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Thread: scott kollins interview over at popculture

  1. #31
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ahab
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    Forgive me,
    But that's exactly what Steve Seagle told us.
    I guess that I don't understand this comment. That's like not ever trusting someone that says that they love you because the last person that you dated made the same statement.
    *sigh* That, too, sounds like me. I don't trust.
    Lobdell made the same promise, too, btw.

    Quote Originally Posted by Canucklehead
    It's up to us to keep it going. Give Mr. Oeming the time and patience and we'll see our favorites back. Give up on the book after ish 3 because there's no Sasquatch and well, I doubt you'd ever see him again. Omega = last chance people!
    Wow! And Del just got through telling me he couldn't see where anybody was telling us we Alpha Flight fans had an obligation to Omega Flight.

    The last chance? Wasn't v3 that?
    And v2 before it?

    I seem to remember being told so.

    - Le Messor
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me seven times, shame on me."
    - Futurama

  2. #32


    Are we still on this damned merry-go-round?

    It boils down to this for me: the creative team is known for putting out appealing, character-driven, quality stories. Is there a chance they'll fumble the ball? Sure. Nobody hits 'em out of the park every time, it's a fact of life. But of this I'm pretty damned sure: these guys will bust their rears to make this the best story they can tell. They may fail, but they won't treat it like a joke or some kind of unimportant side project. We'll see real effort and heart in this project.

    That's as much as you can ask from any creative team.

  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Canucklehead
    Quote Originally Posted by Guardian
    For me to get it to work I did this: I have a photobucket account. So I found an image I liked of the internet and saved it to my computer. I went to my photobucket account and uploaded it to my account. Then it gave me an image url (among others) off my image. I then cut the url off of photobucket, went to my AF profile and pasted it into my signature. And it worked.
    Woohoo! Thanks dude, much appreciated!
    No worries man. Glad I could help.

  4. #34


    Kolins: I haven’t read all the 90’s stuff, but I’ve read the Byrne stuff a million times. Alpha Flight 1 – 28, X-men 109, 120,121, 139 & 140 are my Alpha Flight bible.
    =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

  5. #35


    I've been with Alpha a long time now... 1983, to be precise. I love the Byrne run wholeheartedly, and have gotten into knock-down drag-em-out fights with people (Ed, was that you?) over whether or not Byrne doomed the team by the end of the run. I was excited by v2, and even somewhat excited by v3, as I felt that Lobdell's run on Alpha v1 was pretty darn good.

    I'm not worried that the word from MAO is pretty much the same as the word from Steve Seagle. Seagle did, indeed, bring things more towards the original Alpha as things moved forward. His pacing is something we can argue about, definitely... but he was bringing things forward.

    It's going to be nice to have a Canadian presence in the super-hero world again. From what I've heard, these guys (Oeming & Kolins) have a lot of talent. Omega may not be Alpha... but I have a lot of hope that they'll be decent successors.

  6. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by DMK
    I love the Byrne run wholeheartedly, and have gotten into knock-down drag-em-out fights with people (Ed, was that you?) ...
    BWAH-HA-HA! Probably. But if I recall correctly, it remained quite civil.

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    Lobdell made the same promise, too, btw.
    - Le Messor
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me seven times, shame on me."
    - Futurama
    I think both of these guys honestly had intentions of bringing back the glory of the originals at some point. It's just unfortunate that the way that they went about it didn't enable them to gain enough of a fan following to allow them the opportunity to succeed. I guess that the same argument could be used for this new attempt, but at least they have been given another attempt. If Marvel immediately shot down all Alpha pitches that instantly involved the original team, this may very well be the only way that they can be brought back. I guess only time will tell if the third time is truly the charm...

  8. #38
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I should take the time here to say I love that Snowbird picture.

    I don't like the headband on her in bird form, it just doesn't work for me.
    But this guy can draw. And, he draws like he knows what an owl actually looks like. (So many artists just draw 'a bird' without reference to species or geography.) New actor for Snowbird: Hedwig!

    I hated the Nickleodeon style of the cartoonists they got for the last two volumes, but I like Kollins' style on this drawing. (Can't tell enough from the other one.)

    - Le Messor
    "An ill-chosen word is the fool's messenger."

  9. #39


    Well, sorry to bump an old thread, but...

    I'm likely in the minority, but I'm now leaning towards hoping that the death of the original members was legit. Too many parts of Alpha flight were goofed and I've reached the point where I didn't think it could really be cleaned up. The continuity is a mess, and continuity's very important to me.

    So blow it up and rebuild it, even if a lot of it is from scratch.

    This goes against what I used to argue in volume three. Maybe it's just the different name now (I recall posting "if it's all new and all different, then don't call it Alpha Flight) or maybe I've just given up on the idea that Alpha Flight as I want it can ever exist anymore. This isn't claiming to be Alpha Flight so I'm not expecting it to be.

