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Thread: Guardian or Vindicator?

  1. #1

    Default Guardian or Vindicator?

    Hello all,

    Has it been officially stated somewhere whether our mystery character will be named Guardian or Vindicator? I would vote for it being Mac if it's still "Guardian", but I'm now leaning toward the "Mike the Mailman" character if it's "Vindicator".

  2. #2


    naw, Oeming only said "the Guardian suit", naming the suit. Though that makes the chances that he's called guardian even better, I say. Otherwise he'd probably have said "the Vindicator suit".

    Unless it's a completely new name... Just as long as it's not "Canada Post Man".

  3. #3


    I think it will be Guardian.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  4. #4


    I'll always associate the suit with the name Guardian. But if it happens to not be Mac in the suit, then maybe the characters name should be different.

    I just hope it's Mac [-o<

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