Alpha Flight makes a few appearances in the new DK Marvel Encyclopedia, with a full-page entry for the team (stopping around issue 6 of v.3) with this image and a few other entries for various pre-v.3 members. One awful gaffe is the image of Zuzha in place of the entry for Laura Dean/Pathway... ack! Also they didn't list Northstar nor Aurora as original team members and they mixed up the twins a bit in the index. Oh, well.

The v.3 team members except for Sasquatch don't get individual entries. Vindicator, Guardian, Northstar, Aurora, Puck, Marrina, Sasquatch, Snowbird, Shaman, Talisman, Wild Child, Persuasion and Box all get their own entries, some larger than others. I might be forgetting some more and also my daughter kept trying to turn the pages while I was skimming it at the bookstore, so she may have made me miss a few. Oh, and the Dreamqueen made it in too, but not The Master.

There was some possibly new art for the Weapon X entry showing Aurora with red hair? Maybe someone can explain that... I can't.

Overall it is an amazing book because of its size and scope and it really does include so many characters and Alpha Flight makes a nice showing.
