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  1. #31
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Theta_Ray_Bill
    I'll be honest, heck, as a Canadian saying it.
    The original Alpha Flight was too muddled, and basically destroyed by bad writers. Bryne himself wasn't so great. Mac, heather, Sasquatch and Aurora are awesome in my opion, but the books never really worked for me at the end of the day.
    What series, then, are you a fan of?

    - Le Messor
    "Don't believe in man-made religions."

  2. #32


    I liked everything up until Mac's original death, heh.

    Other then that, I honestly like certain things about independant characters on the team(s).

  3. #33


    Hi, I'm Kumori (female :3) and I'm more of an X-Men/Avengers fan but I've also liked Alpha Flight, although I haven't read it as much yet I was shocked when the team got decimated after...decimation. Many characters that could have been developed just died like that as well as a number of characters that have been around even before I was born...(well, I'm only 17 so...n.n). But look at Psylocke. Look at Colossus. Magik. Cyclops. Jean Grey. Bucky. Hell, I could go on forever.
    But they killed off my favorite character (Puck II)'

    I believe some will return. There is going to be a deeper plot and in the X-Men and Avengers comics, there will be an event so great that the entire universe will feel it.
    "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"

  4. #34


    Optimistic aren't we! You put a lot of faith in a company that's let a lot of their readers down repeatedly. And those continued letdowns come despite consumers telling them what they really want...good stories and good art. We've often gotten one without the other, but rarely together. Here's hoping you're right, but I think many of us here will have to see to believe!
    "Well, the only person talking about love today is the preacher. And it seems noboday gets just all the learning but the teacher."

    The Temptations "Ball of Confusion"

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Barnacle13
    Optimistic aren't we! You put a lot of faith in a company that's let a lot of their readers down repeatedly. And those continued letdowns come despite consumers telling them what they really want...good stories and good art. We've often gotten one without the other, but rarely together. Here's hoping you're right, but I think many of us here will have to see to believe!
    Oh we AF fans are a jaded bunch!!

    Welcome to the boards Kumori.

  6. #36


    Welcome, Kumori...Good for you with the optimism. Many of us aren't so opti, but I have a small(very small, that is) hope that Alpha will be back at some point (just like Steve Rogers as Cap).


  7. #37


    Well, something might happen in the near future where there could be clones or alternate reality versions or whatnot. I mean come on, you don't kill off a number of veteran characters just like that! If there was no particular reason for their demise, then why should they stay dead? Some might remain dead but I wouldn't be surprised if someone survived the attack....
    "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by SephirothsKiller
    I find this fawning over the original 28 issues a bit fogey-ish. I mean everyone is always going "They had a run of over 120 issues in their original volume!" but then in the next breath everyone bashes anything after issue 28! I like alot of stuff after issue 28. Just because the team changes and sometimes the writing is off doesn't mean that anything after 28 has to be seen as "less than."
    I think it's a matter that Byrne's original run stands as near-perfect comics. Solid story, solid art and innovative with the use of a team that is rarely assembled, solo stories and back-up originas told separately rather than forced into main stories.
    Mantlo started off well. He showed great voice in the Alpha/Hulk battle. A lot of people decry his putting Heather in the suit, but I see clues that Byrne would have done the same as a gradual development...look at Heather's appearance in #25-28. Mantlo slipped when he replaced the team with his own creations, and he did not do this in any gradual, story-development way. I've seen it said on these boards that a female in the suit just isn't "iconic." I really disagree with that in specific and in general principle. Heather as Guardian worked for me because her development was story driven over time. The characters Mantlo created were mostly great ideas, but most readers I think suffered the loss of all the characters they'd grown attached to.
    Much of Hundal's run suffered from bad art.
    Nicienza failed because he returned Guardian, with the fatal flaw of using the Delphine Courtney cover story as true. How did Delphine know what had happened to Mac to have used the story?
    Lobdell's original run was solid enough, and he did do the one thing that was necessary: he pared the crowded books down to the core members.
    Furman's flaw was not recognizing Lobdell's strength: the book becamew too crowded again, and filling with Furman's creations. His stories were solid and the art was quite good, but a too-crowded book is typically not accessible to new readers
    Volumes 2 & 3 were an Alpha title without Alpha characters.
    Byrne's run had debatable story points such as the controvery of Guardian's death, but you can't nail down specific flaws in the run. Nothing since had had that distinction...except maybe Omega Flight. I'm loving that book!

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
    Forthcoming stories in Breath and Shadow, Star Dreck anthology and The Aether Age: Helios.

    ~I woke up one morning finally seeing the world through a rose colored lense. It turned out to be a blood hemorrhage in my good eye.

  9. #39
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Kumori
    I mean come on, you don't kill off a number of veteran characters just like that!
    Marvel do.

    - Le Messor
    "During her visit, the queen was introduced to the director of the acclaimed movie "Dances With Wolves", Kevin Costner. She said "I find it quite interesting to meet you. I have a cousin who is a photographer, you know." To which Kevin Costner replied "And I'm quite happy to meet you; I have a cousin who's a queen."

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by Kumori
    Well, something might happen in the near future where there could be clones or alternate reality versions or whatnot. I mean come on, you don't kill off a number of veteran characters just like that! If there was no particular reason for their demise, then why should they stay dead? Some might remain dead but I wouldn't be surprised if someone survived the attack....
    Sasquatch did...And it was stated (by himself) that he was the only survivor of the massacre. The only reasons for the original Alpha Flight to have died and to stay dead is because Quesada...

    A: He has no faith in them as a marketable comic series product (This of course, is in no way the fault of the characters, but the fault of his own editorial decisions) or...

    B: He got rid of them to get a dig in at Byrne (for the mutual issues they have with each other).


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