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Thread: Alpha on YouTube

  1. #1

    Default Alpha on YouTube

    I was just viewing some videos over on youtube and decided I'd search AF. Well I found the Repo Man episodes from the old X-men cartoon.

    Personally I never saw it until today and can't say I'm that impressed with it. But it's a kids show and I take it as such.

    Feel free to kill the following links if you feel it stomps over copyright laws but I thought I'd share them here.

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

  2. #2


    I'm glad you got to see this episode, even if you didn't like it. Yes,I agree that they did take some liberties with Alpha Flight, (such as making Heather into a scientist and Puck's silly voice), but still, this is one of the very few representations of Alpha in the television media. It's worth viewing by AF fans for that reason alone.

  3. #3


    Repo Man was my first intro to AF, in fact, that whole animated series got me hooked on X-Men and Comics in general. I always liked the way they left a lot of things unsaid, like those weird flashbacks where you see faces of notable characters and such, but they never included them in the series, It was like letting us know that the world of Marvel stretches beyond what they show, inticing us to read more, watch more, learn more, etc.

    One example was an early episode that had Prof. X going into Sabertooth's head and seeing shots of Maverick and Deadpool. I can't remember if I knew who those guys were at the time and excited to just see them really quickly, or if I didn't know and was interested to find out. Either way, it was cool.

    Mac was portrayed well, he does a lot of underhanded things like that for some reason. I loved Puck's voice, the fact that he could be stumpy and strange but still kick butt was awesome, I hear that voice when I read the comic, maybe a little bit more gruff.


  4. #4


    Hadn't seen it before. Thanks for pointing it out. It was... interesting.

  5. #5
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    It's on the "Wolverine's Story" DVD.

    The Twins also appear on the episode "Slave Island" (I don't think this one's been put on DVD) and the whole team have a cameo on "Child of Light" on the Phoenix Saga.

    - LM
    "But what will you do with the monkey when I give it to you?"

  6. #6


    I don't want to sound like I'm stereotyping, but...Have you heard how many little people's (or dwarves as some like to be referred as) voices sound?

    Many of them have voices very much like that...Almost a squeezed way of speaking...Like a voice on helium. Vern Troyer (of "Austin Powers" films) and Warwick Davis (of "Willow" and the "Leprechaun" films)are two actors that I can think of with similar voices.


  7. #7


    Not to mention the cast of Time Bandits
    Rockin' Roll Martian!!!

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