14. #29


    The Shaman image is a pin-up page from the back of Alpha Flight #24. It was the second AF "poster" John Byrne included in the series, (after the one of Guardian in issue #2).

  15. #30


    I've finally managed to track down a decent copy of Strange #210 with the poster bound in!

    I can't find a scan anywhere online but the original pencils are at

    The poster from #206 (shown above) is also at

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