    I'm hoping that Mr Oeming does for this team Omega Flight what Geoff Johns did for JSA. Take a bunch of messed up characters and re-energize them with (in no particular order)...

    a) New versions of older characters (Mr Terrific, Dr. Midnite).
    b) Relatives of the originals (Hourman)
    c) New blood (Captain Marvel)
    d) Originals (Green Lantern, Flash, Wildcat)

    Those are pretty well the only types you can have, I think.

    To me, the trick is in the ratio. Right now, it looks a little heavy in the "new blood" department. Still, I'm giving it a shot and hoping for the best. Characters like Dr Fate and Hawkman were well restored while still paying tribute to their convoluted history. I'm hoping that the same is done with a significant portion of Alpha's past while building something new as Omega. Looking forward to it.

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by Ottawa Renegade
    Well, sorry to bump an old thread, but...

    I'm likely in the minority, but I'm now leaning towards hoping that the death of the original members was legit. Too many parts of Alpha flight were goofed and I've reached the point where I didn't think it could really be cleaned up. The continuity is a mess, and continuity's very important to me.

    So blow it up and rebuild it, even if a lot of it is from scratch.
    I agree. There are many differences between v3 and what we know of this new series. V3 was promoted as a "funny" book from the begining. Oh it was a joke alright. Lobdell had stated that even though the team was new, he would bring the originals back, when really we wanted them from the start. We waited through 6 months and 6 decompressed issued to find that they were all alive and well!!!... yet all going away into space... They were alive and available but he wasn't using them! Making a joke of what was left.

    With Alpha now killed off panel, we don't know who's dead and who's alive. I think we're all prepared now for all but a few to be dead. The fact that they are dead brings more acceptance, at least for me, for new characters. Puck isn't in space, he's dead. He wasn't put aside so a Dudley Do-Right clone could be used instead, he's dead. Ok, well that's too bad, show some remourse in the book and move on. Don't explain his whole convoluted history, don't bring up Razzar, just give him a little tribute for the good times and honour him.

    At least this time the roster that is replacing Alpha isn't a bunch of nobodies that no one cares about. Each character has it's own history (albeit less convoluted) and their own fans. I think that fact, plus such a great writer in Oeming will be enough for sales to finally get us past that 12-20 issue hump.

    I'm probably in the minority here, but I'd much rather Sasquatch, who is my favorite character, be martyred then be humiliated by changing sexes again.

  11. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Powersurge
    I haven't read much of vol.2, or all of vol.1 (and none of vol.3 , but one the things that I really liked about it were the Epsilon troopers. It would have been nice to see them working in support of the heroes, perhaps being given a bit of space on their own, setting up a larger story, perhaps even being the central figures for an issue or two.
    I liked the concept of the Epsilon Guard, too. They were a little over-designed, but generally a good idea.

    I think that the EG should be re-imagined as the "secret service" for Alpha Flight and Dept H - guarding the headquarters, watching over their families, acting as pilots and drivers, and they would be available as story-line "phaser bait."

  12. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Snowsquatch
    Quote Originally Posted by Powersurge
    I think that the EG should be re-imagined as the "secret service" for Alpha Flight and Dept H - guarding the headquarters, watching over their families, acting as pilots and drivers, and they would be available as story-line "phaser bait."
    Well they're already wearing red.

  13. #43
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canucklehead
    At least this time the roster that is replacing Alpha isn't a bunch of nobodies that no one cares about. Each character has it's own history (albeit less convoluted)
    Actually that's a disadvantage, for me.

    Now I'm the one who'll have a hard time following stories; I don't think I've ever read a story with any of the new Flyers in it. 'cept Choosing Sides. And I might have a BRB back-up somewhere.
    (Oeming could, conceivably, ignore the new characters' continuity for our sakes; but then, what's the point of having them?)

    - Le Messor
    "I know the difference,
    Between myself and my reflection.
    I just can't help but to wonder,
    Which of us do you love?"
    - Evanescence

  14. #44


    I don't mind so much the reboot, but it would be nice to know who they want alive and dead. I think they'll maybe rethink who is dead and maybe only one or two will be that way. However, if they go with a revenge or something theme in OF then most would be dead.

    Maybe that Civil War: initiative will speak to that and all. How they get togethjer, why OF is OF and not AF, why they are short of personnel (for good reason, not lame).
    Time and Tide, no, wait.
    Go Leafs, Go Stamps, Go Omega Flight!

  15. #45


    Ottawa renegade said:

    a) New versions of older characters (Mr Terrific, Dr. Midnite).
    b) Relatives of the originals (Hourman)
    c) New blood (Captain Marvel)
    d) Originals (Green Lantern, Flash, Wildcat)

    I couldn't agree more. JSA was one of my favourite books and I can't wait for the new series(why they had to stop it is beyond me!!).

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