I know the whole point of Omega Flight, (what I like to call "Oeminga Flight" ), is to rid the creative team of all of the baggage of old Alpha. That being said, I think it would be interesting to know what everyone's one (or two) wish(es) for old Alpha story resolution would be, if it could be incorporated into the new series. I'm not talking about how you wish the story would be played out, as we all know that writers can't use someone else's ideas from the internet for fear of legal issues. Just wondering what one or two dangling plot threads you would like to see resolved.
I'll start.

I would love to someday see resolution to:

1. Whether Marrina is indeed alive after the Master's base dissolved, her marriage to the Sub-Mariner & the status of her surviving offspring (Marr? and the second one not seen since the egg hatched...)

2. Jeffries being brainwashed