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Hybrid View

  1. #1


    In my ideal world there would be a great Alpha movie. I have posted a poster in the fan art section of my ideal cast(It is c*ap, but I'm a medic not an artist!!).

    When I read Alpha I picture certain characters as certain actors. In my movie, it opens with Alpha fighting Tundra, and then closely mirrors issues 2-4 of Volume 1(sans Sue Richards and Namor).

    My ideal cast are/is:

    James McDonald Hudson: Clive Owen(Children of Men, Bent).
    Heather McNeill: Nicole Kidman(you name it, she's played it!)
    Puck:Peter Dinklage(station agent).
    Jeanne Marie:Audrey Tatou(Amelie, The Da Vinci Code)
    Northstar: Orlando Bloom(LOTR)
    Sasquatch:James Denton(Desperate Housewifes)
    Snowbird:Laura Linney(Ideal, check out ethereal look on fan art poster)

    The Master could be Stanley Tucci, Marrina could be Winona Ryder and in a second movie I would introduce:

    Deadly Ernest: Robbie Coltrane(Harry Potter, Cracker).
    Gilded Lily: Tilda Swinton(Narnia).
    Talisman:Kristin Kreuk(Smallville)

    I know the poster is s**t, but check it out. Anyone else got an ideal cast or plot for a world you could make the movie in??

  2. #2

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  3. #3


    Cool! Thanks. Prefer my casting!!

  4. #4


    Of course you do. As I prefer my own choices.

    For example, Nicole Kidman is far (as in light years) from the way I picture Heather.

    Clive Owen rocks in all permutations, and could probably give Mac some much-needed character depth.

    Audrey Tatou as Aurora? Eh. She's a wee bit too Audrey Hepburnish to carry the role, IMO.

    Orlando Bloom as Northstar- I'd prefer someone who can actually act.
    "You cannot win, mailman Mike. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

  5. #5


    To each their own!! I love to see others views on their ideal cast though. Audrey in my opinion has the ability and the look. Orlando(ouch!). But I know what you mean. Famke Jansen wasn't how I pictured Jean Grey, but by X3, she was Jean Grey for me.

  6. #6


    Audrey Tatou is a good choice, but personnally frenchman can't do the quebecer accent.

    Personnally there is a very good pool of actors in the province that could do the job so well. It's just they are not famous internationally. If I try international Quebecers, well there is Marie-Josée Croze. She got the eyes, darker her hair and that will do. She's a very good actress, won best actress in Cannes for "Les invasions barbares".

    or maybe Caroline Dhavernas, maybe a little bit young

    I could say Roy Dupuis, he got the eyes, but the rest don't fit and most of all the 2 actors that play Northstar and Aurora got to look alike.

    to go with Dhavernas, what about marc-André Grondin? without the beard
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  7. #7


    Wow! She is an uncanny Aurora look alike!!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Banshee
    Wow! She is an uncanny Aurora look alike!!
    which one? Marie-Josée Croze?
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  9. #9


    I like your Marie-Josée Croze choice. Her eyes are captivating

  10. #10
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Banshee
    Jeanne Marie:Audrey Tatou(Amelie)
    Northstar: Orlando Bloom(LOTR)
    I was gonna disagree, make Tatou Marrina, but I think she's a good match for Bloom. (Also, Ryder as Marrina! Yay!)

    - Le Messor
    "Before we know that there are words, out we come, bloodied and squalling, with the knowledge that, for all the points of a compass, there's only one direction, and time is its only measure."
    - Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

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