I think people go overboard in blaming Iron Man for Goliath's death, like he somehow intended it. He clearly didn't intend it and both he and Reed, and pretty well all of the Pro-Regs were floored by the actions of the Clor.

I personally don't think that the death of a willing and able combatant can ever compare with the deaths at Stamford, but lotsa people seem more than happy to brush them aside and forget about them... along with all the other deaths that logic would suggest must have occurred whenever two supers, heroes or otherwise, went at it in Marvel history.

Proper training and extensive resources could go along way in protecting lives and property, but the Anti-Regs don't seem to want none of that. They want to throw down whenever, wherever, and agaisnt whomever they want, becasue, apparently, they are "above all that", "all that apparently meaning the average person whom they are supposed to be protecting.

My problem with Tony particularly, and even Reed, is that they are swallowing the SRA whole and without question. You might even say that they are cowering before it. Especially Reed.

The clone is just another weapon. As are the villains, who will at least make the fight easier, psychologically, for the Anti-Regs. Anyway, most of this stuff is, ultimately, on the head of the government, but a man in Stark's position could be doing WAY more in terms of pushing for reasonable ammendments to the SRA and securing offers of amnesty to those willing to submit to those reasonable ammendments. Likewise a man with Cap's charisma and personal resources.

But then, we wouldn't get to see all of these heroes throw down against each other, and what would be the fun in that? The biggest non-event of the year... Iron Man and Captain A shake hands, the SRA is promptly ammended, and everyone jsut... gets along. End of story. Would you buy THAT for a dollar?